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Visitors Come To Your Websites and YOU Earn CASH!
9/8/2005 10:25:32 PM
~ ~ ~ ~ Here's one more marketing resource for you that can earn you cash and bring traffic to your websites. Some of you have shared with me that you've never earned anything yet working from home. That can all change this month with just this one marketing resource and you don't even have to refer anyone to earn money. I have a friend who I've known for several years. He highly recommended this program to me. The program is several months old and has been paying out on time, and I can testify that I've gotten paid right on time several times as well! This is a paid to surf auto-surf program. My friend is really into monitoring these and keeping up with them. (something I don't have the time to do) And he also has followed the forum for this program for several months and members are happy and getting paid on time. In fact about a month ago my friend had the nerve to be complaining to me. He had a major problem, his account balance with this program had grown to almost $6000. What was the problem? Well, he was whining because it was going to take him several weeks to get up to $12,000. Was I sympathetic with my friend's woes??? No, not really, I kinda wanted to reach out and slap him, but since he's in another state and we were talking on the phone that wasn't possible. But I pretty much let him know how much sympathy I had for his "problem." hee hee OK, this is how the program works, I'll share the basic features and benefits and then you can go the website and check it out for yourself. There is even a forum where you can ask questions and get support which is really nice, although I've never had to use it, because my friend explained to me how it works and I'll do the same for you right here. I think before the end of the year I should be earning a full-time income from this one marketing resource alone. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * •••• You can start out as a free member. Free members can surf but they don't earn any money as a free member. After 7 days if they don't upgrade, their account is cancelled. When you upgrade you can get started with anything from $6 - $6000. So this program is affordable for everyone. What you put in has to be in some form of $6 increments, so you can put in $18, not $20. •••• For 12 straight days it puts into your account balance 12% of what you put into it. So for example at the end of 12 days if you put in $100 you would have $144. Five to seven business days after your 12 days of surfing are over, the money will automatically be sent to your egold or StormPay account. You don't have to request it. As soon as you receive payment you can put it back in and start surfing and earning again or you can keep your money. If your account is inactive for 30 days after you've received your cash, your account is closed. •••• You have to surf each day to earn your money, if you miss a day you lose all the money that would have been paid out to you for that particular day. You can't make it up on another day. I've found it real helpful to surf when I first get online before I do anything else. Otherwise I have a tendency to forget. •••• Every time one of your referrals puts money in, you receive 12% of what they put in. That money is automatically included in the amount that is sent to your account when your next units expires. •••• If you're in-between units waiting to receive your money you're considered inactive and you earn a lower percentage on any referrals who put money in during your inactive period. So it's best to have 2 positions and start the second one about 7 - 10 days after you started the first position, that way you'll always be active and you'll always receive 12% when you have a referral put money in. •••• In less than 20 minutes I earn my 12% for the day and since it's auto-surf I can be doing other things, you know like brushing my teeth, etc. etc. :-) •••• But the wonderful thing is that since it's only a few websites, folks will see your websites. I've noticed websites from time to time and I've opened up the window so I could take a look at the website, others will be doing the same with your websites, so it's a very good way to have real people see your websites. •••• You can have your traffic going to more than one website. Right now I'm directing all of my traffic to my Star 2000 free test drive website because it's the one that is sending me weekly and monthly checks. I haven't seen any other Star 2000 websites so some of my referrals in Star may want to use this program to get some traffic to those websites. •••• The last time I checked I had 58 referrals in Forced List Profits. (hard to believe that this program just launched on Sunday). Obviously this is a brand new program that most people haven't seen so some of my referrals in that program would do well to jump in and start advertising Forced List Profits. •••• My AAN referrals would do well to start directing some traffic to that website. •••• This is a way to really start generating a nice income before the year is out. It's doesn't take long for 12% daily to really multiply your money if you put it back in each time it's paid out to you. •••• If you want to earn more than 12% of the money you can afford to put in, just spread the word about this program. Everyone you can think of needs to know about this because even someone with a little money can start earning big with the combination of the 12% and the referral pay. You never know, you may sponsor some one that eventually puts in hundreds or thousands again and again. And each time they start a new units you earn 12% again and again and again. Just imagine how much money my friend's sponsor is making off of him! Wow. And if you put all your earnings back in you really could be earning thousands before the year is over. Even people who tell you that they are not interested in a work from home business may jump at the chance to earn 12% daily without having to refer anyone or Internet Market. Also in way this will work like a MLM program, because earnings of folks below you will impact you as your referrals earn more through their referrals and start putting in more you'll earn more so you can put back in more yourself. You'll also find that some folks who start out very small at first will surprise you by eventually putting in hundreds or thousands, once they test the system awhile and realize that it's legit and that it really works and pays out on time. It's been going fine for months with no glitches. I trust my friend's report on this because he is my friend and he really keeps up on these surfing programs because he's not into MLM or internet marketing at the moment, he just concentrates on earning big with these surfing programs. He works in the post office and he got turned onto auto surfing pay programs when another co-worker showed him his check from another auto surf program. This guy was earning a full-time income from the program and it was paying out a lot less than 12% daily. •••• Also when you surf you can't upgrade your account on the same day. So you always want to upgrade first on that day and then do your surfing. I learned that one the hard way. If you surf then you will have to wait to upgrade the next day. Right now I have one pending position where the money will be sent to my account any day now. When I log in before I do my daily surf I check to see if I still have the one pending transaction. When I log on and don't see the pending position anymore, I will make sure to transfer that money into another position and then I'll do my surfing for the day. ~ ~ ~ ~ It's just always nice to have another income stream coming in, so all of your financial eggs aren't in one basket and if you can do that and market your programs at the same time, it's just the perfect marketing dream. I'm doing my best to make sure I build several income streams. This marketing resource can help you to do the same.

