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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/24/2012 7:53:37 PM

Hi Peter and friends, I just posted this in my thread too.

This is one I passed with flying colors, I'm proud to say.

"Right Wing Extremists"

Take the Right Wing Extremist survey to see if you qualify

Published on Nov 24, 2012 by

Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/25/2012 2:24:56 PM
Hi Helen,

It is the wrong thread but that's OK. I read this article a few days ago and for a variety of reasons I had very little online time to post it and I appreciate your doing it for me.

Alan Dershowitz hit the nail on the head with his article but this is nothing new with Hamas and the palestinians in general. Remember that the name of this thread is Human Shields In Gaza and this cowardly behavior on their part hasn't changed. Worse even cos it's basically part of their strategy and their media campaigns.

Israel again made thousands upon thousands of phone calls, smses and dropped leaflets to the Gaza general population when they were planning to attack rocket launch sites, munition arsenals, tunnels etc. that were in the middle of populated areas, in schoolyards, mosque court yards etc. Every precaution was made to insure minimal civilian casualties but the sad fact is that the majority didn't heed the warnings yet there were very few civilian casulaties never the less.

Thanks again for an excellent article.




Oops! I think I put this in the wrong forum but I think that now that I have it here, I'll leave it here because it is important that people know what is going on with Israel and the Palestinians.


Hamas Sacrifices Civilians as a Military Tactic

Image Below Headline Start
Monday 19, 2012 12:43 PM
By Alan Dershowitz
As rockets continue to fall in Israel and Gaza, it is important to understand Hamas’s tactic and how the international community and the media are

encouraging it.

Hamas’s tactic is as simple as it is criminal and brutal. Its leaders know that by repeatedly firing rockets at Israeli civilian areas, they will give Israel no choice but to respond. Israel’s response will target the rockets and those sending them. In order to maximize their own civilian casualties, and thereby earn the sympathy of the international community and media, Hamas leaders deliberately fire their rockets from densely populated civilian areas. The Hamas fighters hide in underground bunkers but Hamas refuses to provide any shelter for its own civilians, who they use as “human shields.”

This unlawful tactic presents Israel with a tragic choice: simply allow Hamas rockets to continue to target Israeli cities and towns; or respond to the rockets, with inevitable civilian casualties among the Palestinian “human shields.”

Every democracy would choose the latter option if presented with a similar choice. Although Israel goes to great efforts to reduce civilian casualties, the Hamas tactic is designed to maximize them. The international community and the media must understand this and begin to blame Hamas, rather than Israel, for the Palestinian civilians who are killed by Israeli rockets but whose deaths are clearly part of the Hamas tactic.

Every reasonable commentator has agreed with President Obama that Hamas started this battle by firing thousands of rockets at Israeli civilians. Every reasonable commentator also agrees with President Obama that Israel has the right to defend its citizens. But many commentators fault Israel for causing Palestinian civilian casualties. But what is Israel’s option, other than to simply allow rockets to be aimed at its own women and children?

As President Obama observed when he went to Sderot as a candidate:

“The first job of any nation state is to protect its citizens. And so I can assure you that if…somebody was sending rockets into my house where my two daughters sleep at night, I’m going to do everything in my power to stop that. And I would expect Israelis to do the same thing.”

Israel should continue to make every effort to reduce civilian casualties, both because that is the humane thing to do and because it serves their interests. But so long as Hamas continues to fire rockets from densely populated civilian areas, rather than from the many open areas outside of Gaza City, this cynical tactic—which constitutes a double war crime—will guarantee that some Palestinian women and children will be killed. And the Hamas leadership prepares for this gruesome certainty by arranging for the dead babies to be paraded in front of the international media. In one such case, the Palestinian radicals posted a video of a dead baby who turned out to have been killed in Syria by the Assad government, and in another case, they displayed the body of a baby who had been killed by a Hamas rocket that misfired, falsely claiming that it had been the victim of an Israeli rocket.

As Richard Kemp, the former commander of British forces in Afghanistan has said, the Israeli Army does “more to safeguard civilians than any army in the history of warfare.” This includes dropping leaflets, making phone calls and providing other warnings to civilian residents of Gaza City. But Hamas refuses to provide shelter for its civilians, deliberately exposing them to the risks associated with warfare, while it shelters its own fighters in underground bunkers.

The Hamas tactic is also designed to prevent Israel from making peace with the Palestinian Authority. Even Israeli doves are concerned that if Israel ends its occupation of the West Bank, Hamas may take over that territory, as it took over Gaza shortly after Israel ended its occupation of that area. The West Bank is much closer to Israel’s major population centers than Gaza. If Hamas were to fire rockets from the West Bank at Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, Israel would then have to respond militarily, as it has in Gaza. Once again, civilians would be killed, thus provoking international outcry against Israel.

What we are seeing in Gaza today is a replay of what happened in 2008 and 2009, when Israel went into Gaza to stop the rocket fire. The result was the Goldstone Report, which put the blame squarely on Israel. This benighted report — condemned by most thoughtful people, and eventually even critiqued by Goldstone himself — has encouraged Hamas to go back to the tactic that resulted in international condemnation of Israel. This tactic will persist as long as the international community and the media persist in blaming Israel for civilian deaths caused by a deliberate Hamas tactic.

© 2012 Newsmax. All rights reserved.

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Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/25/2012 2:37:22 PM
Hi Evelyn,

I guess I'm a right wing extremist ....... as if you didn't already know that. :)

Thanks for the excellent articles you posted but I chose this one to quote cos what he says in the video really resonates with me. He expresses it very well and he sure is turning out to be one of the better conservative youtube personalities, IMHO.




Hi Peter and friends, I just posted this in my thread too.

This is one I passed with flying colors, I'm proud to say.

