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Jo Matthias

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Re: If Jesus Were Alive Today
5/31/2009 7:36:20 PM

Jesus spoke Aramaic.  People understood him because that was what God intended.  He did not speak in 'tongues', he spoke his language and people of all nationalities understood what he said.

If Jesus were alive today, he would be ashamed of all of us.

I appreciate your post Nick, Thank you for sharing.

Have a wonderful and blessed day!


Take care,


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Thomas Richmond

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Re: If Jesus Were Alive Today
5/31/2009 8:09:54 PM

Tongues meaning Language, right what you say Jo about rabbi Jesus knowing all language, speaking in specific language related to the people, but what makes it so different today as it was back then for rabbi Jesus to be ashamed of us?

Don't we have freedom of choice and dont the religious believers have freedom in Christ? I think personally rabbi Jesus would do the same exact things has he did and was documented in His Holy bible today, and always remember Jesus does love you, all of us...

But it's up to us to return that love in which he walked through Gethsemane to be whipped (flogged) and then posted on a cross like a piece of paper on a poll.  No i think we have it to easy, technolgy, computers, cars and of course smog lol

None of those existed as they do now, being a confused people we have accomplished this, we lose focus to easy to be bothered with what the big picture is for each of us walking, breathing and eating on this planet to be so concerend of what God wants. 

I't would be another miracle to have Him come down right now, i pray that he does sometime soon! But in the meantime he gave us a way out, something to look foreword to, this is the goal we all should have, mistakes come and go, were not perfect but we can sure strive to be perfect ...if we don't give up the faith!

God_bless you and your family Jo :)

Your preacher boy lol

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Jo Matthias

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Re: If Jesus Were Alive Today
5/31/2009 8:40:40 PM

Shalom Thomas,

I just believe that our Jesus would be ashamed that we as a people all over the world are as bad as we are....Jerusalum(SP), the arab nations, and it seems that the muslim world, the jewish world, the catholic world, the christian world are all at odds with each other.  I know that I have not mentioned all the religions in the world.  But think about it, would our Lord appreciate what we are doing today?

I believe that Christ will return in my lifetime.  His return is imminent.

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Jo Matthias

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Re: If Jesus Were Alive Today
5/31/2009 8:44:20 PM

I know that I did not answer everything in your post, I will try to get back with more.....


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Thomas Richmond

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Re: If Jesus Were Alive Today
5/31/2009 9:33:36 PM

Rabbi Jesus was human so therefore he did have feelings and yes he did cry, yes he would think twice about the world of today but don't we all? It's a mess correct but not with following a path of righteusness it wont be, each individual must follow his or her own path...where ever that leads to,

 but as for me i have a path already set for me , i just have to keep on that pathway and the only way i personally know how is by follwing my heart, ealier today i published a thread about (Being in Love) in my Encourage my soul forum, i think that sums up my existance here on earth,

I was stubborn and some of you have read my story, i let the world drag me down for years , even when i was blaming my folks for something they couldnt help themselves, i realized all of that at 32 and at 33 on April 3rd- Easter weekend in front of 300 Disciples at the Hyatt Regency in downtown L.A. struggles will always come ,

 it dont matter how rich, how strong or how knowledgeable you are they will come, rabbi Jesus taught us how to overcome, we just have to put them into practice. :) 

Hey Nick another hot topic would'nt you agree ? lol.

Like i said before not all of us found our paths just yet,

 there is still time.

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