Great video Peter, but do you really think the uneducated and stupid freeloaders are going to read your post or watch this video? No, because they're not interested in educating themselves on the issues they just want all the freebies and don't even have sense enough to know that eventually the well is going to go dry as more and more lazy able bodied freeloaders keep pumping the system dry with less people employed, paying taxes to support the type seen in the following video. I'm talking about people people physically able to work. I read somewhere that there should be a test for anyone wanting to vote and that is something I agree wholeheartedly with and I also agree with what the guy that put this video together says. "This is Guerrilla Politics commentary on dumb Obama voters. It covers the Cleveland cell phone lady and a few others as well as Howard Stern's voter interviews. Please subscribe and comment. Enjoy!" Obama's Free Cell Phones and Other Dumb Voters New Project 58 Quote: Hello Friends,
B Hussein made another gaffe that's as bad as if not worse then his "you didn't build that" fiasco. Now he's claiming no one in America "is entitled to success". So go on you mindless addicted entitlement and freebie lovers vote for this idiot.