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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK Ending April 21st for the 185th POTW:
4/17/2009 3:06:35 PM

Hi Robert,

You have 6 (I could say 5 because i didnt want myself nominated so as to avoid being in the People of the Year next January, I see my own photo too much already)

Would you like to come back with 2 more names? or at least 1 and I'll just tolerate my name being there!

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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK Ending April 21st for the 185th POTW:
4/17/2009 3:13:51 PM
HA HA Kathleen,

Don't be so sure that you could be elected to a best possition to be qualified to POTY! I don't expect the "famous" ones in the POTY in December. You will be surprised at the end of the year. We just wait and you will see.

Today is Long Good Friday and I share with POTW Team, Nominators and our friends a HYMN realated to Orthodoxy.

And all those who "abstain" to be here.


Click above (Greek and Arabic)

Christ, you, who are Life itself,
were placed in a sepulcher,
and legions of angels were astonished
by your condescendence.

How is it possible for you who is Life itself to die?
To abide in a grave? You,
who has dissolved the rule of Death
and resurrects Hades dead?

The ruler of all is beheld dead;
and in a new sepulcher is placed
he who has emptied all sepulchers of their dead.

Christ, you, who are Life itself,
were placed in a sepulcher,
and through your death you conquered Death
and sprung forth life into the world.

Strangest of paradoxes, and of inexplicable things!
the provider of my breath is carried breathless
by Joseph for burial.

Christ, you, who are Life itself,
were placed in a sepulcher,
and legions of angels were astonished
by your condescendence

ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK Ending April 21st for the 185th POTW:
4/17/2009 6:35:34 PM

Hi Georgios,

The POTY will not be the same election format as before, remember? It's not going to be one person.  It was going to be a group of the highest vote getter from each month for all the months of this year, don't know yet if we'll stick with that or possibly change before the end of the year.  So if I'm not nominated, will not win in any month, I won't be in the PEOPLE of the Year.  I don't need to be a People, it's not a NEED I have.

Re: Nominations/Election WEEK Ending April 21st for the 185th POTW:
4/18/2009 5:08:47 PM

In my current marraige, I am the Blended Mother (my term for step-mom) of three adults (spouse's two sons and a daughter from previous marraige); my spouse is the Blended Father (my term for step-dad) of my two adults (son and daughter) from previous marraige.

My spouse and I have one child (rising high school senior, he is also a marching band member); we have blended grands (12) and two great-grands (both great-grands are from spouse's adult son's)

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Re: Nominations/Election WEEK Ending April 21st for the 185th POTW:
4/18/2009 10:57:16 PM

Hi Jan!

Today we went to visit my stepsons and their kids, they are my grandchildren I guess because I'm the Mom on this side of the family.  The in-laws from my youngest stepson, his wife's parents, have adopted 8 kids and they are in their 50's and the youngest kids are the same age as the grandkids, preschoolers!  It was a big pile of people!!  The youngest adopted child they have was named Buster by his biological mom, I really liked that name!  But the new parents just changed his name to Henry.  What for??  Oh well!!  He still looks like a Buster, a big 3 yr old husky future football player.


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