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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/25/2013 10:51:57 AM
Wouldn't surprise me in the least Evelyn. If it's true then the facade is breaking down and we're in store for interesting times. Remember the Roman Emperor who watched Rome burn??? Well, that's what B Hussein is doing with out the Meds, imagine how bad he'll be with the meds.



I saw this posted a couple of days ago and found it very interesting but then when you think of all that has happened recently, it makes total sense.

Meltdown in Washington: President Obama Reported Sedated Following Emotional Breakdown

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/29/2013 12:28:44 AM
I had booked marked this article when it first came out but I have been so busy I let it slip through the cracks so even though I'm late posting it, it is still an excellent article.

Obama is a symbol of much of today’s generation, which accepts no responsibility for anything

The Most Embarrassing President of My Lifetime

By Doug Patton Friday, September 6, 2013

Obama: The Most Embarrassing President of My Lifetime

Speak softly and carry a big stick.” — Teddy Roosevelt
“The buck stops here.” — Harry Truman
“I didn’t set a red line.” — Barack Obama

Barack Obama is, without question, the most embarrassing president of my lifetime — and that is saying something, since my life so far has encompassed 12 presidencies, some of which have brought a lot of embarrassment to the nation. Even Richard Nixon, with his Watergate scandal, Jimmy Carter, with his malaise, and Bill Clinton, with his lewd behavior in the Oval Office, could not top this president for pure, unadulterated disgrace.

Of course, in Obama’s case, it is not a matter of personal scandal like it was for Clinton. By telling the world a year ago that he was drawing a red line in the hot desert sands of Syria — that red line being the use of chemical weapons — he created the debacle that currently threatens to engulf the Middle East. He blustered at the time that if the regime of Bashar al-Assad crossed that red line, there will be a price to pay. No one yet knows what that price will be, but from the current discussion, it appears that it will involve the destruction of at least three camels, four sheep, a half-dozen goats and an abandoned aspirin factory. That oughta show ‘em!

What it will do, in all likelihood, is unify the Islamic crazies in the Middle East and turn Assad into a regional hero, emboldening him to attack Israel, secure in the knowledge that the United States has no stomach for a wider war.

Congressional offices on Capitol Hill are reporting phone calls coming in at a rate of more than 200 to 1 against approving Obama’s plan to attack Syria. Republican and Democrats alike are being bombarded with negative responses from their constituents. Still, there are those among the insulated legislative class — John McCain, Lindsay Graham, John Boehner, etc. — who have not gotten the message that the American people are about as enthusiastic about Obama’s proposed war plans as they are about undergoing a quadruple root canal. In fact the Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted to approve a resolution to allow Obama to use force.

Yet there was the ever-arrogant Barack Obama, standing at the podium in Stockholm on Wednesday, embarrassing himself yet again (and, by extension, the fools who elected him) by announcing in response to a reporter’s question about his crumbling credibility, “I didn’t set a red line. The world set a red line.”

Obama is a symbol of much of today’s generation, which accepts no responsibility for anything. Therefore, when something goes wrong among his cockamamie plans, it must be someone else’s fault. Usually, of course, it would be George Bush’s fault, but even Obama couldn’t bring himself to tell that one again, not in this case. No, this time it’s the whole world’s fault. And Congress. And America. It’s American credibility that will suffer, he told the world, not his. Unbelievable.

The questions that need to be asked are these: What is the national security interest of the United States of America in attacking Syria? Will our intervention accomplish anything more than assuaging the ego of an arrogant president who has no knowledge of military matters? Will the consequences for the wider region, and for the interests of the United States, be improved if we attack Syria? And the most frightening question: have we elected a president who so admires Islam and so hates Israel that he would deliberately aid al-Qaeda while provoking a brutal Arab tyrant to attack our tiny but crucial ally?

I fear the answers to these questions are as follows: none; no; no; and, unfortunately, yes.

Helen Elias

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/30/2013 11:26:36 AM
Bow to "The One"

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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/1/2013 8:25:56 AM

Hi Evelyn & Friends,

You're so right. This is an excellent article by Glen Patton. B Hussein' succeeded in making a laughing stock of himself in the eyes of the

western world but worse yet not only a laughingstock but a fool and extremely weak and ineffectual “leader” in the eyes of the muslim world.

As I've written in previous posts, Putin succeeded in out smarting and “putting paid” to the fraud and great pretender B Hussein and showed the world that when faced down B Hussein has no spine and direction. All he has is a teleprompter with empty “slogans” like Red Line that in the end he blatantly lies and says he never said.

The interesting thing is that his threat to take military action against Assad was not thought through and when he realized that the American people were against his plan he immediately retreated and said he's sending it to Congress to get approval. That was his first cop out cos he already knew that it had no chance of passing in Congress and in the Senate. So this was his way of trying to blame others for no action.