"Right Wing Extremists"

Take the Right Wing Extremist survey to see if you qualify

Published on Nov 24, 2012 by

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/25/2012 2:48:02 PM
Hi all, excellent stuff. I tend to be a right-wing extremist as well. I definitely lean conservative and feel that big government is not good at all for the world. I keep telling everyone that in the last few years, everything has at least doubled, except for my income. Gas, food, my mortgage (my fault ha), utilities and so forth have all at least doubled if not tripled or more. Most of us are fortunate just to have a steady level of income which is not generally increasing and if anything people are getting laid off or making less money. Of course those of us with online supplemental and residual income are doing much better, and praise God for that. "Houston, we have a problem, (and) something is rotten in the state of Denmark." Thanks, Steve
Adlandpro is one of my fave sites as the people are fanta-bulous, the networking is great, having a place to share ads and info rocks! For over 20 years now I've been part of a huge T.E.A.M., where "Together Everyone Achieves More." Our dreams and goals are to help as many folks succeed as possible no matter what occupation or biz you are in. I have 3 main blogs or websites, including expertise in blogging, forums, communities, network marketing, social networking, advertising, lead generation, SEO & more. Love connecting with like-minded individuals. Thanks so much, Mark Stephen Hauser of and my main blog
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/26/2012 1:53:53 AM

Hi Peter, remember we talked about this at the time Bin Laden was supposedly killed and this writer makes many of the points we discussed.

Evidence Now Suggests Obama Did Not Have Osama Bin Laden Killed

Think about it. Osama Bin Laden is the most wanted criminal in our lifetime, hands down, no one else even close. The mastermind behind 9/11. The newspapers tells us that Barack Hussein Obama “gave the order” to have Osama Bin Laden killed, they showed us photos of Obama and his people “watching it in real time”. But when it was done there is no evidence that it actually happened.


In an administration riddled by lies, scandal and massive cover-ups, is this the biggest lie ever told to the American people?

There are no witnesses, no dead body, no photos, no audio recordings, there is nothing to prove it actually happened. Even the emails mentioned in the story below bear no trace of the name of Osama Bin Laden, so any idea that they reference Bin Laden personally must be implied and inferred. Even the members of SEAL Team 6 who were talked about as being part of the Bin Laden raid, where are they? Oh, that’s right, their chopper crashed shortly after the raid took place. How very convenient for the Obama administration.

So I ask you, dear reader, on what basis do you believe actually it happened?

From Telegraph UK: The emails were released by the Pentagon after a freedom of information request by the Associated Press, but were heavily redacted. They disclosed that the funeral was so secret that none of the crew on USS Carl Vinson witnessed the burial at sea. They confirmed what the administration said at the time that Islamic rituals were observed.

In an indication of the intense secrecy surrounding the operation, senior naval officers referred to the slain terror leaders’s body was referred to as a FedEx package.

The correspondence represents the first public disclosure of government records about the former al Qaeda leader’s burial. They were released on Wednesday by the Pentagon in response to a Freedom of Information Act request by The Associated Press.

One email stamped secret and sent on May 2 by a senior Navy officer briefly describes how bin Laden’s body was washed, wrapped in a white sheet, and then placed in a weighted bag. According to another message from the Vinson’s public affairs officer, only a small group of the ship’s leadership was informed of the burial.

RELATED STORY: Benghazi Embassy 9/11 Attack Cover-up Threatens To Sink Obama White House

Bin Laden was killed on May 1, 2011, by a Navy SEAL team that assaulted his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. His body was carried out to sea by the USS Carl Vinson.

“Traditional procedures for Islamic burial was followed,” the May 2 email from Rear Admiral Charles Gaouette reads. “The deceased’s body was washed (ablution) then placed in a white sheet. The body was placed in a weighted bag.

“A military officer read prepared religious remarks, which were translated into Arabic by a native speaker. After the words were complete, the body was placed on a prepared flat board, tipped up, whereupon the deceased’s body slid into the sea.”

The email also included a cryptic reference to the intense secrecy surrounding the mission. “The paucity of documentary evidence in our possession is a reflection of the emphasis placed on operational security during the execution of this phase of the operation,” Admiral Gaouette’s message reads.

Recipients of the email included Admiral Mike Mullen, then the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and General James Mattis, the top officer at US Central Command. Admiral Mullen retired from the military in September 2011.

Earlier, Admiral Gaouette, then the deputy commander of the Navy’s Fifth Fleet, and another officer used code words to discuss whether the helicopters carrying the SEALs and bin Laden’s body had arrived on the Vinson.

“Any news on the package for us?” he asked Rear Admiral Samuel Perez, commander of the carrier strike group that included the Vinson.

“FedEx delivered the package,” Admiral Perez responded. “Both trucks are safely en route home base.”

Although the Obama administration has pledged to be the most transparent in American history, it is keeping a tight hold on materials related to the bin Laden raid.

In a response to separate requests from the AP for information about the mission, the Defence Department said in March that it could not locate any photographs or video taken during the raid or showing bin Laden’s body.

It also said it could not find any images of bin Laden’s body on the Vinson.

The Pentagon also said it could not find any death certificate, autopsy report or results of DNA identification tests for bin Laden, or any pre-raid materials discussing how the government planned to dispose of bin Laden’s body if he were killed.

The Defence Department also refused to confirm or deny the existence of helicopter maintenance logs and reports about the performance of military gear used in the raid.

One of the stealth helicopters that carried the SEALs to Abbottabad crashed during the mission and its wreckage was left behind. People who lived near bin Laden’s compound took photos of the disabled chopper.

The AP is appealing the Defence Department’s decision. The CIA, which ran the bin Laden raid and has special legal authority to keep information from ever being made public, has not responded to AP’s request for records about the mission. source – Telegraph UK


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