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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/19/2009 4:35:41 PM

Dear Kathleen,

Please forgive my long delay in replying; actually I have no excuse for it. I remember seeing your post like so many times before, but I had some things to do and I left it to post my answer back for the day after. I don't exactly know what happened next, or how, until now, when it dawned on me that it was not so.

You are right; I have put some good effort into this thread, particularly in my responses to every one. All the visitors have been first class and their feedback was so interesting and meaningful that it deserved all my dedication and time. Of course, the fact that it was Bosch made it all the more meritorious of it. I guess the effort dilutes when you do something you like and enjoy so much.

Another reason is your own example, you always put such a lot of effort in what you do, and not only here in this forum and thread but everywhere. I have had many an opportunity to think like this in the last few days.

In the other hand, I am not very sure whether I have always been equal to the task. Anyway, I deeply appreciate your words of praise; I know you are sincere on top of kind.

You are also so right in that it takes a lot of L O V E of my audience. Of all visitors, you are perhaps the person I have thought of the most with L O V E over this thread.

As to my precise translations, I prefer to think that I do not translate but am more and more thinking in English, so that when I must write anything in that language, I just write. However, it is so obvious that it is not the case and that I still have to translate, even if I need less and less to look at the dictionary; also, I am never very sure that what I write is right... I may just be talking nonsense and the worst of all is, I will always be the last to know about it.


Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Branka Babic

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9/27/2009 4:57:01 AM


Hello Luis,

here is a little poem which you inspired with your forum.

I dedicate this to you and to art.



I Like to Think So

(c) Roger Macdivitt 2009


What is it that flows from this pen?

Mere ink? Mere thoughts? More?

What of the value, who will decide?

Would I die for mere words, personally crafted?

No, but for the right to express myself,

I like to think so.


What is it that flies from this chisel?

Mere stone? Mere dust? More?

What of the result? Sculpture or dross?

Would I die for my stone, lovingly wrought?

No, but for the right to make a statement?

I like to think so.


What is it that my brush transfers?

Colourful Paint?, Bright Ideas, More?

My work, merited, understood, by whom and when?

Would I die for my canvas, daubed?

No, but for the freedom to work so,

I like to think so.


What is it that leaves my piano’s strings?

Is it a note, a chord or a concerto?

Inspired, learned or improvised?

Would I die to play?

No, but I’d die for the right to share.

I like to think so.


What is it that flows from true art?

Is it soul? A message? Something beyond?

Profound, disturbing or revealing.

Would I die to save my art?

No. But I’d die to defend art’s future.

I like to think so.




Miguel and Roger,


Love the both very much !

(I like to think so)


Roger Macdivitt .

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9/27/2009 9:06:24 AM



Thank you for bringing me back to my own words for the second time this week.

When I read this it takes me back to the night that I wrote it. I can remember the moment, I can remember what it felt like afterwards, but I still don't recall the process. I remember being excited by the result and of being forced to share it.

It always sounds conceited when people say that they were inspired. I am sure that I was.

Art is like sport and true humanity. It is a manifestation of the human spirit, a glimpse of the God inside of us. True, wrongdoing and greed infiltrate the edges of all three, BUT, it is the very RIGHT TO EXPRESS ourselves that keeps the integrity.

If I inspire one other to express a feeling or emotion that they have harboured deep inside, then I feel justified in the means. If that thought was bad it needed sharing for when it remains unchallenged it will grow. If the thought was beautiful it will enter other hearts and swell the Love there.

I like to think that I would die to defend art and freedom of thought, but, I pray to God that I'm never called upon to do so.

To -  Luis, Branka and many of my friends here.

We will never agree on everything but I defend your right to express yourself however you think fit, after all, you are the one who has to accept the outcome.

Branka, you have publicly stated your love for this ALP. I share it as I know Luis does, but the last few weeks have proved to me that there are other great forums out there in cyberspace. I have made new friends who I shall invite here, however, there is something special here that brings so many back.

Whatever his original intent was, Bogdan attracted the best of people here and this is what will make this platform shine out above the others for a long time.

I hope to take up my poetry again soon. Life's happenings have determined my recent actions,however, I intend to bring inspiration like this, Sam's forum. I have been reading poetry at a literature networkand so much is love lost, fear, pain, hatred, need I go on? As I said before here, the right and the need to express those emotions I will defend but I make myself the promise that I will try to bring new joy instead of old remembered pain.

I love ALP for it's people.






Branka Babic

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9/27/2009 1:09:32 PM




Thank you for bringing me back to my own words for the second time this week.

When I read this it takes me back to the night that I wrote it. I can remember the moment, I can remember what it felt like afterwards, but I still don't recall the process. I remember being excited by the result and of being forced to share it.

It always sounds conceited when people say that they were inspired. I am sure that I was.

Art is like sport and true humanity. It is a manifestation of the human spirit, a glimpse of the God inside of us. True, wrongdoing and greed infiltrate the edges of all three, BUT, it is the very RIGHT TO EXPRESS ourselves that keeps the integrity.

