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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/15/2012 11:56:09 AM
Hello Friends,

It's actually becoming a joke now how so many of the idiotic MSM news people and commentators are getting skewered by conservative pundits, politicians and even some MSM presenters are calling the Dems out on their idiotic and false claims. It just goes to show when the mindless and useless idiots who comprise the MSM are shown the true facts and not the manufactured information supplied by the B Hussein campaign they become lounge tied and start stuttering like B Hussein does when he hasn't got a teleprompter in front of him.

Here are a few examples and I personally enjoyed every one of them in particular Newt Gingrich's reply to Piers Morgan.

For this one you'll have to go to an external link since I couldn't find that one on youtube yet. Click here to watch it. In this video Sununu shows Soledad O'Brien what an idiot she is .......... yet again. She's certainly putting her foot into it quite a bit lately and is being called on it every time. Wonder if CNN'll renew her contract? :)



Newt Gingrich Tells Piers Morgan 'You Guys Almost Sound Like You're An Extension of the Obama Campaign'

On "Situation Room" DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has no answers to Wolf Blitzer's questions on Medicare attacks (August 13, 2012).

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/16/2012 3:24:49 AM

GREAT videos Peter and until the MSM starts reporting without bias and actual falsehoods, they'll continue to be made to look like the idiots they are.

Hello Friends,

It's actually becoming a joke now how so many of the idiotic MSM news people and commentators are getting skewered by conservative pundits, politicians and even some MSM presenters are calling the Dems out on their idiotic and false claims. It just goes to show when the mindless and useless idiots who comprise the MSM are shown the true facts and not the manufactured information supplied by the B Hussein campaign they become lounge tied and start stuttering like B Hussein does when he hasn't got a teleprompter in front of him.

Here are a few examples and I personally enjoyed every one of them in particular Newt Gingrich's reply to Piers Morgan.

For this one you'll have to go to an external link since I couldn't find that one on youtube yet. Click here to watch it. In this video Sununu shows Soledad O'Brien what an idiot she is .......... yet again. She's certainly putting her foot into it quite a bit lately and is being called on it every time. Wonder if CNN'll renew her contract? :)



Newt Gingrich Tells Piers Morgan 'You Guys Almost Sound Like You're An Extension of the Obama Campaign'

On "Situation Room" DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has no answers to Wolf Blitzer's questions on Medicare attacks (August 13, 2012).

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/16/2012 3:33:50 AM

Hi Peter and friends. Here's another really good article by one of our favorites, Judi McLeod of the CFP. As we all know, Obama has done more to create racial divide and class warfare than any president we have ever had. He and his administration has set this country back so far it is going to take years to recover and I pray everyday he does not get reelected.

Marxist activist squatting on the White House

Shuffling it Back to Chicago

- Judi McLeod Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Mitt Romney said it even better than the late beloved Etta James sung it: At Last.

Mr. President, take your campaign of division and anger and hate back to Chicago,” Romney said while campaigning in Ohio.” (The Hill, August 14, 2012). “Romney was responding to Biden’s suggestion that the GOP ticket’s economic policies would “put y’all back in chains.”

For nearly four long years 60 million Americans, who did not vote for Obama or a hefty 46% of the American population, have had to suffer it out while no one from the ‘other side’ put Barack Obama in his place. Obama has been tough on America, while virtually no one has been tough on him.

During that long wait, how many of those 60 million have lost their jobs, lost their homes, lost their retirement savings and lost their health insurance and have had to put any hope of ever sending their daughters and sons to university?

How many have waited ever so patiently for someone to come along and block Obama’s obsessed agenda to Fundamentally Transform America, a country to which he has proven to have zero allegiance?

Biden’s appalling charge that GOP’s economic policies would “put y’all back in chains” has the full support of the power-crazed Obama team.

That team ignores the class warfare aspect of Bite-Me’s charge, but jumps on the confidence that Vice President Joe Biden will be an effective foil against recently announced GOP vice presidential candidate Rep. Paul Ryan.

Marxist activist squatting on the White House

In the wishy-washy world that is the legacy of the 2008 election of Obama as president, folks have had to sit back while the Marxist activist squatting on the White House, travelled the world on their dime to diss the country he was elected to serve. They’ve had to struggle with rent, mortgage and coming up with grocery money while the president plays golf and shoots hoops and have to hear his wife, Michelle, and boss lady Valerie Jarrett talk about how tired he is.

Decent Americans who never asked for the Fundamental Transformation of America, which seals its future as a Socialist State, have been virtually ignored by a complacent mainstream media and have had to watch as a president throws Christianity under his copious bus.

Wrong has become right. Upside-down has replaced right-side up. Depravity replaces decency. The truth has been forever astroturfed by Obama lover David Axelrod.

One of limelight’s top Catholic prelates, Cardinal Timothy Dolan prepares the placemat for Obama at the Al Smith Foundation dinner, based on a falsely proclaimed “civility”.

But even amid all the misery, yesterday came the first significant sea change: Someone has finally stood up to the most anti-American president of all time.

Mr. Obama: Win, lose or draw, Mitt Romney speaks for some 60 million people when he says: “Mr. President, take your campaign of division and anger and hate back to Chicago.”

Don’t let the door hit your caboose on the way out and take the man they call ‘Bite Me’ with you.

John Leal

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/16/2012 6:29:30 AM
Hi Peter

I reckon it's time to pop back in here and see what's going on.

Speaking of Obama, this bloke writes some good stuff on the upcoming election, and also exposes climate lies.
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/17/2012 1:33:14 AM

Hi Peter and friends, I posted this video in my thread this morning and decided it needs to be here too. :)

PS: John it's great to see you back in the land of the living.:)

This is a must watch video for everyone. Something everyone needs to keep in mind is that eventually the system is going to be overloaded because a few can't keep carrying the whole load and when that happens there is going to be total chaos. What a sad situation this country is now in and unless things begin to turn around shortly we are going to be in such a mess we may not be able to overcome it.

Land of The Freebies, Home of the Enslaved

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