Talking about folks not liking their country!.........
Major Muslim Hasan's Six Figure Paycheck: Zakat to Pakistan?
Did you see Hasan's barebones $325 a month pathetic apartment? It made you wonder where he sent his close to six figure salary. What Islamic charity was the lucky recipient?
They'll keep telling you how mentally ill he was. I expect an islamic slapdown for that......the inference is that Islam is a mental illness. And when they mention jihad, they say he acted alone. Yeah, ok. Meanwhile, he's got contacts in Pakistan, Al Qaeda, violent imams ...........
BTW, ABC news picked up my story on Hasan's jihad calling card and ran it as their own, and O'Reilly gave ABC props for it without crediting Atlas. What creeps. We had to drag, embarrass, and shame the dinosaur media into calling this act of war what it was. And FOX was just as bad as the rest with "vicarious" post traumatic stress syndrome. That was the FOX meme on Saturday.
Fort Hood shootings suspect may have wired money to Pakistan Dallas Morning News
WASHINGTON – Authorities have been examining whether Fort Hood massacre suspect Nidal Malik Hasan wired money to Pakistan in recent months, an action that one senior lawmaker said would raise serious questions about Hasan's possible connections to militant Islamic groups.
Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Mich., said sources "outside of the [intelligence] community" learned about Hasan's possible connections to the Asian country, which faces a massive Islamist insurgency and is widely believed to be Osama bin Laden's hiding place.
Hoekstra, the ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, would not identify the sources. But he said "they are trying to follow up on it because they recognize that if there are communications – phone or money transfers with somebody in Pakistan – it just raises a whole other level of questions."
Much remains unknown about the 39-year-old Hasan, born in Virginia to Palestinian immigrants. He lived alone near the Army base in Killeen, Texas, and would sometimes use a neighbor's computer even though he had his own.
"With what I know about Hasan to date ... I would expect we will learn more about him that will make us concerned," Hoekstra said, "rather than information that says, 'Oh man, we got that all wrong and this had nothing to do with terrorism.' "
Mystery of money
Hasan's finances have been a mystery since last week, when the Army major and psychiatrist allegedly shot and killed 13 colleagues at the sprawling Central Texas military base. Hasan earned more than $90,000 a year and had no dependents, yet lived in an aging one-bedroom apartment that rented for about $300 a month.
"You can bet there is an ongoing, extensive investigation into every single financial transaction he made," said Matt Orwig, a former U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Texas who has no direct knowledge of the Hasan case. "Federal investigative agencies are very good at tracing the flow of money, both to him and from him."
Authorities know that Hasan sent repeated e-mails, starting some time in December 2008, to a radical Muslim cleric in Yemen. That cleric, Anwar al-Awlaki, formerly served as imam of a large northern Virginia mosque where Hasan worshipped. The U.S.-born cleric praised Hasan after the massacre as "a hero."
In January, al-Awlaki told readers of his blog about "44 ways to support jihad" – a term often translated as "holy war." Many of his points dealt with ways to fund such efforts.
"Probably the most important contribution the Muslims of the West could do for Jihad is making Jihad with their wealth," al-Awlaki wrote. "In many cases the mujahideen are in need of money more than they are in need of men."
He also stressed the importance of "avoiding the life of luxury."
A spokesman for the U.S. Justice Department referred questions Wednesday to the FBI, which didn't return a message seeking comment. FBI officials have said they studied Hasan's communications with an unnamed radical Muslim and concluded they were a harmless part of his academic research.
Hoekstra said he wants to know whether authorities knew about Hasan's behavior when they decided his contacts with the Yemeni imam were essentially harmless.
"The conclusion based off just the e-mails might have been perfectly legitimate," Hoekstra said. "But if the [terrorism] analyst for some reason didn't have access to all this other information, that might be where the problem is."
More on Hoeksra: Hoekstra Requests Preservation Order for Intel on Fort Hood as Obama Administration Withholds Information on Islamic Terrorist Attack

An al-Fajr Azan alarm clock sounded an Islamic prayer while perched on a table.