If I inspire one other to express a feeling or emotion that they have harboured deep inside, then I feel justified in the means. If that thought was bad it needed sharing for when it remains unchallenged it will grow. If the thought was beautiful it will enter other hearts and swell the Love there.

I like to think that I would die to defend art and freedom of thought, but, I pray to God that I'm never called upon to do so.

To -  Luis, Branka and many of my friends here.

We will never agree on everything but I defend your right to express yourself however you think fit, after all, you are the one who has to accept the outcome.

Branka, you have publicly stated your love for this ALP. I share it as I know Luis does, but the last few weeks have proved to me that there are other great forums out there in cyberspace. I have made new friends who I shall invite here, however, there is something special here that brings so many back.

Whatever his original intent was, Bogdan attracted the best of people here and this is what will make this platform shine out above the others for a long time.

I hope to take up my poetry again soon. Life's happenings have determined my recent actions,however, I intend to bring inspiration like this, Sam's forum. I have been reading poetry at a literature networkand so much is love lost, fear, pain, hatred, need I go on? As I said before here, the right and the need to express those emotions I will defend but I make myself the promise that I will try to bring new joy instead of old remembered pain.

I love ALP for it's people.







My dear Roger,

I need this song, to keep me the same time, as deep and as up as I only can be lately :)  (not streched - but ... WHOLE :) ). (Singer is CRO GOD of pop-musics; he hates Serbs - but I can`t than love him).

I understand you, and know exactly how do you feel. The same problem I have had last Christmas, when needed to be apart of ALP. At once - quantity and quality of energy was ... unbearable for me.

BUT YOU, JUDY WOODSON AND BEVERLY K. SENT ME AN AMAZING PMs - and literally helped me to raise up and to stay.

I know how much Miguel and you love ALP . And the problem is exactly in that love. TWO AMAZING LIGHTS HAVE ATTRACTED ALL ... EMPTY OF LIGHT, AND IT has SHUTTERED THE BOTH OF YOU. The same happened to Luka. One day he was sure he won`t be able to survive (really, physically) . This time I was ready, and was full of so powerful love that nothing couldn`t shutter me. Look at Bogdan!  Bogdan is not a machine. His heart could be felt - I hope you`d agree with me. Of course that Bogdan has not only love for ALP - but also his interests. But he is also just a human being. Surely, one who works on himself. WE ARE SIMPLY NOT PERMITTED TO HAVE ANY PAUSE IN OUR SELF-DEVELOPMENT. We may do that - but as you could see, it has so high price. LIFT UP DEAR ROGER !!!!

Fortunately - this main negative wave is behind us. OF COURSE ALP WILL BE WHAT IT ALWAYS WAS. Some people will leave, but another will come.

And those who will stay - will benefit in the way known only to them (us) :) .

Love you very very much,




Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/2/2009 3:11:26 AM

Dear Roger and Branka,

What can I say?  Of course I love AdlandPro, and that love has been increasing especially in the last few months - even growing up exponentially. And this kind of love is usually accompanied by a dose of hatred. After all, "You only hate what you love", as says the lyrics of a popular song from my country. That hatred may simply be a manifestation of our inner resistance to change. But at least in my case, I think it just has to do with time - my time.

I love Adland essentially for its people, though its features too have always played a significant role in my love. I hate it essentially for the time it may steal from me. When I hate someone or something it usually is because I feel treasoned in my love for that person or thing. And, what better reason to feel treasoned than be stolen of your time by either one.

I recently wrote a post which I have not been able to find back after the change in format. I don't even remember what forum or whose forum I wrote it in. It told of how I feel when I spend my time writing one of my "articles" (as I call them) usually at Jill's "Mountain of Love."  I will not tell you again how it feels while I write, it would be pointless since the two of you also know that feeling and besides, it is not that important because it is how I feel after I have finished my writing that is important. I feel like I would not change myself for any person in the world.

I recently tried to explain it to Kathleen in a post. Particularly if I write in the most spontaneous possible way, the feeling of contentment is beyond words after my article - or whatever - has been finished: My breathing becomes deliciously calm and fresh, rythmic but sweet, my body feels light but at the same time very strong, I stand happily erect and, better than anything else, I cannot stop smiling. I really would not change myself for anyone. 

I will not go further into this, lest you will begin to hate me for stealing your time. I will only say that until recently, writing was a discovery for me; now it has become a passion. At certain moments, it is an obsession. But I need all of my time to feed that passion.

At sixty four, time is no joke.  

Other than that, I have been feeling a change not only in myself but also in many people, including you, that may somehow be a reflection of the general shift that is perceived in the whole world. If that change comes from the heart, it can only be for good - both in ourselves and, by extension, in the whole world (or it may be all the way round. But however it is, one would have to be blind to fail to perceive that the world is accelerately changing, or trying to accelerately change, for good - if that change is at all still possible before everything goes wrong on a global scale. And we are in the middle of that global change, and we are part of that change. The theme is too ample to be treated here, but something is telling me that I am not entirely wrong in my appreciation: something is going on in ourselves, and surely on a global scale too, that can be the prelude to much greater things in the future. And we might very shortly know what it is all about.


Luis Miguel Goitizolo


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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