I've enjoyed making money working from home for over 8 years. I have a real passion to show others how to do the same.

All members share in a revenue profit pool that is paid out several times a day! You don't have to sponsor to participate and earn. Get paid very well just for advertising your business. No daily sub commitment. Start with as little as a one time $2 ad. This site has a write up that explains what makes this income stream so unique. ~ ~

~ Register for free today. ===>>>

This income cash strategy paid me $500 the first week that I tried it. Since then it has paid me over and over again. Now it come with a free Marketing System. You can also access marketing resources and training to help you to build any business. You can be paid in 48 hours.~ ~ ~

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Re: Visitors Come To Your Websites and YOU Earn CASH!
9/8/2005 10:38:55 PM
Hi Felicia, Thanks for the offer, but I am not into auto surfers much any more. I wish you much success! Blessings, Marion
Highest Paying Business Network In The World! NEW REVOLUTIONARY ANTI-AGING BREAKTHROUGH!!! NO MORE PILLS OR JUICE, just spray nutrients in your mouth!
Flag of Gene Tinney

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Re: Visitors Come To Your Websites and YOU Earn CASH!
9/8/2005 10:44:58 PM
hi Felicia! thank you for that. your friend Gene
Flag of Felicia Harris

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Re: Visitors Come To Your Websites and YOU Earn CASH!
9/8/2005 10:55:00 PM
You're welcome Gene.

I've enjoyed making money working from home for over 8 years. I have a real passion to show others how to do the same.

All members share in a revenue profit pool that is paid out several times a day! You don't have to sponsor to participate and earn. Get paid very well just for advertising your business. No daily sub commitment. Start with as little as a one time $2 ad. This site has a write up that explains what makes this income stream so unique. ~ ~

~ Register for free today. ===>>>

This income cash strategy paid me $500 the first week that I tried it. Since then it has paid me over and over again. Now it come with a free Marketing System. You can also access marketing resources and training to help you to build any business. You can be paid in 48 hours.~ ~ ~

Flag of Lisa Westberry

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Re: Visitors Come To Your Websites and YOU Earn CASH!
9/8/2005 11:05:53 PM
This was really Great. Thank you. Your friend,

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