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Re: Debate, Debate, Debate !! Your input requested please :-)
4/14/2009 9:04:02 AM
Dear AnaMaria,

Good to see you here, and thank you for your comments, we have noted your concerns.

The BFA Team
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Re: Debate, Debate, Debate !! Your input requested please :-)
4/14/2009 9:06:05 AM
Dear Alain,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts here with have said it all so beautifully. We appreciate your friendship and support.

Thank you once again.

The BFA Team
Re: Debate, Debate, Debate !! Your input requested please :-)
4/14/2009 9:14:38 AM
Hello BFA Team!!  Some great ideas and thoughts here.  After reading through the 'debate thoughts' and all the replies here, John P. YOU GOT IT RIGHT friend!!  Make it simple, fair and have Bogdan's team choose the Best Forum.  As you say, it is his money and his community.

I have never agreed with the voting, it simply does not come out fair.  Rarely is it based on how good a forum is or a favorite person, it is many times based on how many accounts some folks have and who their favorite friends are.  I will point out a personal situation - Wilson and I both have accounts.  Wilson votes my recommendation because he agrees with me.  Look back over the POTW wins for the past 2 years, look at the JP awards, look at the Photo of the week.  If you don't think those were biased...  Nothing against any of those forums, it is the people voting in them.  Very few Adlanders actually vote in forums, you can see that from responses.

Having a write-in nomination shows who is actually voting.  Can you see Betty Bloop doing a write-in vote :-)

Anyway, do not want to offend anyone here just telling it like it is.  Many good Adlanders vote fairly and justly without any thought to what others might be doing in the background.  They simply think like I did that all of us are fair and good people.  I began to look a little deeper.

My best wishes to all of you and thanks Team for trying again to make this a fair and unbiased process.  It is quite an honor to win BFA and I wish it for all good forums here in this community.  Also, the $200 makes a good incentive to have a great forum, so we hope Bogdan sees fit to keep that.

Peace and Hugs,
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Re: Debate, Debate, Debate !! Your input requested please :-)
4/14/2009 9:17:54 AM

Hi Pauline,

I know there's no way to MAKE the voters visit ALL the nominated forums at least a few times during the month, but maybe to hold off on posting the electronic ballot until the last week of the BFA?  Just have the list of nominated forums for 3 weeks and allow people to post comments about their visits to all those forums, as encouragement for other people to go look at all of them within the first 3 weeks.  Then the final week will be for voting. 

Up until now, people could vote immediately, without potentially visiting ALL nominated forums.  Then later as the month passes, what if they feel they would have voted differently IF they had taken more time to visit all others?

$200 should be more heavily weighed, not just "I'm gonna go click for my best friend's forum even though I rarely if ever visit most of those others."  The voters could still decide to vote for their best friend anyway in the 4th week, but having the first 3 weeks without a ballot could change peoples snap-decisions.

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Re: Debate, Debate, Debate !! Your input requested please :-)
4/14/2009 9:50:55 AM
Dear Sara,

Thank you for sharing your concerns and thoughts, we have taken note of what you have said.

We appreciate your continued support of the BFA.

The BFA Team


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