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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/28/2013 2:08:14 AM

Well as I stated in another post I am one of the causalities that lost my existing insurance and had to go with another policy that will costs me a LOT more out of pocket in co pays, deductibles and etc.

The website train wreck is just the beginning. The worst is yet to come.

As many as 16 million Americans may lose their insurance due to Obamacare

By Robert Laurie Friday, October 25, 2013

A couple days ago, we discussed a report from Kaiser Health News which revealed that - so far - over half a million Americans had lost their preferred insurance plans due to ObamaCare. Since their story only covered a few insurers in three states, it was obviously just the beginning. According to Forbes, there are now more people in those three states that have LOST their insurance than there are new ObamaCare signups across all 50 states. So we know the numbers released so far will be just the tip of the iceberg.

Now, we’re starting to see estimates of just how big that iceberg really is.

Health care expert Bob Laszewski has done the math, and he claims that about 16 million people are going to see their policies evaporate. ...But don’t worry, they’ll be allowed to re-enroll at higher rates.

From Laszewski’s website, via

The U.S. individual health insurance market currently totals about 19 million people. Because the Obama administration’s regulations on grandfathering existing plans were so stringent about 85% of those,16 million, are not grandfathered and must comply with ObamaCare at their next renewal. The rules are very complex. For example, if you had an individual plan in March of 2010 when the law was passed and you only increased the deductible from $1,000 to $1,500 in the years since, your plan has lost its grandfather status and it will no longer be available to you when it would have renewed in 2014. These 16 million people are now receiving letters from their carriers saying they are losing their current coverage and must re-enroll in order to avoid a break in coverage and comply with the new health law’s benefit mandates——the vast majority by January 1. Most of these will be seeing some pretty big rate increases.

So, rather than ensuring that “30 million Americans would have access to easy, affordable, healthcare,” the President’s plan is causing 16 million more to lose plans they were happy with. In exchange, they’re being offered a replacement that they may not want and possibly can’t afford.

This is all going exactly as conservatives predicted.

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/28/2013 2:35:51 PM

Liberal Alchemy: Obama’s Attempt to Turn Government Garbage into Healthcare Gold

Obamacare Catastrophe Reveals Barack’s Entire Paper-Mache Fantasy World

By Kelly OConnell Sunday, October 27, 2013

An epiphany is a moment of utter revelation when previously confused subjects suddenly become clear. The moment the grand-opening curtain fell from the ObamaCare project was a time of stunning enlightenment when, in a flash, every important aspect of Barack’s character, agenda, and method suddenly came into focus.

And the summary? Barack is clueless, a huckster, an utter fraud, a talentless grifter, the living apotheosis of the Peter Principle—literally incapable of leadership. Virtually every idea Barack has attempted is either impossible or has failed upon inception. Further, his tenure is a grave danger to the future of the American nation and the lack of a movement for his removal is the strongest argument that USA will eventually fall.

But Barack is certainly not the only failed Leftist leader who created a future vision out of cotton candy and sugar cubes. In fact, every notable socialist or Marxist leader left a train of destruction and utter chaos in his wake. What is the reason for this? Folks on the Left will certainly have their explanations. Perhaps it is because chasing the goals of Marx is the closest modern pursuit of the ideas which motivated the medieval fixation on alchemy—attempting to convert garbage into gold. What is described below is a failure of ideology, using both Barack and the hero of his staff—Chairman Mao Zedong—as an example of the pitfalls of ideologically driven, fact blind, revolutionary change.

I. Obama Has No Idea What He is Doing

It is perhaps the most obvious conclusion in history to declare that Obama does not know what he is doing as president. When pondering how Barack allowed his signature piece of legislation, the perversely titled Affordable Care Act, aka “ObamaCare,” to overwhelmingly fail in plain sight, it is utterly incomprehensible. The options are not attractive to Barack boosters. Either he did not know the website for ObamaCare was non-functional, and therefore he is not in touch with the designers and builders of his own greatest legislation. Or, he knew it was simply a cardboard approximation, and went ahead and steered the boat of state directly into failure, anyway. Either option paints Barack as a pompous dolt.

