
Patricia Bartch

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Re: The 6 Musketeers Agency, All For One and One For All....... Let Us Help You Be Seen Online
5/26/2009 12:47:47 PM
My business gets high GOOGLE rankings and I'm advertising to HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people every month.




Please click the page

1. Back linking in over 450 Domains.
2. All search engines -- pick your link.
3. Keywords people use to find the site may land on your link.
4. URP. Rotates Multi Domains all at the same time.
5. You get paid 100% for all added URLs that your personal team enters into your own Advertising Agency.


UBIEE SEO PRO provides exposure like never before. It's a legitimate advertising tool that is NEW on the Internet. Using the UBIEE SEO PRO, you can add your business links gain exposure necessary to become an effective online marketing professional.
UBIEE SEO PRO operates on our own servers and reaches over 900 thousand members. MORE effective than any solo classified e-mail, UBIEE SEO PRO provides an advertising arena no other Rotator can offer. This offers a big deal for the rankings and exposure on the internet. You have this opportunity to brand yourself as an online marketing expert.

Here at the 6 Musketeers Agency, we present  you with something that will make a huge difference in your advertising results.

Ubiee SEO Pro is an alternative publishing and advertising platform, using rotators. They are NOT your usual rotators; they are domain rotators. Your sites are rotated on 100's of domains

Imagine ALL The Time & Money You'll save when you can advertise 10, 20, 50, or even 100 Websites With 1 easy to remember URL! 
Click on the banner below to enter into our Presentation of The 6 Musketeers Agency and Discover our Innovative, Cost Effective, Successful, Search Engine Optimized, Advertising Platform -- For Any Business.


The 6 Musketeers Agency is offering you the chance to purchase your USsP(s) at very special rates.

We are:

Sarah Pritchard in France
Fionnuala Fox in Ireland and UK
Danielle Michiels in Belgium
Marion Hume in Australia
Erika Munoz in Mexico
Patricia Bartch in USA


If you have questions or comments about this UBIEE solution, please contact us  Thanks for your Interest.    



Visit our Prices / Options page to find out more details.

The 6 Musketeers,

One for all and all for one.

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Sarah Pritchard

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Re: The 6 Musketeers Agency, All For One and One For All....... Let Us Help You Be Seen Online
5/28/2009 3:01:05 PM

Do you ask yourself any of these questions?
1 - Where can I actually advertise to get noticed?
2 - How much is this going to cost me ?
3 - Does anything actually work online these days?
4 - How can I advertise my Business and make a litle extra money?
5 - Can I have a team who works together?
If you have asked any of these questions we are here to help you!
UBIEE SEO PRO is the place to be.
Here is the scoop.
Once you have joined for free, you have the chance to become a Pro Member(customer) for either a Yearly payement, 2 years payment or life time payment.
Once you have become a pro member(customer) we will give you 50 TF`s = 50 euros so you will be able to place your very own links to be on the Rotator, as a welcome present.
Here is how it works !
- You need to refer others, but right now you have at least one link available and that is your UBIEE SEO PRO referral link.
- You became a Pro Member (customer) for the amount you have paid. Others will join your group.
- As they join your group, they will go through the same process, and submit their Urls as well.
- When they do place their Urls on the Rotator, you will get 100% of that money paid to your ecurrency account.
- As you get more members, they will do the same and your income will grow.
- Ubiee offers to any one who gets 6 paid referrals in one month, a free USsP UBIEE SUPER splashPage free for one month!
UBIEE SEO PRO  is not just to Advertise your own links. You have an Amazing Publishing House and  Agency Business at your finger tips. The Potentiel is Outstanding.
It is amazing what you can do with UBIEE SEO PRO.
We are here to help you with anything you need within the UBIEE SEO PRO.
We want you to succeed, along with us.
UBIEE SEO PRO  is not expensive at all, and what you get with the package is amazing.
So get started Today by joining through our link here below, and start earning extra  income.
The 6Musketeers Agency
Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
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Sarah Pritchard

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Re: The 6 Musketeers Agency, All For One and One For All....... Let Us Help You Be Seen Online
6/2/2009 5:14:24 AM


The 6 Musketeers Agency is much more than an advertising agency.

We will be sharing our other projects here with you.

We care about the environment and will be covering green environmental issues, as well as our peace mission and email turner.

Angel cuddles,


Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
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Sarah Pritchard

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Re: The 6 Musketeers Agency, All For One and One For All....... Let Us Help You Be Seen Online
6/2/2009 5:56:28 AM






Is this you?

Spamming is against the law.

This is an exert from a message I posted in a friend’s forum.

"I was just posting in my forum and you popped up with this great discussion and I couldn’t resist putting in my pennyworth.

Spam, what is it?

When sent as an email it’s also known as “junk” mail. No matter where the spamming takes place, the important word here is “junk”.

