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Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/24/2010 1:12:07 PM


Politics are an important, uncomfortable and sometimes unpopular part of life.

I thank God that there are those on all sides of the political spectra that care enough to DO SOMETHING.

I rarely visit here and less frequently post. Why, because firstly I probably hold very different views from the majority of posters and secondly I don't meddle in the affairs of other nations. I'm British and have battles here in the UK to fight.

The reason for my post here is this.

On the occasion of this Christian festival I want to wish those who celebrate it a restful and wonderful holiday and to those who aren't I hope that the love that is shared by christians spreads to them and their friends. I wish everyone visiting here, a wonderful New Year full of positive things and understanding.

I believe in the right of all people to hold their beliefs and to promote these with responsibility.


Jim Allen

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/24/2010 4:14:42 PM
I really love this video. Not because I like to see things killed but the absurdity it portrays. Listening to the people taping this act of nature. Reminds me of what is happening today around the world.

We have these stand offish elitist, academias, self appointed ruling class Alinsky style ideology. Commenting on how gruesome the act maybe and unforgiving. While standing around talking about it and not doing anything to stop it.

This is a fact of life and how the real world works. Even people will do terrible things to survive. The true problem is mankind knows their needs to be a balance other wise individual greed will take over and it is survival of the fittest by any means situation and eventually if you buy into it, you will eat your own to survive.

I don't want a world like that, but I will do whatever it takes to protect mine and ensure their safety to pursue their individual paths freely with the liberty granted by our Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence and with all others that believe in our Republic. Nothing personal at all about it.

Roger, I understand your position, and I also know you exercise your right to vote quietly. The problem is the squeaky wheel gets the attention in our world. The silent majority must speak up and let their voices be heard. While we sit here chatting whether it is proper to talk politics. Their are 1000's dying in African nations today by the same brutal style attacks as portrayed in Robert's video. Right now as we are chatting in this forum children and whole families are being brutally murdered by machetes.

Right now dozens and maybe soon hundreds of Haitians are dying from preventable diseases. Where is all that money collected for these people going? I see where the French are adopting some and they are receiving them this week. That's wonderful but shy are these people still in such dire straits.

What's happening in the video is happening in our world to among humans who know better. Why stand by and tape it?!!! Stop IT!

A New World Order is being thrust upon us. Mostly against our wills. If you disagree or agree doesn't matter but your voices must be heard civilly before all hell breaks loose. Of course this is only my opinion. But you also know where I will stand when push comes to shove. It is ascension time and you will be asked to choose sides..


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/24/2010 8:02:08 PM
Hi Roger,

Thanks for your post and holiday greetings.

I found your comments interesting for a variety of reasons. The first one is that you feel you can't visit my threads more often cos you have different opinions then those expressed in my threads. Have you forgotten that I have no problem with people disagreeing with what I write and the articles I post? I actually look forward to lively discussions and disagreements. The objective of a forum is to discuss and have interesting interactions with others. What I find boring are those threads where everyone agrees and in a sense if you think about it they're actually talking to themselves. In those forums if you disagree it's considered an attack and they use the easy way out and delete (more on that later). I think you'll agree that even when I disagree with others my posts are polite and even then there are those that feel threatened.

Another interesting statement you made was "........ promote these with responsibility". Well that's quite a proclamation. My claim and complaint is that when legitimate questions and opinions are made there are those (way to many in my opinion) who apparently haven't got the capability to respond and use the delete tool and in most cases immediately ban the "offender" for asking questions they aren't capable of answering. The worst part is that they continue harping and trying to justify their inadequacy with their "like minded" friends without the possibility to respond since they not only deleted but banned. As I said an easy way out and they are free to attack and carry on with their pity me tactics in those threads and forums.

Soooooooooo, when other threads are started by the "offenders" to discuss the issue those banners and deleters cry foul and ask for protection and claim they are being attacked. In reality they could have posted in those threads but again they chose the easy way out and complained and cried until they were saved by ...........

Roger, I'm sure you're aware that the "power of the pen" for someone capable of carrying on a discussion with those that agree and disagree is a talent that apparently not many have or are willing to attempt. They find is easier to cry foul at all times and look for your pity and support from the "big bad wolves". Sorta like the hyenas in the video. They attack in pairs and groups. On a one on one basis they aren't all that good or capable. Lately we've all been witness to the deletions and bannings in different forums without justification and it appears to be habit forming.

Consider this Roger, the deletions and bannings are a form of censorship and over the past few weeks one of the biggest complaints and worries is the Obama administration's agenda to censor the internet. In what way are the actions of all those complaining about this then their own actions??? So, when you talk of responsibility my claim is that those censoring are the irresponsible ones and not those asking the legitimate questions.

I welcome you to join and participate in the discussions here and in addition tell us about your fights in Great Britain you mentioned in your post. I can assure you that none of your posts will be deleted and your opinions respected even if I and the other participants disagree with them.

Shalom and Merry Christmas,




Politics are an important, uncomfortable and sometimes unpopular part of life.

I thank God that there are those on all sides of the political spectra that care enough to DO SOMETHING.

I rarely visit here and less frequently post. Why, because firstly I probably hold very different views from the majority of posters and secondly I don't meddle in the affairs of other nations. I'm British and have battles here in the UK to fight.

The reason for my post here is this.

On the occasion of this Christian festival I want to wish those who celebrate it a restful and wonderful holiday and to those who aren't I hope that the love that is shared by christians spreads to them and their friends. I wish everyone visiting here, a wonderful New Year full of positive things and understanding.

I believe in the right of all people to hold their beliefs and to promote these with responsibility.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/24/2010 8:47:59 PM

Hi Peter,

I understand your comments.

