Outhouse Maw is outside hangin up the laundry, when she hears Paw in the kitchen. Maw walks in and says, "Paw, get out there and fix that there outhouse."
Paw says, "All right, Maw." Paw walks out to the outhouse, looks at it, and says, "Maw, there ain't nothin' wrong with this here outhouse!"
Maw says, "Yes, there is. Put your head down in the hole."
Paw says "I ain't puttin my head in that there hole!"
Maw says, "Well you're gonna have to if'n you're gonna fix the problem!"
Paw puts his head down in the hole (just a little bit mind ya) and he hollers, "Maw, there ain't nothin' wrong with this here outhouse!"
Maw hollers, "Now pull your head out of the hole."
Paw goes to lift up his head and he says, "Oww! OWW! Maw! MAW, my beard's stuck in the cracks in the seat!"
Maw says, "Aggravatin', ain't it?" ======== John is out in the country with his new bride. They watch as a bull comes over the rise and bangs six cows in a row, one after the other. His wife says, "It's a shame a man can't perform like that." He says, "We could, if we got to change cows every time." ======== A blonde woman strode angrily into the large store, slapped a package on the counter, and loudly expressed her dissatisfaction. The clerk asked, "What's the problem? Wouldn't your cat eat them?" The woman's eyes got very large, and she whispered, "Do you mean to tell me that 'Pussy Treats' are for cats?" ======== Did you here about the blonde who shot an arrow into the air? She missed. ======== I recently read that love is entirely a matter of chemistry. That must be why my wife treats me like toxic waste. ======== Why did they fire Ronald MacDonald? They caught him giving Wendy a Whopper at Burger King!
======== Why can't blondes be cattle ranchers? They can't keep their calves together! ======== A BIG CAT can hurt you, but a LITTLE PUSSY never hurt any man. ======== What did the blonde name her pet zebra? Spot. |