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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK Ending April 21st for the 185th POTW:
4/20/2009 9:37:16 PM
Hi Kathy n Thomas,

Not sure if Ive done this weeks n weekends have been hectic.....

here goes.....

Valerie Clavin

Alain Deguire

Neil Sperling

Jill Bachman

Beryl Payton

Sam Sunday

Marion Tucker

All the best to our nominees

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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK Ending April 21st for the 185th POTW:
4/21/2009 1:01:05 AM
Hi Katheleen, So Sorry I Missed off 2 Names off of my Nominations for the 185TH POTW, They are: Alan Findly. Rose Enderud. Thanks Kathleen, and Good Luck to ALL Nominees. Bob Vaughan
Robert D Vaughan
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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK Ending April 21st for the 185th POTW:
4/21/2009 4:02:35 PM
Hi Kathleen!

WHOA...another week has flown by.  Here is my 'Lucky 7' for POTW #185.  I'm hangin' tough with last week's nominations, plus 1 new friend. :)

Alain Deguire

Gabrielle Brothers

Georgios Paraskevopoulos

Pauline Raina

Jayson VanBeekom

Jan Green

Stephen Hauser

These friends are steady supporters every week...Thanks Guys & Gals!!!!

Have a pleasant day...your OREO friend Steven.

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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK Ending April 21st for the 185th POTW:
4/21/2009 6:07:19 PM

Okay!! THANKS everyone!! The 185th is now closed AND since it was a tie, and we don't like tie-breakers...

We have a new tie-break rule...

The one of the 2 tied people who's name is nearest the top of the most nomination lists is the winner:  ALAIN DEGUIRE is the 185th POTW!!


The NOMINATORS of this WEEK are:

Sara Blow and Dimitra Bravou!!


The official Congrats thread for ALAIN will be open tomorrow by noon eastern!!


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