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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/24/2010 8:50:23 AM
Hi Jim & Robert,
I'll not go into the root cause of entering into the war in Iraq nor the validity of 911. There are those that choose to believe the many conspiracy theories that may be true or not but one fact can't be denied (well it is by some but more are becoming aware of the dangers of this threat to the world as we know it today) the extreme danger to the world of radical Islam and their agenda and goal of world domination.
I really don't care what the veteran had to say cos all of us have been witnesses to different versions of the same in regard to all the wars in modern times. At least the wars since world war II. The left will always find disgruntled veterans and even worse citizens who are disloyal to their country and the best example of that is Jane Fonda who was and in my opinion should still be considered a traitor to her country.
What the vet forget to mention in the video Robert is the ongoing murder of Christians in Iraq by those innocents that he tries to portray in the video. I just read yesterday or the day before that the Christians (in Iraq) won't be celebrating Christmas as they usually do cos of fear of attacks by the Muslims. As you and Jim know this is not going on in Iraq alone but in most Muslim countries in the world. So forgive me if I don't appreciate this vets left wing propaganda cos in my opinion that's all it is and a frontal attack on the American people and the United States. Another attack on the American way of life that has become the norm for quite a while but especially since B Hussein and his goon squad came to power.
One thing I'll add to this discourse. I certainly hope and pray that a European country won't ask for America's military help while B Hussein is still in the White House cos it won't be forthcoming. Not that many of the countries are even deserving of any help considering their America bashing that's been ongoing for quite a few years.
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Robert De Merode

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/24/2010 9:54:43 AM
[if !mso]> Hi Peter,

You may be glad to hear that I do not agree to your post even if that may sound rather contradictory in terms. I say that because in my understanding you seem to conceive Europe as though its political correctness was what Europeans adhere too. Nothing is further from the truth even if the official media still hides this in every possible way. Just as is hidden the reality of the Euro being bust and irretrievably so.

It is of no use obviously to post any French videos that are on YouTube to portray this, but as I have already said before, Socialism is on its way out, but because of it having been infiltrated by communism, liberalism and more, the cancer cannot be cured without a huge danger to the patient. Obviously all globalism will die hard and the appearance may well portray towards a complete downfall of European civilization but that will only be due to them having bargained since 65 years on the American $ freedom myth. Islam is just a consequence, not something new that Europe has not already dealt with on numerous occasions in its history.

Wishing you a very happy Christmas. (The only worthwhile Global reality.) ;-)


Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/24/2010 10:12:07 AM
Hi Robert,
Merry Christmas to you too.
If you have interesting French videos try translating them for us. I know you are very talented with video production and it shouldn't be to hard for you only time consuming. :)
You know I'm not in favor of PC and I believe in saying it as it is. What we see throughout Europe and as things stand today the EU the status quo is total capitulation to the Islamic agenda and plan. It's irrelevant that Europe dealt with this issue in the past but the situation is now and I don't see any government dealing with the problem aside from bans against burqas and the minarets in some countries. Aside from that it seems as if slowly but surely they are taking over and in some countries much faster then others. The awakening must come and when and if it does I hope it won't be to late and that goes for the United States and Canada too.
If there are underground movements in the EU then they better get out of the closet tout suit (sp?).
Shalom and again Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Robert De Merode

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/24/2010 11:39:19 AM
Hello Peter,

Giving me more work? 35 minute conferences from the Swiss Oscar Freysinger and others even the Belgian Aldo Malgo who denounces a 40% Islamic population in Brussels and its consequences (European Capital lol ). Too much thanks.

To make them indirectly understandable I trust we are all sufficiently versed to search the keyword; “hallal slaughter” on YouTube to graphically understand what the Islamic love and peace “religion” is all about. Hyenas also eat before they bother to kill! (Don’t spoil your Christmas Eve!)

Robert De Merode

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/24/2010 11:56:38 AM

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