
Re: The 6 Musketeers Agency, All For One and One For All....... Let Us Help You Be Seen Online
6/21/2009 11:43:56 AM
You don't NEED to be a 'SEO Expert', a web page Designer, or a marketing wizard to take advantage of UBIEE SEO PRO, Signing up and adding your URL is easy and the whole thing can be achieved for less expense than an average dinner for one.
If you have any questions about this UBIEE solution, please let us know.
You can  contact us through our SKYPE Chat
And there are Conferences throughout the week where you can come and learn  more to gain a better understanding of the Benefits and the Huge Potential that is here. 
http://ubieehq,  you will also find a lot of Information there.
After the 30th June the People joining UBIEE SEO PRO will not have an "Earning Position" or be able to earn money with it. Everyone will of course still be able to use the System and gain all the Benfits but the ability to earn $$$$ in UBIEE SEO PRO will be closed for them. This really is a Lifetime Opportunity and we are here to help you
Hopping to see you on board soon!
Danielle Michiels
6musketeers Agency
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Sarah Pritchard

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Re: The 6 Musketeers Agency, All For One and One For All....... Let Us Help You Be Seen Online
7/14/2009 1:21:59 PM

The 6 Musketeers have a green blog.

You can join us there. Would love to have your comments and questions.

The 6 Musketeers' Blog

Hope to see you there soon.

Angel cuddles,

Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
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Patricia Bartch

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Re: The 6 Musketeers Agency, All For One and One For All....... Let Us Help You Be Seen Online
7/28/2009 2:59:59 PM


The 6 Musketeers Agency

Advertise your business on over 540 Domains 


There are many Opportunities in Life but not many "Once in a Lifetime Opportunities." Have you ever looked back and upon reflection said "If Only!"


UBIEE Seo PRO is such an Opportunity for Any Business, Service, Product, Home Business - either Offline or Online. If you are looking for "Affordable, Effective advertising" for any Webpage and yes Affiliate Pages as well.

You don't NEED to be a 'SEO Expert', a web page Designer, or a marketing wizard to take advantage of UBIEE SEO PRO. Signing up and adding your URL is easy and the whole thing can be achieved for less expense than an average dinner for one.

Do you ask yourself any of these questions?
1 - Where can I actually advertise to get noticed?
2 - How much is this going to cost me ?
3 - Does anything actually work online these days?
4 - How can I advertise my Business and make a litle extra money?
5 - Can I have a team who works together?
If you have asked any of these questions we are here to help you!
UBIEE SEO PRO is the place to be.
Here is the scoop.
Once you have joined for free, you have the chance to become a Pro Member(customer) for either a Yearly payment, 2 years payment or life time payment.
Once you have become a pro member(customer) we will give you 50 TF`s = 50 euros so you will be able to place your very own links to be on the Rotator, as a welcome gift.
Here is how it works:
- You need to refer others, but right now you have at least one link available and that is your UBIEE SEO PRO referral link.
- You became a Pro Member (customer) for the amount you have paid. Others will join your group.
- As they join your group, they will go through the same process, and submit their Urls as well.
- When they do place their Urls on the Rotator, you will get 100% of that money paid to your ecurrency account as your commission.
- As you get more members, they will do the same and your income will grow.
- Ubiee offers to any one who gets 6 paid referrals in one month, a free USsP UBIEE SUPER splashPage free for one month!
UBIEE SEO PRO provides exposure like never before. It's a legitimate advertising tool that is NEW on the Internet. Using the UBIEE SEO PRO, you can add your business links gain exposure necessary to become an effective online marketing professional.
UBIEE SEO PRO operates on our own servers and reaches over 900 thousand members. MORE effective than any solo classified e-mail, UBIEE SEO PRO provides an advertising arena no other Rotator can offer. Your advertising will be great for the rankings and exposure on the internet. You have this opportunity to brand yourself as an online marketing expert.
It is amazing what you can do with UBIEE SEO PRO. We are here to help you with anything you need within the UBIEE SEO PRO.

We are the 6 Musketeers Agency:
Sarah Pritchard in France
Fionnuala Fox in Ireland and UK
Danielle Michiels in Belgium
Marion Hume in Australia
Erika Munoz in Mexico
Patricia Bartch in USA


If you have questions or comments about this UBIEE solution, please contact us  Thanks for your Interest.    


The 6Musketeers Agency
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Sarah Pritchard

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Re: The 6 Musketeers Agency, All For One and One For All....... Let Us Help You Be Seen Online
7/30/2009 10:23:15 AM
Bonjour Pat,

Thank you for this contribution.

This will be very useful for the new USP blog that I'm compiling for us.

Will post the link here when it is ready.

Angel cuddles,

Musketeer Sarah
Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
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Sarah Pritchard

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RE: The 6 Musketeers Agency, All For One and One For All....... Let Us Help You Be Seen Online
9/5/2009 8:27:54 PM

Hello from the 6 Musketeers!

We now have a blog which will be concentrating on UBIEE SEO PRO.

Here is the new blog, new being the ultimate word. I will be updating it as much as possible. There is so much going on at UBIEE.

UBIEE SEO PRO at  The 6 Musketeers Agency


We will be submitting it to the multidomain rotator, just as we have done our green blog. You can see our green blog in the multidomain rotator here.

Angel cuddles,

Musketeer Sarah

UBIEE SEO PRO at The 6 Musketeers Agency Blog


Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
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