Arthur - Wow, what a great encouraging post, thanks! You're not alone, I think most of us have loss lots of money over the last few years trying to work from home! When I first got online in November 2000 I remember thinking, OK now I've found a new creative way to lose money! (before that I had been trying business program marketing offline)
That's why I'm so intense about this, it's so exciting now to have several program where I'm making money and for me that's something to get excited about!!!!
You've got it exactly right! The program mentioned in this thread and my other thread about earning from building a contact list allows you to start small and build from there. As you share these marketing resources with others you can put your earnings back into this program, earn 12% daily from it and grow that nest egg even further!
It's a small start but as others duplicate what you are doing, you may be surprised before the end of the year as to your results.
Well, thanks again for your post!