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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/14/2013 3:34:16 PM
Romney Was Right....................

Romney's Uncanny Predictions About Obama's Second Term Make Him Look Like He Had Psychic Superpowers

Michael Miller | On 13, Nov 2013

Prior to the 2012 election, Mitt Romney spoke hundreds – if not thousands – of times about America under an Obama second term. He made predictions. He warned us. He was lambasted by the “mainstream” media. There’s just one problem. Mitt Romney was right. Uncannily so.

A lot of people dismissed Mitt Romney when he described life under an Obama second term. Not a whole lot of Democrats are laughing now...

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/14/2013 3:48:18 PM
Published by: Dan Calabrese on Thursday November 14th, 2013

Save us! Save us!

We should enjoy this. Oh sure, the damage ObamaCare is doing to the nation is catastrophic. With the passage of one horrendous piece of legislation, they've virtually destroyed the health insurance market and left millions in the lurch. Worse: There is really no practical way to fix it because the insurers spent three years adjusting their business models and negotiating new terms with health providers in preparation for this very thing.

Just as you can't separate Sprite from cranberry juice once you mix the two together, you can't exactly undo the changes to the health insurance market just by passing a law that claims to have done so. That, of course (as we'll explore momentarily), was the big problem with ObamaCare in the first place.

So yeah, it's awful. But we know that and we have to deal with that every day. For now, we have every right to enjoy the panic setting in amongst the creeps who foisted this on the nation out of a combination of ignorance, arrogance and sheer lust for political power. Every one of them deserves the unbridled fear and loathing now setting in as they desperately search for a way to preserve their political lives.

The Washington Examiner reports that mutiny is in the air, and the White House is having little success containing it:

White House officials on Wednesday talked to angry House Democrats who are up for re-election next year.

The glitch-plagued website has made it difficult for people to sign up for new health care plans -- just 106,185 were able to do so last month, administration officials announced Wednesday.

Many of those who did sign up discovered they'd be paying higher premiums and deductibles than they had with their existing plans.

Millions of Americans have received cancellation notices from their insurers because the plans they had did not meet the new law's minimum benefit requirements, which range from free mammograms to maternity care to pediatric dental coverage.

Like Udall, other vulnerable Senate Democrats have reacted to the disastrous rollout by crafting legislation that would allow many people to keep their cancelled plans.

The leading proposal, authored by Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., would allow people to temporarily keep health insurance plans issued before Obamacare became law in March of 2010.

Of course, as we explained yesterday, Landrieu's bill would solve nothing. It would actually presume to force insurers to keep offering plans that ObamaCare forced them to cancel on the premise that they were "substandard." A simpler approach in the House by Republican Fred Upton, who chairs the Ways and Means Committee, would exempt those existing plans from the ObamaCare standards so they could continue to be offered.

That puts Democrats in an even bigger fix because if people can keep the less expensive plans they like, hardly anyone will sign up for the overpriced, overloaded ObamaCare plans that force you to pay for coverage of things many will never need (maternity care, substance abuse treatment, etc.), and if that happens, there will be no way to expand the risk pool to make the scheme economically feasible.

So Democrats can choose between staying the course and forcing people to buy overpriced, useless coverage (which still might not work because many will decide it's more sensible to just pay the fine/tax), or they can relent and let people stick with what they had, which will hasten the inevitable economic collapse of the ObamaCare model.

No wonder they're freaking out. Every door leads to a 2014 bloodbath. Speaking of which, not for no reason is Bill Clinton going rogue and throwing Obama under the bus with respect to the keep-your-plan promise lie. He can see what ObamaCare portends for Hillary in 2016. It will cost her the opportunity to preen as "president" while Bill runs the show. Expect the Clintons to further distance themselves from this turkey, however absurdly disingenuous they have to be in order to achieve it.

However bad the shellacking will be for Democrats who voted for ObamaCare in 2009 and 2010, it will be richly deserved and wonderful to behold. Their decision to shove this disaster down the throats of an unwilling country was one of the most egregious acts of political malfeasance in the history of this nation. They passed a bill most of them had not even read, taking a market they did not understand and ripping it up from its foundations, imposing a series of mandates and regulations for which they had no concept of the consequences.