Here in Israel the sentiment about the attack on Syria is a complicated one. On the one hand there are many who were in favor of the attack and many against.

I'm in the against group cos the specific reason that B Hussein really wanted to attack the Assad regime was to empower the jihadi elements many of whom are offshoots of al-Qaeda, in the same manner that he empowered the muslim brotherhood in Egypt and al-Qaeda in Libya.

That said the real problem Israel is facing is the simple fact that she now realizes that she can't depend on America as long as B Hussein is president. Once he reneged on his “Red Line” threat (whether the action was justified or not) any and all declarations of being a close ally to Israel and will watch her “back” are empty words and the latest time he used them was in speech in the UN last week.

Don't forget that not only Israel realizes that but the muslim world knows that as well. Remember that B Hussein initiated a telephone call to the Iranian president Rouhani (the first contact with an Iranian leader by a US president since 1979) after being snubbed by Rouhani in the UN where B Hussein wanted to meet with him (b*itch slapped yet again). This is seen by the Iranians as weakness by America under the leadership of the fraud and great pretender. In Iran they're claiming that he did that cos he's afraid of Iranian power.

So, Israel knows that all the leaks about Israeli strategic military information by the WH was intentional and not an error as they claimed and that the B Hussein administration is the last place to look for support. His reneging on his “red line” was only the final straw.



I had booked marked this article when it first came out but I have been so busy I let it slip through the cracks so even though I'm late posting it, it is still an excellent article.

Obama is a symbol of much of today’s generation, which accepts no responsibility for anything

The Most Embarrassing President of My Lifetime

By Doug Patton Friday, September 6, 2013

Obama: The Most Embarrassing President of My Lifetime

Speak softly and carry a big stick.” — Teddy Roosevelt
“The buck stops here.” — Harry Truman
“I didn’t set a red line.” — Barack Obama

Barack Obama is, without question, the most embarrassing president of my lifetime — and that is saying something, since my life so far has encompassed 12 presidencies, some of which have brought a lot of embarrassment to the nation. Even Richard Nixon, with his Watergate scandal, Jimmy Carter, with his malaise, and Bill Clinton, with his lewd behavior in the Oval Office, could not top this president for pure, unadulterated disgrace.

Of course, in Obama’s case, it is not a matter of personal scandal like it was for Clinton. By telling the world a year ago that he was drawing a red line in the hot desert sands of Syria — that red line being the use of chemical weapons — he created the debacle that currently threatens to engulf the Middle East. He blustered at the time that if the regime of Bashar al-Assad crossed that red line, there will be a price to pay. No one yet knows what that price will be, but from the current discussion, it appears that it will involve the destruction of at least three camels, four sheep, a half-dozen goats and an abandoned aspirin factory. That oughta show ‘em!

What it will do, in all likelihood, is unify the Islamic crazies in the Middle East and turn Assad into a regional hero, emboldening him to attack Israel, secure in the knowledge that the United States has no stomach for a wider war.

Congressional offices on Capitol Hill are reporting phone calls coming in at a rate of more than 200 to 1 against approving Obama’s plan to attack Syria. Republican and Democrats alike are being bombarded with negative responses from their constituents. Still, there are those among the insulated legislative class — John McCain, Lindsay Graham, John Boehner, etc. — who have not gotten the message that the American people are about as enthusiastic about Obama’s proposed war plans as they are about undergoing a quadruple root canal. In fact the Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted to approve a resolution to allow Obama to use force.

Yet there was the ever-arrogant Barack Obama, standing at the podium in Stockholm on Wednesday, embarrassing himself yet again (and, by extension, the fools who elected him) by announcing in response to a reporter’s question about his crumbling credibility, “I didn’t set a red line. The world set a red line.”

Obama is a symbol of much of today’s generation, which accepts no responsibility for anything. Therefore, when something goes wrong among his cockamamie plans, it must be someone else’s fault. Usually, of course, it would be George Bush’s fault, but even Obama couldn’t bring himself to tell that one again, not in this case. No, this time it’s the whole world’s fault. And Congress. And America. It’s American credibility that will suffer, he told the world, not his. Unbelievable.

The questions that need to be asked are these: What is the national security interest of the United States of America in attacking Syria? Will our intervention accomplish anything more than assuaging the ego of an arrogant president who has no knowledge of military matters? Will the consequences for the wider region, and for the interests of the United States, be improved if we attack Syria? And the most frightening question: have we elected a president who so admires Islam and so hates Israel that he would deliberately aid al-Qaeda while provoking a brutal Arab tyrant to attack our tiny but crucial ally?

I fear the answers to these questions are as follows: none; no; no; and, unfortunately, yes.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/1/2013 8:27:12 AM
Excellent video Helen. Thanks for posting it.



Bow to "The One"

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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