It’s inconceivable, even if the government websites and programming of ObamaCare are somehow resurrected by a hi-tech wizard, that his reputation as a competent leader could survive. Who in their right mind would repeat Barack’s early reputation as the genius of the age? In fact, his listlessly incompetent performance is downright disturbing. Even stranger was his seeming capitulation to the state of the broken website as if it were no big deal and should simply be accepted with a shrug and a smile. Peggy Noonan’s article mentions Barack’s weird lack of a commitment to excellence in her essay, ObamaCare Is Taking On Water: It’s not just a buggy website, it’s a disaster of Titanic proportions. She says, “It is disorienting to not see this in a president. It is another thing about this story that feels not only historic, but historically strange.”

Instead, the ObamaCare collapse simply illustrates what his critics have said from day one—that Barack is an untrained ideologue who is so green to leadership he doesn’t know what he doesn’t know. Virginia Postrell writes on this astounding phenomenon:

The website is a disaster—symbolic to Obamacare opponents, disheartening to supporters, and incredibly frustrating to people who just need to buy insurance. Looking back, it seems crazy that neither the Barack Obama administration nor the public was prepared for the startup difficulties.

Recall, it was not long ago that Obama was touted as a messiah-like character, fit for hosannas and praise. A song witten for him was famously sung by a children’s choir, composed of a diverse squad of urchins, and featured on Youtube (We’re Gonna Change the World video). The hymn started with:

We’re gonna spread happiness
We’re gonna spread freedom
Obama’s gonna change it
Obama’s gonna lead ‘em.
We’re gonna change it
And rearrange it

This is not far from the tales told in the book The Miracles of Chairman Mao. The book is described here,

The stories this compendium contains are so wonderfully bizarre that I must share a selection. Thus, a girl who had been deaf and dumb for years suddenly burst into song under the inspiration of Chairman Mao. In another case, a patient with a tumour weighing 45 kilograms was attended by doctors who had devotedly read their Great Leader’s Little Red Book. The operation they conducted was inspired by Mao’s statement, “Attack dispersed, isolated enemy forces first; attack concentrated, strong enemy forces later.” Accordingly, the surgeons first removed the tissues surrounding the tumour before tackling the tumour itself. At hand to help them were the hospital staff, who carried portraits of Mao even as they offered blood to the patient. As for the patient herself, when she regained consciousness, she felt her tummy to find the tumour had disappeared. The first words she now uttered were, “Long live Chairman Mao! Chairman Mao has saved me!”

II. Barack & Mao’s Revolutionary Incompetence: Great Leaps Backward

Believe it, or not, Barack has some things in common with other Leftist leaders, such as Chairman Mao Zedong. The main trait Obama shares with Mao is both have an overwhelming enthusiasm to change the world in areas of which they have no knowledge. Further, both seem incapable of taking a realistic or educated view of what they wanted to change.

For example, consider Chairman Mao’s famous program The Great Leap Forward, a policy which might be the largest failure in the history of government. Moreover, scholar Frank Dikötter states in Mao’s Great Famine: The History of China’s Most Devastating Catastrophe, 1958-1962, that the Chairman’s program may have cost the lives of over 45 million Chinese during its execution. Mao repeatedly made uneducated, ill-advised and plain stupid decisions which decimated a generation of China’s farmers. And he seems to have had no sense of sorrow or regret for the innocent people who died. Further, his resentment at the criticism set off by his decisions appears to have been a main motivation behind the Cultural Revolution, which killed millions more. Writes Dikötter,

Between 1958 and 1962, China descended into hell. Mao Zedong, Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party, threw his country into a frenzy with the Great Leap Forward, an attempt to catch up with and overtake Britain in less than fifteen years. By unleashing China’s greatest asset, a labour force counted in the hundreds of millions, Mao thought he could catapult his country past its competitors…converting a backward economy into a modern communist society of plenty for all. In pursuit of a utopian paradise, everything was collectivised, as villagers were herded together in giant communes which heralded the advent of communism. People in the countryside were robbed of their work, their homes, their land, their belongings and their livelihood. Food, distributed by the spoonful in collective canteens according to merit, became a weapon to force party compliance. Irrigation campaigns forced up to half the villagers to work for weeks on end on giant water-conservancy projects, often far from home, without adequate food and rest. The experiment ended in the greatest catastrophe the country had ever known, destroying tens of millions of lives.

Dikötter mentions other unbelievable losses, including of the natural world. Up to half the trees in some provinces were sacrificed to the Great Leap. Thousands of miles of canals were created, many handmade by peasants, but because they were built without educated guidance, they were mostly unusable. Moreover, perhaps 40% of Chinese homes were destroyed. Says Dikötter, “We know that Mao was the key architect of the Great Leap Forward, and thus bears the main responsibility for the catastrophe that followed.”

