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Nick Sym

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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK Ending May 19th for the 189th POTW: WINNER IS JILL
5/20/2009 8:45:02 PM

Great Job Dear

Kathleen and Thomas!

Hello Dearest Sister Jill

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Thomas Richmond

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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK Ending May 19th for the 189th POTW: WINNER IS JILL
5/20/2009 8:56:16 PM

Nick and Alain, thank you for the love my friends :) :) youre welcome, Kathy is more of the perfectionist than i am,

although we see the same

she's the one who really puts out all the stops for the POTW :)

POTW Partner Thomas.

God_bless you friends :)

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK Ending May 19th for the 189th POTW: WINNER IS JILL
5/20/2009 9:29:15 PM

Thanks, Thomas.

Perfectionist? Me? What you don't know will make you even crazier...I write my shopping list in the order of the store aisles, and also arrange my pile of coupons the same way, the stuff I walk past first is at the top of the list and the top of the coupon pile, and sometimes buying the brand name on sale WITH a coupon can actually be cheaper than the store brand, so if people tell you that's not true, they are WRONG.  But then again sometimes the store brand DOES cost less...that's why it's good to know how to walk and do math in your head at the same time.


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