Hi Jim,
Thanks so much for helping us to remember all those who have fought and died that we might live free.
Like you, my family has all served in at least one of the many wars over the years. Dad and most of my Uncles were in Germany and Italy during WWII, many of my Teachers and Friend's Dads served in Korea, I and my Friends were all Vietnam-era, and now I have two Nephews and one Niece in either Iraq or Afghanistan. Actually, we are lucky enough to have two Veteran's Hospitals without a couple of hours drive from home, so several of us visit either the Facility in Salisbury or Durham, both on Memorial Day as well as on Veterans Day in November. Unfortunately, many of these folks are either far from home or simply don't seem to have anyone who cares, so they seem to really enjoy the visits. Believe me, the smiles on their faces would make the trip well worthwhile and so rewarding, even if it were hundreds of miles away.
May we never forget.
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Wishing You And Your Family
A Safe And Happy Memorial Day,