That brings us back around to my earlier point. Many politicians are both highly conceited and - let's be honest - quite dumb in the sense that they really think anything they say in a law they pass will happen exactly the way the law proscribes. You pass a law mandating that everyone buy health care and that it will be affordable, and you really think that's exactly what's going to happen simply because of the power of government. You have no concept of how markets will react to what you've mandated and incentivized. It doesn't occur to you that just because your law says a web site will facilitate this or that doesn't mean it actually will. You don't understand that language designed to "bend the cost curve" won't necessarily do that at all just because your law says it's supposed to.

They really are that dumb.

When government central planners attempt to control economies, the result is always disastrous because the central planners don't understand how economies work. They think it really is as simple as just placing controls on everything and sitting back to watch it function exactly as the control models say it should. When it doesn't work, they become indignant at all the scofflaws out there ("bad apple" insurers) who just aren't doing things the way the brilliant central planners proscribed. We need more control!

The Democrats deserve to be obliterated for the arrogance, conceit and dishonesty that drove the passage of this monstrosity. And they deserve to spend all the time they have left twisting in the wind, panicking and begging for mercy that will not come. They've done that much damage to the nation, and they did it for no good reason as the nation was clearly imploring them not to. No amount of suffering is sufficient for this, and no amount of enjoyment on our part is over the top.
Helen Elias

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/15/2013 1:39:17 PM
Hello Everyone

This is Mike Adams take on Obama and Obamacare. Keep in mind he does tend to exaggerate things a bit sometimes ..even when he doesn't have to. :)) But generally he is pretty much right on.

If he's right on this, it sounds very bad. The Americans need to get rid of this president.


Obamacare 'fix' affirms Obama as absolute dictator with power to change laws as he pleases

(NaturalNews) In a desperate bid to save the rapidly collapsing Obamacare socialized medicine program, President Obama announced a "fix" yesterday that would "allow" health insurance companies to avoid cancelling whatever plans haven't already been cancelled due to Obamacare itself.

In doing so, Obama effectively declares himself absolute dictator over all laws across the country, assuming the power to enforce, ignore or alter laws at he pleases.

The problem with this is that such powers do not exist in the Office of the President. Like everything else surrounding Obamacare, Obama himself is simply inventing new powers as he goes along and hoping no one will question his assumed (illegal) authority.

"The unexpected compromise was announced amid growing revolt within Mr. Obama's own party over his broken promise that Americans who liked their insurance could keep it. But it sparked another backlash as some legal scholars questioned whether the president had the authority to create the loophole," reports the Washington Times.

It also, by the way, thrust the insurance industry into a state of chaos where insurance companies now have no idea what's going to be "law" tomorrow, next month or next year. Apparently Obama can simply change his mind at any time and decide that insurance companies are suddenly engaged in mass criminal activities which can then be prosecuted under the law as it is written.

Beware of presidents who claim absolute power over Congress

This is how Hitler rose to power, of course. It's how every tyrant throughout history got his start. It's also precisely what the United States Constitution prohibits in Article II, Section 3, where the language demands that the President "take care that laws be faithfully executed."

Nowhere in the Constitution does it say any President can simply choose to selectively ignore laws passed by Congress. Thus, Obama's new "fix" is blatantly illegal from the start.

Even if it were legal under the U.S. Constitution, it is clearly discriminatory, allowing the White House to essentially decide which insurance companies "get" to be ignored by the law and which companies will be prosecuted for "illegally" keeping policies in place that violate the Affordable Care Act as written. This only creates yet more centralization of power in the White House, giving them the tools to silence dissent among insurance companies by wielding prosecutorial discretion as a political weapon.

Obama unleashes economic despair and market chaos on America

The health insurance industry is now suffering from a case of regulatory whiplash. Obama's enforcement of federal law seems to change with the direction of the wind, and his highly irresponsible, immature actions are causing extreme market destabilization.

At this point, insurance companies have no idea what to believe. Nor do consumers who are shopping for plans. remains in a disastrous state and even though Obama has now announced his unconstitutional "fix" for people to keep their health care plans, there exists no government-legalized mechanism for insurance companies to reinstate policies already cancelled!

Thus, all the policies already cancelled are dead and gone forever. So it's not even clear how Obama's so-called "fix" helps anyone at all.

Like everything else in the Obama administration, this "fix" is nothing more than deceptive smooth talking to gloss over a problem and promote the delusion that everything is working just fine.

Obama's campaign promise of "hope and change" has become a joke. Sometimes hope is little more than false hope pretending to be real. And sometimes, the most charming, slick talking salesman is actually a con artist. Kevin Trudeau is in prison right now for lying about a weight loss book. Obama lied to the whole country about a far more serious issue, and he gets rewarded with even more power in his unconstitutional effort to "fix" the very problem he caused in the first place.