Firstly, in my case I have NEVER deleted a post or banned anyone from my forums. I know that you are not pointing a finger at me but by association with others we can find ourselves labelled as the same.

I have very good reasons for avoiding conflict. Not because I am frightened or weak but because I like to be there for even the unpopular in their time of need. I risk the label of FENCE-SITTER and I fully understand why people may think that but it is very far from the truth. When everone takes sides there is nobody left to see the truth on either side. That's where I feel comfortable but it does put me in the line of fire from all around.

I do visit and read, and as I say, so often disagree with your political views, some subjects of which I do not have enough information about to form a good reply. The other reason is one of time. Although these discussions are interesting I don't have the time to get into long discussions. I like to visit, pick and choose, and post where feels best. When I put up a challenge or question I believe that I should follow that through.

It helps enormously to understand other views and that is why I consider all forums as important. I shall continue to visit and I will try to make a contribution if I think that it will be valuable.

We often think that our own views are balanced and that it they are based upon truth. I remember making a statement about democracy in America when Jim pointed out to me that America is not a democracy. I was gobsmacked. He explained about the Republic etc.

I LEARNT A LOT and revised my opinions overnight. That would not have happened if I had stayed away from forums that I generally disagreed with.

My previous visit was a genuine attempt to say Happy New year to those that I don't meet here frequently.

As for battles here in the UK.

I, like many others here, see the erosion of our values like the citizens of America. Our political systems are very different and neither is perfect but I believe that dealing with what appears to be the biggest threat to our safety through building up our strength and then attacking from a position of strength, is not the way.

The transparency thing, like Wikieleaks (forgive spelling) is a case in point. Transparency is nescessary but showing up weaknesses and strategies to the enemy is dangerous for us. Once discovered I understand the need to publicise and be open in government, but, whoever stole these things in the first place is a traitor.

Ok, now I'm probably going to have to come back to defend my view. Time-wise what I was trying to avoid.

Day off tomorrow. Rare for me, but family first.


Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/25/2010 9:35:24 AM
Hi Roger,

Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Roger, you know I wasn't talking about you and I see no guilt by association nor did I mean to imply that there was. You are not a censor nor do you participate in this detestable behavior and action.

Being a fence sitter in many cases can be a very dangerous place to be. The pointed arrows may be pointed at you from both sides and when that happens there is no place to hide. One can be a mediator even if you have a stated opinion on an issue if you're respected by both sides. In any case the old nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty comes to mind.

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the kings horses and all the kings men
Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again.
(this is from memory so I hope I didn't goof to much)

You know there are more commonalities in our opinions then you might be aware of. Many a time I've posted in this thread and others about the radical Islamic jihad "takeover" in the UK. Whether you are aware of it or not the situation in the UK is the worst in all of Europe in this regard the capitulation is almost total to all their demands and threats. There are many other European countries that are catching up quickly and the situation is getting to a critical stage. The same applies to the United States and they would do well to learn from the mistakes made by our European brothers. Unfortunately with B Hussein in the White House not much will be done and things will get worse before it gets better. Hopefully it will get better and people will wake up to the dangers facing them.

You don't have to "defend" anything just respond with your opinion. You are not being attacked here. We discuss and respond to the others position and opinion. If you've read through my threads you'll find that many disagree with certain points and we simply discuss the differences. Just in the past few days Robert and I disagreed but that's part of the give and take and interactions I find so interesting. It is very different to the rah rah threads that are so "popular" here. Nothing said, quite boring but some are very talented in pasting in great graphics. Now that makes for fantastic discussions, don't you think??


Hi Peter,

I understand your comments.

Firstly, in my case I have NEVER deleted a post or banned anyone from my forums. I know that you are not pointing a finger at me but by association with others we can find ourselves labeled as the same.

I have very good reasons for avoiding conflict. Not because I am frightened or weak but because I like to be there for even the unpopular in their time of need. I risk the label of FENCE-SITTER and I fully understand why people may think that but it is very far from the truth. When everone takes sides there is nobody left to see the truth on either side. That's where I feel comfortable but it does put me in the line of fire from all around.

I do visit and read, and as I say, so often disagree with your political views, some subjects of which I do not have enough information about to form a good reply. The other reason is one of time. Although these discussions are interesting I don't have the time to get into long discussions. I like to visit, pick and choose, and post where feels best. When I put up a challenge or question I believe that I should follow that through.

It helps enormously to understand other views and that is why I consider all forums as important. I shall continue to visit and I will try to make a contribution if I think that it will be valuable.

We often think that our own views are balanced and that it they are based upon truth. I remember making a statement about democracy in America when Jim pointed out to me that America is not a democracy. I was gobsmacked. He explained about the Republic etc.

I LEARNT A LOT and revised my opinions overnight. That would not have happened if I had stayed away from forums that I generally disagreed with.

My previous visit was a genuine attempt to say Happy New year to those that I don't meet here frequently.

As for battles here in the UK.

I, like many others here, see the erosion of our values like the citizens of America. Our political systems are very different and neither is perfect but I believe that dealing with what appears to be the biggest threat to our safety through building up our strength and then attacking from a position of strength, is not the way.

The transparency thing, like Wikieleaks (forgive spelling) is a case in point. Transparency is nescessary but showing up weaknesses and strategies to the enemy is dangerous for us. Once discovered I understand the need to publicise and be open in government, but, whoever stole these things in the first place is a traitor.

Ok, now I'm probably going to have to come back to defend my view. Time-wise what I was trying to avoid.

Day off tomorrow. Rare for me, but family first.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7