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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
5/12/2013 4:03:52 PM

Another great article from Judi McLeod, with the CFP, our neighbors to the north..........

Not talking points and talking it up that matter, but finding justice for four courageous Americans left to die horrific deaths by a government that lives by its lies

Where is Justice for Benghazi?

By Judi McLeod Thursday, May 9, 2013

If the Benghazi investigations before the House Oversight and Reform Committee prove anything it’s that we all live in a world dominated by talking points as victims of a world dominated by government and media lies.

It was “talking points” that gave oxygen to the Big Lie that an unwatched anti-Islamic YouTube was responsible for the terrorist attack in Benghazi which took the lives of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens.

When former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton yelled “What difference does it make”, she knew at heart that the Obama regime was already making sure Benghazi wouldn’t matter.

We bridled at her hissy fit, not seeing through the unshakeable confidence she brought to the congressional hearing that came from knowing the lies told to the American people would never be redressed in any meaningful way.

How can Benghazi be made to matter if the Fundamental Transformation of America can’t be made to matter?

Less than one month ago, five living presidents and their wives stood on a Dallas, Texas podium listening to the US Army chorus sing the iconic Battle Hymn of the Republic during the launch of the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum. President Barack Obama yakked away to Barbara Bush during much of the five-minute-12-second rendition. Standing off to the far left of the podium, Michelle Obama wore her trademark scowl. Hillary preened from behind her husband’s shoulder. Not a single one of the American hierarchy noted the deliberate decline of America under Obama’s promised transformation of what has long been the greatest nation on Earth.

Talk about bipartisanship in viewable action!

Legions of hopeful patriots followed the sworn testimony of courageous Greg Hicks, Eric Nordstrom and Mark Thompson at the committee investigating the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, yesterday.

But as far as justice is concerned the truth of Benghazi has already been safely relegated to the “What difference does it make” category.

Now that the fearless trio have come forward to put the truth before the American public, what means are in place to bring Obama, Clinton and Susan Rice to justice?

Barack Obama who came into public office as junior Illinois senator riding the coattails of a scandal from the unsealed divorce papers of his selected quarry and who went on to become president without any proof of who he really is will continue to be president for at least the next three and a half years.

Polls post Benghazi have shown Hillary topping presidential popularity lists.

Susan Rice, on the public teat ever since the Clinton administration, is still the US Ambassador to the UN.

We are all celebrating today a release of the truth we knew from the get-go.

So overjoyed at the truth making an ever-so-brief visit to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, we even take heart that the Washington Post admits in an op-ed piece the day after that Barack Obama lied.

That it’s the Washington Post finally weighing in, surely a textbook 101 of “what difference does it make”.

Meanwhile both the government’s talking points and congressional talking about Benghazi rather than finding the way to do something about it, will never bring closure.

It is not the talking points and talking it up that matter, but finding justice for four courageous Americans left to die horrific deaths by a government that lives by its lies.

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
5/12/2013 4:44:31 PM

Justice on the White House
Published on May 12, 2013
Obama and Hillary are finally being held accountable for crimes against Americans.
Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
5/12/2013 11:37:25 PM
Hello All

I originally got the following video off of this website. It's an interesting site.


Judge Jeanine Pirro: Obama, Hillary Clinton Lied To Us About Benghazi

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Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
5/12/2013 11:53:12 PM
Hello again

And in the video below, Judge Jeanine says this about the Boston jihadi bombing and its perpetrators. If you go to the website where this video is featured, you can scroll down and see a transcript of this video. Go to ...


Judge Jeanine Pirro Slams Jihadi Mom: "Lady, You Shouldn't Be Allowed Here"

Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
5/13/2013 12:53:55 PM
May 12, 2013 by Michael Dorstewitz

It turns out that the Benghazi whistleblower who offered the riveting testimony at Wednesday’s House Oversight Committee and turned the Obama administration into liars is a registered Democrat.

Gregory Hicks

Gregory Hicks: “I’ve never been as embarrassed in my life, in my career as on that day.”

On addition, Gregory Hicks, who served as deputy chief of mission in Libya during the Sept. 11 terrorist attack, voted for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the 2008 primary election and Barack Obama in the last two general elections.

This information was disclosed Saturday to the Daily Caller by Hicks’ lawyer, Victoria Toensing.

“The fact is he is a registered Democrat in Virginia. The fact is he voted for Hilary in the primary and Obama and then again for Obama,” Toensing told the Caller, adding that she was unaware of this fact until the day before the committee hearing.

“I’m not interested in that,” she said. “I’m interested in government not abusing its powers.”

This information, if nothing else, adds an enormous amount of credibility to Hicks’ compelling and already highly credible testimony.

Hicks testified that his Sept. 11 calls for help were ignored and his attempts to send assistance to Benghazi were thwarted. He also testified that he was demoted after cooperating with congressional investigators and questioning the White House talking points that blamed the incident on a YouTube video.

Those talking points were pushed by Amb. Susan Rice during a 5-show marathon on the Sunday following the attack, and directly contradicted his report and that of the Libyan president.

Watching the Sunday news shows, Hicks was shocked. “The net impact of what has transpired is the spokesperson of the most powerful country in the world has basically said that the President of Libya is either a liar or doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” he accused. Hicks added, “My jaw hit the floor as I watched this…I’ve never been as embarrassed in my life, in my career as on that day.”

The State Department has since denied that Hicks was demoted following the events in Benghazi, a claim his lawyer refutes.

“The State Department is lying — saying he was not demoted,” according to Toensing. “It is almost impossible under law for them to take away anybody’s salary. But they demoted him to a job where he has no meaningful work,” she said. “He had a choice between no job whatsoever and a job that didn’t have any meaningful work. And I say this is like telling a starving man he can have no food or he can have the rotten beef. And if he chooses the rotten beef, is that a choice?”


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