From Russian press:
Nuclear attack big disarmament of force.
The USA have chosen in territory of Russia of 12 purposes.
“МК” has chosen in territory of the USA of 11 purposes. We will agree?
The federation of the American scientists has published the report devoted to formation of the new nuclear doctrine of the USA, under the name “From Counterforce to Minimal Deterrence”. This work has caused an ambiguous estimation of the Russian experts in the field of nuclear arms. In it the USA suggest to reduce quantity of own nuclear warheads to a minimum — from 2,7 thousand, standing on fighting watch, to several hundreds. But simultaneously authors of the report suggest to choose in territory of Russia of 12 most important objects of an infrastructure at which destruction it could not wage war, and aim at them the remained nuclear blocks.
Following the same logic, “МК” together with military experts has plotted 11 similar purposes in territory of the USA. The potential purposes of nuclear attacks on territory of the USA
New York – financial capital USA, the main seaport of the country.
San Jose (California) – Silicon Valley capital.
Detroit (Michigan) – the autoindustry centre, factories Ford, General Motors, Chrysler.
Houston (Texas) – “petrochemical capital” Americas.
Baltimore (Maryland) – one of the metallurgical industrial complexes largest in the USA “Bethlehem стил корпорейшен”.
Dallas (Texas) – one of the centres of the space industry and radio electronics.
Бэйтаун (Texas) – the oil refining factory of company ExxonMobil largest in the USA.
A long loaf Ruzh (Louisiana) – second-large НПЗ in the USA companies ExxonMobil.
Boston (Massachusetts) – radio electronics and instrument making, manufacture of aircraft engines, parts to planes and rockets, large shipbuilding (there is also a military shipyard).
Hoover's dam (on border of states Arizona and Nevada) – a concrete dam in height of 221 m and hydroelectric power station in the bottom watercourse of Colorado.
Grandee Kuli (State of Washington) – the largest HYDROELECTRIC POWER STATION in the USA on the river Colombia.
For the sake of justice it is necessary to tell that the similar purposes-objects, according to the American scientists, it is necessary to choose also in China, Northern Korea, Iran and Syria — they together with Russia are considered as potential threat.
However, published document while cannot be considered as an official position of the American management as it is prepared by the non-governmental organisation.
However the Federation of the American scientists has a great influence in the USA, it includes 68 Nobel winners and on a constant basis advises the Pentagon and the White house.
The given offer is presented by the American scientists as the humane initiative as authors of the report consider that in the XXI-st century to choose as the purposes densely populated cities is a barbarity which will lead to mullions-strong victims. Where it is better, they consider, to choose some objects. However, by their estimations, at destruction of these of 12 objects all the same will be lost a 1 million order The Russian citizens. However it nevertheless is less, than when the potential purposes of the American nuclear missiles in territory of Russia were an order of 200 largest cities together with the industrial enterprises. For this reason the initiative about 12 objects is offered in development of offers of president Obamy on reduction of nuclear potentials as an element of new peaceful foreign policy and the factor necessary “the minimum nuclear restraint”.
According to authors of the document, Russia too is obliged to reduce the nuclear potential to several honeycombs боезарядов — it to attack against each other quite enough that opponents were careful.
In case business nevertheless will reach finding-out of relations by a military way, they can resort to the help of conventional armaments. In this connection it would be desirable to remind that on forces of a general purpose of parity between Russia and the USA for a long time does not exist any more.
Hardly someone can argue that the USA have the strongest and efficient army in the world, ours — with its decades infinite реформирований — to American is far. And the message about "humane" target nuclear warheads in itself sounds strange, after all after the termination of "cold war” the NATO and Russia in general have refused practice target the nuclear arsenals against each other.
This fact then was presented with the big political pomp though from the military point of view looked pure profanation as rocket prompting on the purpose demands only several minutes from the moment of reception of the order. But in the mid-nineties, when each of the parties declared that its rockets are not induced any more at objects of other party, it was considered as the big victory of politicians and diplomats. And as management of nuclear forces — carefully protected secret truthfulness of similar statements to check up so to anybody and was not possible.
A bit later, in 2002, the theme target rockets has emerged again after the newspaper “Los Angeles Times” has written that Russia along with Iraq, Iran, the North Korea, Libya, China and Syria has appeared again is included in the Uniform summary operational plan on application of the nuclear weapon. According to the publication, against Russia in case of war it is supposed to use 2260 nuclear warheads. 160 rockets ostensibly have been aimed at a management of our country under this plan.
However the Pentagon then asserted that all is inventions of newsdealers, and rockets are actually aimed at Antarctica.
Then in June, 2007 the purposes of rockets were recollected already by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin when at the G8 summit he has declared that if in the European countries sometime there will be an American ABM the Russian nuclear arsenal will be перенацелен to Europe then politicians of the different countries again strongly worried.
The present message about 12 purposes in territory of Russia too, seemingly, has purely political underlying reason. Not without reason this report has appeared on the threshold of Medvedev-Obamy fast meeting where questions of nuclear disarmament will be discussed.
Most likely this witty enough and noncommittal initiative stated only by scientists, should be considered doubly. First, as a sign on the USA: we are ready to agree. And secondly, as a reminder: Let's agree, but thus keep in mind also our possibilities.