Much like Mao’s failed program, Barack’s apparent failure with ObamaCare includes an inability to get the number right. Says Dikötter, “The planned economy required huge inputs of accurate data, yet at every level targets were distorted, figures were inflated and policies which clashed with local interests were ignored.” ObamaCare has a similar problem, according to MNSBC, with a refusal to give accurate numbers of enrollees, and an overall failure to admit how bad the system is. Barack’s administration is accused of lying, obfuscations, and incompetence—much like Mao!

We ought to, in good conscience, recall how easy it is to harm innocent persons with well-meaning programs which end up being destroyed by unintended bad consequences.

III. Why Alchemy Never Works

The government is a necessary watchdog. But it makes a dreadful and impossibly jealous God. And politicians make for misleading messiahs. In fact, anyone who allows himself to be sold as the savior or genius of the age needs to become immediately suspect as a wanna be tyrant. When would-be leaders offer us something for free which we know will cost money and labor, we ought to be disciplined enough to reject this fake political alchemy. There is no free lunch.

Eric Hoffer, in his classic study of mass movements, explains the psychology behind the rise of political idols. The underlying motivation is an amorphous hope for change. Consider the mass of disconsolate Obamatons who arose to follow Barack when he suddenly appeared, while pondering Hoffer’s observations in The True Believer. Hoffer stated, “The technique of a mass movement aims to infect people with a malady and then offer the movement as a cure.”

Hoffer also wrote,

“The permanent misfits can find salvation only in a complete separation from the self; and they usually find it by losing themselves in the compact collectivity of a mass movement. By renouncing individual will, judgment and ambition, and dedicating all their powers to the service of an eternal cause, they are at last lifted off the endless treadmill which can never lead them to fulfillment.”


Although Barack has failed, Americans still need to pick up the pieces and begin to rebuild our shattered republic. Let us hope we can once again find the educated and principled leaders for this crucial task. And let Americans never again fall for the charms of a progressive ne’er-do-well who promises to take garbage and change it into gold.


RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/28/2013 2:54:06 PM

Published by: Dan Calabrese on Monday October 28th, 2013

Full-scale implosion.

On the one hand, you can say this one’s not the administration’s fault because Verizon operates the data center. The connectivity issue that caused the system to shut down occurred early on Sunday, and as of now no one knows when it will be back online. In the meantime, no one can shop or make any purchases.

On the other hand – and I say this just from personal experience as a Verizon customer – I have never known Verizon service to be unreliable. I switched over last year from Sprint, which was a cacophony of unreliability, and Verizon has been unfailingly dependable. Now granted, my phone and data service is a very different animal from what Verizon is supposed to be doing for the federal government, but this is not some fly-by-night company run by Michelle Obama’s pal. It’s Verizon.

And that leads me to suspect that, as has so often been the case here, contractors are struggling to fulfill the wishes of a government that insisted for political purposes on designing a square peg to fit into a round hole.


The outage that started in the early hours of Sunday caused the data center to lose network connectivity with the federal government's data services hub, an electronic traffic roundabout that links the online health insurance marketplaces with numerous federal agencies and can verify people's identity, citizenship, and other facts.

Without the hub, consumers are unable to apply online for coverage or determine their eligibility for federal subsidies to help pay for insurance premiums. On Saturday, Sebelius praised the hub's ability to perform complex calculations in quick time as an example of a successful segment of the system.

HHS spokeswoman Joanne Peters said Sebelius spoke with Verizon's chief executive officer on Sunday afternoon to discuss the situation: "They committed to fixing the problem as soon as possible."

The outage was affecting enrollment in all 50 states, as well as Terremark customers not connected with the marketplaces, according to the HHS spokeswoman. She said the data center's network connectivity went down during planned maintenance to replace a failed networking component.

Is anything going right here? The web site doesn’t work. The data center can’t stay online. More people are losing insurance than signing up for it. And because of the mandates imposed on insurers in the law, you can’t delay the individual mandate without potentially tanking the entire health insurance industry.

