Hello Friends,
Judi McLeod once again hit the nail on the head. In B Hussein's initial presidential campaign in 2008 he spelled out in the most obvious and transparent manner what his goals and aspirations are. His “hope” mantra turned out to be a smoke screen but his “change” turned into a nightmare that all Americans are bombarded with night and day (yep, day mares are now part of your life too).
Only a lunatic would close an ocean, throw people out of their homes, try and block Mt. Rushmore from view, close open air war memorial, grocery stores on military bases and unfortunately the list goes on and on.
Guess what he didn't close down? If you have any imagination you'll probably guess but I'll tell you anyway; one of his favorite golf courses (on Andrews Air Force base). Lt. Gen. Raymond Mason, deputy chief of staff of logistics said yesterday at a House Hearing:
“The Andrews Air Force Base golf course is funded through user fees and that’s why it remains open, said Air Force Captain Lindy Singleton, chief of public affairs for the 11th Wing at Andrews”.
Hmmm, make sense to you?? It would if not for the simple fact that the grocery stores on that same base are closed down forcing military personnel to buy off base at higher prices. Who funds those grocery stores??The closed down government or the military personnel doing their shopping there? The obvious conclusion is that B Hussein's golf hobby is more important then the feeding of military families who as you know aren't “over paid”. And yes, these grocery stores are funded by the users! Wonder why none of the members of the House Hearing committee asked this question? Not very logical is it? Grocery stores vs one of B Hussein's favorite golf courses. Wonder if he pays the “user fee”?
Luckily this lunacy by the B Hussein family and their regime has to stop and I have a feeling that it will sooner rather then later. The “people are waking up and demonstrating. I wonder how B Hussein will close down the streets of Washington DC to block the thousands of truckers that are on the way there now? I think they won't be able to and then the shi*t will most definitely hit the fan.
Judi's article is definitely a must read.
A bully boy president, who will be remembered long after he’s gone as the despicable ‘Poster Boy of Petty and Mean’

The main motive behind Barack Obama’s closing off open-air war memorials and Mount Rushmore from public view is to force attention back to him and his Mrs. as indisputable natural rulers of the world.
Hitler had it, Napoleon had it, radical Islam still practices it, and the Obamas got it in spades—an unquenchable thirst to be obeyed as unquestioned world leaders.
In Obama’s narcissistic thinking, he and only he is Mount Rushmore, the World War II War Memorial, and the only loyal lure that continues to bring people to cemeteries in Europe and around the world to honor the American war dead.
Obama resents all adulation of others, including the war dead.
“All bow down to Obama” is the mantra that lives full-time in his head, and when he gets his way about starting sex education in kindergarten, little kids will be taught the words to that song.
A quick skim through history proves that when leaders go mad in office real people suffer real pain.
Leaders embarking on insanity always toss lifelines to their wives and mistresses.
Proof in Obama’s case comes today on the front page of yesterday’s Drudge via The Right Scoop: “This is unbelievable. The Obama administration has shut down the Amber Alert website because of the government shutdown and it now renders this message when you attempt to access it:
“I’m sure you care about your lost child but Obama doesn’t—at least not while he’s trying to ‘win’ the government shutdown. I understand from twitter that Amber alerts are state level programs with a federal website. Not real sure how all that works but it just seems unfathomable that this website wouldn’t qualify under ‘essential’, especially when most of the government is still operating.
“No, this is just Obama putting politics ahead of you finding your lost child. Despicable.
“Update: Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move website works just fine. Seriously.”
So there you have it. The forced omnipresence of the Obamas over everything and everybody—including lost children.
CFP Update: The government’s already coming out of Obama’s painted corner. They quietly turned the Amber Alert website back on at about 10:45 this morning.
Having waded into the utter madness of overkill, Barack Obama is now trying to drive the rest of the world mad. But clinging to sanity in days of orchestrated upheaval is more important now than ever.
In other words, rather than you losing it, drive Obama further down the dark tunnel.
God’s light shines on all of Washington’s war memorials. That’s because life on earth moves on with or without Barack Obama, and petty politics just being politics Obama will someday soon have to go on the hunt for ways to paint himself back out of the corner.
Obama, who has finally gone overboard on dangerous overreach, is now the reason for people wanting to draw a red line, like the one he referenced for Syria but never got around to delivering.
The 99% of the 35,000 World War II veterans who have never seen their war memorial flooding into D.C., aren’t the only ones who are mad and who aren’t going to take it anymore.
Obama’s public hissy fits aren’t going down well with tourists, who long ago planned their visits, or families visiting memorials to teach their children a sense of history either.
Hissy fits belong out in the late-night alley among feral cats and not to anyone taking up residence in the White House.
An increasingly mean and petty Obama looked silly when he first personally ordered the WWII memorial ordered shut down and then followed up with actual threats. He looked sillier even than he did in his picture on a girl’s bicycle, when he had the vets threatened with arrest. Next Obama looked silly as a loon when he ordered the Vietnam Memorial shut down and World War 11 cemeteries in Europe and around the world shut down, barring people who honour dead war heroes.
Who is Barack Obama to take this time-honoured right from them?
It defied belief when German shepherd dogs were brought in, in a veiled effort to intimidate veterans and tourists making their way to Capitol grounds to see the Memorials.
All Obama has done so far bears the embarrassing tell-tale tactics of a sore loser.
When Obama had orange traffic cones put along the shoulders of highways in South Dakota to prevent people stopping for a look at the iconic Mount Rushmore, he looked downright ridiculous when motorists merely got out of their vehicles and removed them.
Imagine a president, who, along with his wife, is the biggest groupie of actors and singers in the Entertainment industry, proving it most Wednesday nights at the White House, cutting off thousands of American troops serving their country in the most dangerous places from the welcome break of televised sports.
What kind of a president would act the way Obama’s been acting since painting himself in a corner on the Government Shutdown?
A bully boy president, who will be remembered long after he’s gone as the despicable ‘Poster Boy of Petty and Mean’.
Like the poorly raised kid who steals all the marbles and balls in childhood street games, Obama acts as though he owns even all the private property in the same country he is fundamentally transforming.
In his latest moves, he’s bitten off his nose to spite his face, and this time there is no Vladimir Putin riding over the horizon to rescue him.
When all of this first started, groups of vets in their 80s and 90s were DC bound to visit their war memorial. Now the awakened grassroots is rising up against him.
The tide is turning and the only way back for Obama is to admit defeat.
This is one tide no one can stop, not the mainstream media, not Oprah, not even Michelle and Valerie Jarrett can get their favourite bully boy out of this one.
Coming down a road near BHO very soon:an unforgettable big lesson from the other side called ‘Drawing the Red Line 101’.