What's wrong with this picture?

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/15/2013 3:16:09 PM
There was always something about Oprah Winfrey that just did not ring true to me and now in the last few months, HER TRUE COLORS are finally coming through. To see that I am telling the truth, go back and read some of the things she's been saying lately and you'll see that her true color is she is one of the biggest RACISTS ever and she has a LOT of hatred in her heart for America and especially white Americans.

Obama, ObamaCare and Oprah

Lies Transcend all Colours

By Judi McLeod Friday, November 15, 2013

The evil sin of lying does not come in any particular colour. White men lie; black men lie and politicians of both colours do it all the time.

Over in the UK, US talk show queen Oprah Winfrey is using South Carolina Congressman Joe Wilson’s shout “You lie!” when President Barack Obama was pushing the benefits of his now epic fail Affordable Health Care Act, aka ObamaCare, as proof positive that dislike for the president comes down to “the colour of his skin”.

Winfrey, talking to BBC Arts Editor Will Gompertz about her starring role in The Butler, which recounts the life of an African American man who grows up on a cotton plantation, raised Wilson’s calling out Obama a liar as evidence that Americans don’t like Obama based on the colour of his skin.

“Asked if some of the challenges and criticisms faced by President Barack Obama were down to the colour of his skin, she said: “There’s no question.” (BBC, Nov. 13, 2013)

“She recalled an incident in 2009 when Mr Obama was giving a speech to Congress, and Republican congressman Joe Wilson called out “you lie”.

“Remember that?” she said. “I think there’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs.

“And that occurs in some cases, and maybe even many cases, because he’s African American. There’s no question about that. And it’s the kind of thing no one ever says, but everybody’s thinking it.”

There’s no doubt that it’s a big stretch that Winfrey knows that “everybody’s thinking it”.

While Winfrey spends much of her time playing “Gloria”, the wife of the American man growing up on a cotton plantation in The Butler”, countless Americans—including African Americans—struggle after ObamaCare has thrown them off their health insurance. Anyone of them would tell you that reality is harder slogging than starring in the movies.

Winfrey made this startling comment during the BBC interview:

“I recognize the importance of knowing who you are and where you come from.”

Because he has effectively hidden behind who he really is, and with no DNA to track him, is there any proof that we know who Obama really is or where he came from?

How American can someone working so feverishly to Fundamentally Transform America truly be?

Most significantly of all, how can being a Black American have anything at all to do with being a caught-in-the-act liar when it is an established fact that politicians of all colours so breezily lie?

Before pulling Joe Wilson’s statement out like an instant cue card during mainstream media interviews, Oprah should take the trouble to update herself.

It was back on September 9, 2009, when Joe Wilson shouted “You lie!” when President Obama was waxing elegant about the benefits of his Affordable Care Act, now frightening millions of Americans as “ObamaCare”.

“Many in America were shocked that anyone would call the President of the United States a liar in such a forum as a presidential address to a joint session of Congress,” Richard Kline wrote on American Thinker.

“But, now, as we look back on 5 years of Barack Obama, we see that Obama and his Administration do lie. And they lie a lot”.(American Thinker Oct. 26, 2013)

The Joe Wilson pointed out Obama lies are now documentation:

How about the infamous: “If you like your current insurance plan, you can keep it period,” or, “If you like your current doctor, you can keep that doctor”?

What about, “Your premiums will go down an average of $2,500 per year”; “The cost of this national healthcare program will be less than $1 trillion?”

Then there’s “ObamaCare would not cover illegal aliens”; “ObamaCare would not cover abortions.”

These are not little white lies but gut-wrenching ones that destroy human lives.

Winfrey once again asserted that she had been lucky to be born in 1954 and never to have attended a racially segregated school in her native Mississippi.

“If I’d been born five years earlier, none, not any of the benefits that I’ve been blessed to be successful with would have occurred,” she said.

The fact is Winfrey was not born five years earlier. The blessings and benefits she receives from the American people are astronomical.

Just like the Obama she tries to portray as a president unpopular only because of the colour of his skin, who breezed through a life of privilege compared to most other people, Winfrey shows ingratitude and resentment after a lifetime of privilege. Obama paid back both black and white Americans who elected him by destroying their lives and their country.

