UBiee PowerPill Fe-3
Welcome to the UBIEE-Green NATION, Together with Peaceday.TV
we will find a Solution.
By Presenting The UBiee PowerPill, which offers an environmental and cost effective solution.
We cannot wait another 10 years for new Technology to reduce our vehicle emissions.
The climate is changing, Climate change is here, and we have the solution!
The scientists now tell us we must act now, not in 10 years or more.
The UBiee PowerPill will:
° Reduce our vehicle greenhouse emissions by 78%
° Improve fuel economy.
° Increase engine power
° Act as lead substitute for older vehicules
° And much more…..
This is a cost effective solution for NOW – if you can afford the Fuel, you can afford the UBiee PowerPill, because the UBiee PowerPill will pay for itself in fuel economy. (and it is not that expensive!)
People want to know more about climate change and how they can reduce their
emissions. Get to know UBiee and what we can offer. Become an Environmental
Ambassador now and talk to your Family, your neighbours.
Whilst Industry and Governement are slowly making changes, you, as an indivudual, can take action now And be a part of the solution with the UBiee PowerPill.
This New Zealand product has been trialled and tested over 18 years and
it is safe for your vehicle, diesel or gasoline, or diesel biofuel.
I am sure you would like to take action, so please go to our Website, check it out and get some PowerPills and help us to make a difference.
Together we can change the world to make it a better place.
On behalf of The 6 Musketeers Agency

Danielle Michiels
UBiee GIA Ambassador
Skype: danymiche1