
RE: The 6 Musketeers Agency, All For One and One For All....... Let Us Help You Be Seen Online
11/8/2010 3:03:48 PM
The 6 Musketeers Agency

Latest UBIEE SEO PRO updates:

November 5th 2010 : UBIEE SEO PRO TF$ Customer Loyalty Login Bonus Suspended!.

For the time being all Login TF$ Customer Loyalty Bonuses are suspended until the end of the Year 2010.
We are working on some important changes.
To compensate you we have enhanced the Sponsor TF$ payment from 0,10 TF$ to 0,20 TF$.

64 x 0,20 TF$ = 12,80 TF$ per day from your Sponsored Members/Aspirants/Customers, WEBIEEs, TF-Partners, Agencies.

Now is the time to see how many people will really use the USP Service and also is an honest attempt to make you more sales for TF$ through the TF Trading Floor and to be able to convert TF$ sales into more money into your Bank Accounts. All Logins will show 0 Logins left per day for the time being.
Let's see how quickly people learn to appreciate the true value of the TF$. We request your full understanding for this issue to make our people become aware of the fascinating opportunity we have to offer using the TF$ correctly and with respect. We realized that sometimes you need to lose something to learn how valuable it is. For those that have ordered TF$ recently, you are certainly smiling. If you need more TF$ please check out the TF$ Trading Floor for specific offers.

UBIEE SEO PRO Presented by the 6 Musketeers

November 6th 2010 : UBIEE SEO PRO TF$ Customer Loyalty Login Bonus Updated!

Due to better Network performance for the Base calculations we have added 1 Login per day to the TF$ Customer Loyalty Login Bonus

USP Network Login Bonus

Many blessings,

Musketeer Sarah

on behalf of The 6 Musketeers Agency


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Sarah Pritchard

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RE: The 6 Musketeers Agency, All For One and One For All....... Let Us Help You Be Seen Online
11/23/2010 3:19:00 PM

Happy Anniversary UBIEE from The 6 Musketeers Agency!

Musketeer Marion Hume has prepared two videos on YouTube sharing the 8 UBIEE Solutions presented by The 6 Musketeers Agency.

You can see the full script and the videos on this blog page HERE.

Angel cuddles,

Musketeer Sarah

Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
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Sarah Pritchard

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RE: The 6 Musketeers Agency, All For One and One For All....... Let Us Help You Be Seen Online
11/26/2010 11:25:20 AM

UBIEE Elite 1 Team; we want a cleaner and peaceful Earth for our children and their children. Don’t you?

The 6 Musketeers Agency is a member of the UBIEE Elite 1 Team.
Musketeer Sarah made a video on YouTube.

The script for the UBIEE Elite 1 Team Video can be seen at this page on The 6 Musketeers' Blog:

We also wanted to share the Special Christmas deal for becoming a member of the Elite 1 Global Professional Team.

This is a great opportunity to join us.

For the special Christmas Deal of 120 €uros instead of 640 €uros, that is a saving of 520 €uros, go to the Elite 1 Players Stadium HERE!

Join UBIEE Elite 1 Team Christmas Deal

Many blessings,

Musketeer Sarah
On behalf of the Elite 1 Team

Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
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Sarah Pritchard

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RE: The 6 Musketeers Agency, All For One and One For All....... Let Us Help You Be Seen Online
1/3/2011 6:02:41 PM

“Climate change is here, and we have the solution!” says Musketeer Danielle Michiels


PowerPill Fe-3

Welcome to the
UBIEE-Green NATION, Together with Peaceday.TV
we will find a Solution.
By Presenting The UBiee PowerPill, which offers an environmental and cost effective solution.
We cannot wait another 10 years for new Technology to reduce our vehicle emissions.
The climate is changing, Climate change is here, and we have the solution!
The scientists now tell us we must act now, not in 10 years or more.

The UBiee PowerPill will:
° Reduce our vehicle greenhouse emissions by 78%
° Improve fuel economy.
° Increase engine power
° Act as lead substitute for older vehicules
° And much more…..
This is a cost effective solution for NOW – if you can afford the Fuel, you can afford the UBiee PowerPill, because the UBiee PowerPill will pay for itself in fuel economy. (and it is not that expensive!)

People want to know more about climate change and how they can reduce their
emissions. Get to know UBiee and what we can offer. Become an Environmental
Ambassador now and talk to your Family, your neighbours.

Whilst Industry and Governement are slowly making changes, you, as an indivudual, can take action now And be a part of the solution with the UBiee PowerPill.
This New Zealand product has been trialled and tested over 18 years and
it is safe for your vehicle, diesel or gasoline, or diesel biofuel.

I am sure you would like to take action, so please go to our Website, check it out and get some PowerPills and help us to make a difference.

Together we can change the world to make it a better place.
On behalf of The 6 Musketeers Agency

Musketeer Danielle Michiels

Danielle Michiels

UBiee GIA Ambassador

Skype: danymiche1

Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
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Sarah Pritchard

2408 Posts
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RE: The 6 Musketeers Agency, All For One and One For All....... Let Us Help You Be Seen Online
1/3/2011 6:21:36 PM

If you have checked the Updates recently, you will have seen that the Login Customer Loyalty Bonuses have been enhanced.

As a WEBIEE you can now Login 6 times a day = 6 X 1TF = 6TF$ Daily = 180TF$ a Month.
A Customer 5 Logins X 1TF Daily = 5TF$ = 150TF$ a Month.
An Aspirant 4 Logins X 1TF Daily = 4TF$ = 120TF$ a Month.
TF-Benefactor 3 Logins X 1TF Daily = 3TF$ = 90TF$ a Month.
Wannabiees 2 Logins X 1TF Daily = 2TF$ = 60TF$ a Month.
TF-Partner 7 Logins X 1TF Daily = 7TF$ = 210TF$ a Month.
Agencies 8 Logins X 1TF Daily = 8TF$ = 240TF$ a Month.

TF$ Login Bonus

Why not take advantage of this and start the New Year in Top Gear!

We, The 6 Musketeers, would like to wish you all a very succesful New year.

Best Regards,
Musketeer Marion Hume
Skype ID: marionandsyd

The 6 Musketeers, One for All and All for One

Contact The 6 Musketeers Agency

Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
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