Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall...??? I forget! But your manner of speaking reminded me of the beatitudes from Catholics. That came into my head because you must be a peacemaker if you want to list ALL your friends, no hurt feelings to anyone, but you know if they love you because they won't be hurt, they will still hug you and say being in a list is not the main priority.
You said "happy are those who are not talented..." May I finish? "for they shall fill the voids between the few who are" (they must be the 98% useless I was talking about last week, to fill up the earth so it isnt empty and boring from just the 2% useful)
"happy are those who don't love anyone, for they shall never get a broken heart"
I remember this one beatitude because I was a meek little child:
"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."
I heard a great line on the TV show "The Office" so funny I wrote it down!
The main character, Michael the office manager, thinks he's a cool guy but everyone else knows he's an a-hole, and on last week's show, he said
"Average people are the most special people in the world, that's why God made so many of them." was funnier and more of a sarcastic insult toward everyone the way he SAID it! Just reading it sounds like the way I say things...that wouldnt make ME an a-hole, would it? LoL. But when I say things, it's from my heart...the 98% "useless" are good void-fillers and make the world more fun for the 2% useful people!!