I looked it up in the Oxford English Dictionary:

1) discarded articles, rubbish

2) anything regarded as of little value

3) slang for a narcotic drug especially heroin

4) verb– discard as junk

Associated with “junk” is junk food, junk mail, junkie, junk shop……

So, junk is useless. We throw it away, so that there is room for the useful or valuable things. If we are good “friends” we do not put our rubbish through their physical letter box, and should therefore be just as considerate when posting in emails, forums etc online.

I don’t believe spam works. Just as I would not appreciate my neighbour dumping their rubbish in my garden, I do not appreciate junk in my emails or being dumped in my forum. I delete the emails without reading them. In my Mother Earth forum I was very upset when someone posted their junk which had nothing to do the theme. I deleted that immediately too. It is a form of abuse really, in my mind."



The reason why that exert was included here is that I wish to draw your attention to the Ubiee Earthmail which is a unique email turner system. None of us enjoys receiving spam emails.


Can you imagine that there is a different way to use email that EVERYONE HAS MISSED UNTIL NOW, a missing piece to a puzzle that we all face, and that discovering it will change your Vision on how to use your Email to fight Spam at its roots?


Try Email Turner(E-mail 2,0) One of the NEWEST, SIMPLEST,
internet communication.

You may have heard about Web 2,0, but only just now you are
hearing about Email 2,0, with UBIEE Earth Mail.

Exercise YOUR Imagination! EMAILturner - EMAIL 2-0 - UBIEE Earth Mail :
Zaragoza, World - Wide, Zaragoza - March, 01 2008 - UBIEE Earth Mail is a POWERFUL SYSTEM that LETS YOU take control of who sends mail to your email address by using the email address itself, as a unique tracking system that puts you back in charge of your email inbox.
1. Can you imagine that with your own personalized email domain from UBIEE Earth Mail, you can attach as many emails as you like to it, Free of charge?
2. Can you imagine that with the UBIEE Earth Mail, you control from the start what others do with your email address? That you could actually control and know who may sell your email address to SPAMMERS?
3. Can you imagine that with the UBIEE Earth Mail, you can provide each of your Family Members, Business Partners, friends, or anybody important to you, with A secure channel DIRECTLY TO YOUR INBOX?
4. Can you imagine that with the UBIEE Earth Mail, you can provide a non invasive solution for your Business Partners, friends, blogs, forums, etc, allowing you to AUTOMATICALLY TRACK AND MONITOR the email that you receive from every web site, person or event that you provide your email address to?
5. Can you imagine that there is a different way to use email that EVERYONE HAS MISSED UNTIL NOW, a missing piece to a puzzle that we all face, and that discovering it will change your Vision on how to use your Email to fight Spam at its roots?
6. Can you imagine that with the UBIEE Earth Mail you can finally stop wondering how you ended up with so much junk email, and on top of that have the power to shut down the flow of unwanted email WITHOUT THE NEED FOR CONVENTIONAL SPAM FILTERS that can cause your important business email to go in the junk folder?
If you can IMAGINE, please let us know! !! 30 DAY FREE TRIAL


I have been using this system for some time. It is efficient and does a great job of cutting down on spam and making me more organized timewise.


You can see immediately who has sent you emails because you give people their own email address to contact you with.


Here is an example:


Sarah has chosen her email domain to be: “” and she knows when Bob has sent her an email because she has given him his own unique address which is: “” (This is just an example, by the way, and not a real address).


You can do this as many times as you like with as many people or organizations as you like.


You can also identify those people who pass on your email address too, because you know who you gave that unique address to.


Great, isn’t it?



Angel cuddles,



The 6 Musketeers


The 6 Musketeers Agency 



P.S. Thanks to those who have already joined and we hope you are enjoying the system as much as we are.


You can contact us on our email turner at:




The UBIEE Corporation S.L. is a Spanish Trading Company with its Main Focus`s to support a cleaner Environment. The Company was established in May 2007, and is part of the RingSMS España S.L. (established in June 2002) Group, which is the World Wide Organiser for the UBIEE ENVIRO Products/Services


Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
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Sarah Pritchard

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Re: The 6 Musketeers Agency, All For One and One For All....... Let Us Help You Be Seen Online
6/21/2009 10:54:23 AM



There are many Opportunities in Life but not many "Once in a Lifetime Opportunities." Have you ever looked back and upon reflection said "If Only!"


UBIEE Seo PRO is such an Opportunity for Any Business, Service, Product , Home Business or whatever, either Offline or Online if you are looking for "Affordable, Effective Advertising" for any Webpage and yes Affiliate Pages as well.


If you want to get to the Top of Google within 1 week, this Opportunity can do that for you and some Members have achieved this in just 2 days


If this interests you, you really need to take a serious look and Upgrade, because after 30th June an "Earning Position for you in UBIEE SEO PRO" closes. Everyone will of course still be able to use the Service with all its benefits but the opportunity to earn money with it once they Upgrade will not be available.


We are here to help with any Questions and we will give you some TFs, our internal eCurrency to get you started.


If you have ever dreamed of a "Real Opportunity" don't let this one pass you by. Just click on the banner above.


Best Wishes



The 6 Musketeers Agency




Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
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