2010 Peace Day Global Broadcast for celebration of the United Nations International Day of Peace.
What an exciting time the last 10 days or so has been, starting with the “Ringing of The Peace Bells at the United Nation’s Building in New York on 17th September and culminating on 23rd Sept.
This special time proved to be an experience for many, that was inspiring, challenging and also very humbling and those who had the opportunity to see some of the 24 hour continuous Live Streaming I am sure would have been touched by the enormity of what needs to be done, but also by what has been achieved over the last few years.
Sixty-four current and former heads of state and 1,000 leaders from the government, business, and philanthropy have been meeting this week to share insights and ideas, forge New Partnerships, and commit to taking action on global issues.
On http://peaceday.tv/unfoundation there is a 1-hour Documentary made up of mainly UN Foundation videos available on YouTube, that were sequenced by PeaceDay.tv and aired, on the 2010 Peace Day Global Broadcast for celebration of the United Nations International Day of Peace.
Like anything that is worthwhile it begins with You and Me and starts where we are right now.
Would you lilke to find out more?
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Come and join us and show that you Support Peace with the rest of us. You can even get your own Player and put it on your blogs or on your own Website. *
The PeaceDay.TV Media Player is already on your http://peace.mn Site and it is also on many of the other UBIEE Sites.
Let us all show that we “Support Peace.”

Marion’s testimonial:
“What an exciting time the last 10 days has been, starting with the “Ringing of The Peace Bells at the United Nation’s Building in New York on 17th September and culminating on 23rd Sept.
This special time proved to be an experience for many, that was inspiring, challenging and also very humbling. Those that had the opportunity to watch some of the 24 hour continuous Live Streaming I am sure would have been touched by the enormity of what needs to be done, but also by what has been achieved over the last few years.
We all know it can’t just stop there. Like anything that is worthwhile it begins with You and Me and starts where we are right now, So it is up to us to make sure that everything that has been started continues to work towards making our World a better place for Everyone where Peace, Love and Equality are the benchmarks for each and every Individual no matter where they live.
Marion Hume – Australia
Skype ID: marionandsyd
The 6 Musketeers Agency Contact: http://ub2.biz/ubidat3
* If you would like to put the player on your blog or site, you can get the widget embed code, by clicking here.