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Thomas Richmond

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Re: If Jesus Were Alive Today
6/3/2009 10:01:40 AM
Greetings gang and Nick, thanks for your recent post, rabbi Jesus did have a temper why? cuz he was God sent from on High to give us proof that our creator wanted us to worship him and him alone from the beginning. In Revelation 3:14-22 you can read how angry he is talking to the Church in Laodicea. V.19 reads Those whom I love, I rebuke and discipline. So be earnist, and repent. Just to save text you can read it yourself. To all my Adlandpro friends, my grandmother past away this morning at 4:30 pacific coast time of 94 , she died gracefully, she had stomach cancer, its been almost 5 years since i lived here in Carlsbad to look after her. God's love is sufficient for all of you but its you who have to return that love if we are all going to get along. God_bless you. - Thomas
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Jo Matthias

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Re: If Jesus Were Alive Today
6/3/2009 2:08:10 PM

Hello Thomas,

I am very sorry to hear of the loss of your Grandmother.  You are a good friend and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. 

Take special care,


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Kim Stilwell

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Re: If Jesus Were Alive Today
6/3/2009 8:44:20 PM
Yes Thomas, Here's to Gramma! God blessed her with long life and you have been blessed by some years with her I am sure. I have a good Gramma in heaven too and my favorite brother in law, not so long ago at only 50, and you know what Tom? It's a very real feeling to me that they are only gone from my view, but not really gone gone. This brother in law was visited by his deceased dad only months before he suddenly died; he told us then he thought dad was coming for mom but now we know it was him. The sadness is only ours; it's not for those who go to Jesus, Amen? ............................................ Hey Nick, I really did not disagree, because I know how Jesus got mad at the Temple when he overthrew all the money tables. Again, I see God's man resembling him in many ways. Even a good father here, one who has great patience and love, will get angry once in awhile. God's anger "was kindled"...that phrase is found often in the Old Testament. This is why I say he's not a sweet mushy pie, who says, let wrath have it's way in your life, for no reason? No...Because "Vengence is mine saith the Lord; I will repay." The day will come when his anger will be like a cup of wrath boiling over upon all those who continue to deny him and rail at him and who have spilled the blood of his people, his holy men, his Prophets, in the face of his extreme love and patience, and for the sake of his beloved Son who paid the highest price, who man in his wickedness and denial mocked and crucified. This God is also a God of Perfect Justice or else he would NOT be a God of Perfect Love! The Day of Recompense will come, and as The Lord says again, "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a Living God." So, you are Right Nick, and I say again, we are facing a God who created us in "His" image, and I do marvel at that reality sometimes...just how down to earth maybe, he really is! Kim
Nick Sym

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Re: If Jesus Were Alive Today
6/3/2009 9:29:30 PM
Dearest Brother Thomas

I know your Grandmother must have been very proud of you my friend !

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Thomas Richmond

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Re: If Jesus Were Alive Today
6/3/2009 11:36:15 PM

Thank you Kim and Nick for your thoughts and condolences, Diane B put out a thread for me you can find it in her forum. God_bless you my dear friends of the faith!

You know He is strong when We are weak! :)

Love Tom

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