Hello Friends,
During the week I read the below article written by Michelle Malkin back in May 2008 at a site showing how MM forsaw the outcome of this administration's failure. It's actually quite interesting to read in black and white the outcome of this administrations progressive socialistic/communistic policies and the ruiniation of this great country in the process.
The opener is a video with "Peggy The Moocher" explaining why she's overjoyed that B Hussein the fraud and great pretender won the elections. High expectations is what she had (all the wrong reasons to vote for a candidate but .....) and unfortunately she's been enemized just like the conservatives have and the rest of the good citizens of the Unites States. The only people profiting from Hussein's administration are the illegals and so far they can't vote but B Hussein is trying to change that too (to insure his reelection).
The basic comparison in the article is between Peggy the moocher and Jo the plumber who just wants to be left alone to work and provide for his family. While reading the article and recalling many posts in this community and elsewhere by loyal and stalwarth B Hussein fans who still claim "he's doing a good job" (deaf, dumb and blind is what they are) and can't give any examples of what they consider a "good job" to be when asked. I wondered how many of them recognize themselves in "Peggy the Moocher"? According to what I've read I have to admit they had similar expectations and unfortunately they still do.
Enjoy the article if you can and see how MM hit the nail on the head yet again. She's intellectually honest and criticizes McCain as well. Not biased like the MSM is.
By Michelle Malkin • November 5, 2008 12:17 PM

My syndicated column today looks at how both parties in Washington have fueled our out-of-control bailout mania and entitlement culture. The ethos is embodied by Peggy the Moocher — the Obama supporter who is no doubt ecstactic today over the prospect of her gas and mortgage bills being covered. We are a Land of Peggy the Moochers now, in large part thanks to Republican capitulationists. That is the main point of the piece and I don’t want you to miss it. It’s not just about one Obama supporter. It’s about the endless parade of corporations and homeowners lining up for their handout and how the GOP failed fiscal conservatism. Failed the party base. And failed taxpayers. On a related note, the American Issues Project has just released a new survey of voters in battleground states. The bailout “played a big and punishing role for the GOP.” Learn from this, Washington.
Update 12:30pm Eastern. Right on cue, Nancy Pelosi has just issued a renewed call for the Democratic stimulus boondoggle (which is item one on my What Not To Do list): “House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is calling again for a lameduck session of Congress to enact a stimulus program to shore up the sinking economy. Pelosi, a California Democrat, said Wednesday that no decisions have yet been made on such a post-election session. But she did say that talks are continuing with the White House on the terms of such a package, which would include additional assistance for people who are out of work.”
And the winner is…Peggy the Moocher
by Michelle Malkin
Creators Syndicate
Copyright 2008
Sorry to break the bad news to Joe the Plumber. But the winner of Campaign 2008 is Peggy the Moocher. No matter who moves into the White House, Peggy’s got good reason to do a happy dance. The plain, ugly fact is that both major political parties are committed to spreading the wealth in one form or another. It’s all just a question of how much and how quickly, not whether.
Who is Peggy the Moocher? She’s Peggy Joseph, a voter in Sarasota, Florida who exulted earlier this week at a Barack Obama rally that this was “the most memorable time of my life.” Why? As she told a Florida reporter on a YouTube video now viewed by hundreds of thousands: “Because I never thought this day would ever happen. I won’t have to worry about putting gas in my car. I won’t have to worry about paying my mortgage. You know. If I help [Obama], he’s gonna help me.”
You can’t blame Peggy the Moocher for viewing Obama as the superior Santa Claus. With a relentless messianic campaign, a grievance-mongering wife touting him as the country’s soul fixer, and a national infomercial promising to take care of every need from night classes to medical bills to rent and fuel-efficient cars. Obama effectively channeled Oprah Winfrey’g Big Give.
“Everybody gets a car!” “Everybody gets a car!” And gas. And mortgage payment relief.
Bu the damning reality for fiscal conservatives is that John McCain’s plan for homeowners under water on their mortgages was even more generous than Obama’s. His $300 billion “rescue” involved directing the Treasury Secretary to “purchase mortgages directly from homeowners and mortgage servicers.” That was on top of the trillion-dollar-plus “bank” bailout supported by both presidential candidates, the White House, and the Democratic leadership; the $85 billion-plus to AIG; the $25 billion to automakers; the $200 billion in capital and credit lines to Fannie and Freddie; and who knows what else we’ll be redistributing to the indebted states of New York, California, Massachusetts, and all the other Peggy the Moochers large and small lining up for their piece of the bailout pie.
McCain assailed massive government spending —while promising to heap on more massive government spending to pursue home ownership and retention at all costs. It was the Republican, not the Democrat, who entrusted the Treasury Department to renegotiate individual home loans and become chief principal write-down agents for the nation. Both private and public entities are planning for a McCain-esque homeowner salvation plan for borrowers in the red. It’s a swell idea for everyone who bought overpriced homes with Adjustable Rate Mortgages. Those who rented or bought within their means or locked into fixed-rate loans that they can afford are out of luck, naturally. The only sane thing to do in response? Stop paying your mortgage and get in line.
“E Pluribus Unum” is no longer our national motto. These three words are: “Do For Me.” As in: What will the government do for me? On Election Day, the federal government quietly reported that it will borrow a record $550 billion in the current quarter to fund the bipartisan bailout. The Treasury Department reported that it plans to borrow more than a half-trillion dollars in the current October-December quarter and another $368 billion in the first three months of next year. Estimated total for the whole year: $1.4 trillion. Democrats plan to add another $500 billion in “stimulus”-palooza legislation. Credit card companies, utilities, insurance companies, and car loan and student loan debtors await their turn.
The bailout bonanza blurred the differences between the two major political parties, but the Peggy the Moocher video shows there are still basically two stark, contrasting views of government in this country among the rank-and-file electorate. Unlike Joe The Plumber, Peggy sees government as her salvation and the president as her subsidizer-in-chief. She voted with the expectation that the Spreader of Wealth will reward her with payback. Joe just wants Washington to leave him alone to fend for himself.
Personal responsibility? Hah. Washington can’t afford it.
This one's my add on for your enjoyment (PF)