If you want to find the root cause of this disaster, you’d be wise to go back to the process of passing the law in the first place. Back in 2009-2010, Democrats had a short window of a few months – after Al Franken was finally seated and before Ted Kennedy died – when they had a filibuster-proof 60-seat majority in the Senate. It was an opportunity for them to go hog wild passing the government health care takeover they’d been dreaming about for generations.

The emphasis was on what was politically possible, not on what was technically or operationally possible. Hey, we’ll set up “exchanges” and everyone can buy online. Put it in the bill and pass it. Let the technical people figure out how to do it. A bunch of politicians voting for a bill had no idea if this could be done, or how expensive it would be, or whether it would actually work.

The same was true with other aspects of the bill. They said it would lower everyone’s premiums. It’s done the opposite. They said if you liked your plan, you could keep your plan. You can’t. They’re in denial about the impact it’s having on jobs. They refuse to believe that the Independent Payment Advisory Board will ration health care and make decisions that end some people’s lives. Hey, they didn’t put that in the bill!

No. They didn’t put a fiasco of a web site in the bill either. But here it is. Just because the government passes a law saying things must happen in a certain way doesn’t mean they will. The White House is right when it says ObamaCare is more than just a web site. This fiasco is just getting started.

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/29/2013 3:16:16 AM
Jay Carney, liar, liar, pants on fire!!!! Believe me, I had much better coverage under my old plan than I do now, no matter how this idiot tries to spin it any other way and if you notice he never did give a straight answer but then that is typical of a liberal. How can I have better coverage when my out of pocket expenses doubled and even tripled in some cases?

NBC Reporter Peter Alexander Presses Jay Carney To Concede on behalf of the administration that the Affordable Care Act will have its share of "winners and losers."

Published on Oct 28, 2013

During Monday afternoon's White House Press Briefing, NBC reporter Peter Alexander pressed Jay Carney to concede on behalf of the administration that the Affordable Care Act will have its share of "winners and losers."

The question came about after Fox reporter Ed Henry mentioned the case of Dianne Barrette, a 56-year-old woman who tearfully told CBS News how under Obamacare her healthcare costs will increase at least ten times. To her case, Carney said he could not address the policy on an "individual case-by-case" basis asserting that millions of Americans will now have insurance they previously did not have.

NBC reporter Alexander jumped in to ask how many individuals on the market will lose their plan or have to change their plans as a result of the Affordable Care Act. Carney responded by suggesting that some people will have to switch from insurance coverage that does not meet the minimum standards set forth by law.

"So does the White House concede that there are winners and losers in this plan?" Alexander asked. "Including an individual we [at NBC] spoke to in North Carolina whose family... will pay 430% more than their present plan."

Carney once again said he cannot answer about individual cases, but Alexander pushed: "Are there winners and losers?" The press secretary then reiterated his earlier point that "millions of Americans will now have insurance they previously did not have," before saying it's an "unfair comparison" to bring up bare-minimum insurance plans and the ones provided under the ACA.
Helen Elias

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/29/2013 10:13:13 AM
Hi Evelyn

What you need for your allergies is green stuff, more and more green stuff.

I get itchy when I don't eat my greens. I notice that when I don't eat my greens, the itchiness gets worse.

Raw foods 'normalize' your body. Who told you that you can't eat raw foods? Was it an allopathic (conventional) doctor? They are great at giving people advice about which they know nothing.

One woman I met had allergies so bad, if she dared go out to eat, she feared an allergic attack so strong that they might have to call an ambulance due to anaphilactic shock. She rarely went out to eat. She also said she got like big pimples all over her face. She said, "I was ugly". Then someone told her about barley greens and she began taking it and her allergies left her and her face cleared.

So everyone, eat your greens. I believe all green foodstuffs are helpful. Also eat organic and above all, stay away from GMO like soybeans, soy oil, soy products, canola oil, beet sugar (cane is not gmo) and cottonseed oil. Most cotton is GMO so one might even be allergic to wearing anything cotton. For a non-gmo shopping guide and information, go to

PSS...oh yes, btw, I will be selling barley greens ;))

Well unfortunately Helen, I can no longer eat raw foods, makes my blood pressure drop too low although I can occasionally tolerate a slice of tomato and onion on a hamburger. I guess that goes along with my allergies but not sure but good luck with your exciting news. :)


Hello Evelyn

Pray you don't get sick and then to keep from getting sick, eat the best raw food in the world which Helen will soon be selling ...again. Watch for that exciting news soon!


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