The Big Question neither Winfrey nor Obama will never be asked by any mainstream media is this one: How was it possible to make it to the top as one of the most lucrative careers as a talk show queen in modern day USA, and the other as America’s 1st and 2nd African American President if it all really comes down to just skin colour?”

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/15/2013 3:30:48 PM

ObamaCare is but a taste, a bad taste, of the socialist America Obama and his cohort of socialists, Marxists, progressives, and 21st century liberals will create here

Lies and Deceit

By J.D. Longstreet Friday, November 15, 2013
I’m tired of writing about Obama and ObamaCare. I’m tired of writing about the idiots in Washington who have driven our country into the ground and “reformed” us into a third world banana republic akin to so many of the socialist dung heaps staining the southern hemisphere of the globe.
Just days ago, I was reclining betwixt the white sheets of a hospital bed with tubes attached to my veins dumping—Lord only knows—what into my fairly used-up body.

Suffice to say that, as of this writing, I remain on the sunny side of the grass and am able, to some extent, to continue my campaign of aggravating the living daylights out of my political opponents on the left.

Yes, it IS cathartic, and does SEEM to aid in the healing process. But with the nation’s attention totally drawn to the most recent assault on the middle class, by way of a socialized medicine scam perpetrated by the Democratic Party, I have become BORED writing about all the things we warned America would happen if the democrats passed Obamacare into law.

See, NONE of the shortcomings of ObamaCare are surprising to this old scribe. I saw it coming, and said so—publicly—and became something of a Jeremiah-like prophetic voice sans a sackcloth garment and ashes dripping from my unkempt hair and beard.

It seems I had become quite used to being “out there,” along with a handful of other like minded conservative “boat-rockers” and “cage-rattlers.” Now, however, Americans who have suddenly had their lives touched by—and thrown into confusion by—ObamaCare victims are flooding into our once lonely space.

You’d think I’d be happy that so many Americans have come over to my side, right?
OK, I suppose I am. But I must, in all honesty, admit to a bit of annoyance(?) that, suddenly, the truth that I (and my conservative brethren and sisteren) have been imparting for years now seems to have come as such a surprise to so many.

Everything we warned of, has either already happened, or is about to happen, and NONE of it HAD TO HAPPEN.

We live, dear reader, in an atmosphere of lies and deceit.

Look. The whole MESS in Washington, DC is the result of apathy and ignorance on the part of everyday working Americans, the middle class, if you will, who just could not find the time to pay a few minutes attention each day to what the so-called leadership in our national legislature was doing.

As I observe the heads of agitated and frightened Americans popping up and screaming bloody murder when accosted by ObamaCare it reminds me of the old expression “submarine Christians.” Yeah, submarine Christians are the so-called Christians you never hear from until they are in trouble. Like a submarine they surface when in trouble. Submarine Americans are popping to the surface all over the place today.

Problem is—it may already be too late.

WE have a REAL national crisis on our hands—one which must be handled decidedly and decisively—if we wish to have a constitutional republic left for our children and grand children.

Now that we have your attention, at least for a short while, please understand that even if we are able to repeal this godawful law and save what’s left of our country, we can never disengage from the job , no—the DUTY—of keeping a tight rein on the people who we have selected to govern us.

The current crop, for the most part, are drunk on power. They have become addicted to the power and perks of public office in America. Forcing them to go “cold turkey” is going to inflict much pain on them and they are bound to lash out, even at those who placed them in office by their sacred vote.

It is my opinion that we need to purge the Congress a year from now to the extent allowable under law and then finish the job in 2016.

There is a certain group of US Senators and Congresspersons who should, every single one, be targets of campaigns to replace them in Congress. See, It was DEMOCRATS WHO BROUGHT AMERICA OBAMACARE. Remember, not a single Republican cast a vote in favor of Obamacare in either house of the Congress. No Republican voted in favor of ObamaCare—not one.

The Democratic Party is running scared today, in a deep panic, as they understand the chickens are about to come home to roost. They brought this upon themselves, they deserve what they are about to receive at the polls.

Over the next year we will experience every kind of witch’s brew the alchemy of the Democrats can formulate to save their collective behinds. And, unfortunately, some of it will work.

If we want America to survive, if we want America to come back in all her greatness, we will work tirelessly to thwart the machinations of Obama and his minions to fulfill his promise to “fundamentally change” America.

ObamaCare is but a taste, a bad taste, of the socialist America Obama and his cohort of socialists, Marxists, progressives, and 21st century liberals will create here in what was once this “goodly land.”


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