Hi Kathy and all,
I just rec'd a notification from Bogdan about this matter and responded to Agnes with the following letter. I feel it won't hurt to express my feelings about this here, either :-)
"Hi Agnes,
My heart goes out to your sister, Sarah and every other person whose life Hurricane Katrina affected - directly or indirectly.
Honestly, this includes every person living in the USA or Canada, as well as many other countries. The direct affect to all of us in North America is gas prices - in comparing your gallon to my litre, my gas is now $5.28 a gallon - it was $3.56 a gallon.
As I live in Canada, in a retirement community of 13,000, I don't believe there is much I can do to help with your sister's employment or living circumstances, except pray for her. I have no money to even offer to help her with at this time.
I wish you the best in helping to bring some semblance of order back into your lives.
There will be "hell to pay" for the response times and I think every citizen of the USA deserves to know what kind of political BS can take "priority" over getting what is NEEDED so desperately to those in need. I have been following a lot on CNN, not much in comparison to their coverage, but enough to have a good idea of what is going on.
Looking at the pictures they show reminded me of seeing storm and flood victims in the monsoon rain areas of India, etc. My biggest concern for those living down there is what they are going to do with the water they are pumping out of the city of New Orleans ??? Are they pumping it straight back out into Lake Pontchartain, the Mississippi River or the Gulf of Mexico OR will they be FILTERING it first ??? We can see how contaminated the water is with gas, oil etc., never mind the human and aniimal waste and bodies present, along with many other toxins and toxic chemicals and substances. I hope that when I do find out what they're doing with it, it's the "right thing".
Love and prayers to you and yours.
Max Welton
Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada"
I hope that when all is said and done that should another disaster occur, it won't take as long for the politicians to get off their a$$es and do their jobs. I do believe there will be "heads rolling" over this, or should be, but we'll have to wait and see. As long as the findings of the investigations are made PUBLIC and not quashed from the citizens, the "truth" MIGHT be told AND known to all.
I have seen a few interviews of private citizens who have been helping in the rescue effort that have NOT "bit their tongues" in showing their displeasure with the bureaucrats over what has happened with the relief effort.
God bless
Max Welton
Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada