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Robert Vaughan

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Re: It's Time to Congratulate JAYSON VANBEEKOM, the 192nd POTW!
6/10/2009 1:45:25 PM
Hi Kathleen and Thomas. Hello Jayson, CONGRATULATIONS my Dear friend. So Pleased that you have been awarded POTW Award 192th. Great Read about your Childhood !! I used to be able to remember mine to ! LOL You Enjoy this Week jayson, you Deserve it, and I am delighted for you. Take Care. Best Wishes Bob Vaughan U.K. Gold Member
Robert D Vaughan
Jayson VanBeekom

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Re: It's Time to Congratulate JAYSON VANBEEKOM, the 192nd POTW!
6/10/2009 2:00:45 PM
Hello Branka, and thank you for reading. There are so many other stories I could've posted, but I felt moody today LOL. Not really, but its what came to mind first, so I rolled with it. Enjoy your day  :)
Jayson VanBeekom

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Re: It's Time to Congratulate JAYSON VANBEEKOM, the 192nd POTW!
6/10/2009 2:03:46 PM
Thanks Sara. Yes, school was tough, but I may have over exaggerated a bit. I'll do that sometimes lol. But to be the winner of the POTW really surprised me, so I thought I should try a story with a bit more seriousness (and I don't like being serious).
Jayson VanBeekom

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Re: It's Time to Congratulate JAYSON VANBEEKOM, the 192nd POTW!
6/10/2009 2:05:51 PM
Thanks Jeff. I'll be in the spotlight this week, but I don't think I'll enjoy it. After all, my goofy picture will be staring me in the face for the time, and I think I'm weird looking LOL.
Jayson VanBeekom

796 Posts
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Re: It's Time to Congratulate JAYSON VANBEEKOM, the 192nd POTW!
6/10/2009 2:07:59 PM
Thanks Alain. I suppose you could call it karma that I had a hard time in high school. I was once a bully to a kid in elementary school, and I'm not proud of it. It all comes back to you in the end.