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Debate, Debate, Debate !! Your input requested please :-)
4/14/2009 1:00:35 AM

Hello Friends of this Forum,

And those that are not too for some reason, you are invited also ;-)

As said earlier we had taken note of concerns that were expressed here in regards to judging, voting and criteria issues.

No, we did not forget about it nor did we ignore them, we have been discussing the issues with Bogdan, and have decided to bring it here in an open dialogue to gage what the general feel of our members are, and to do that which is reasonable and fair to all.

We trust that all comments here will be in good humor, as we are here to discuss and not fight over anything. From what will be apparent here we will then go ahead and do that which is necessary for the betterment of this award.

We want to thank all those who so ardently  have supported us right from the time this award was implemented. We are grateful for your continued support and encouragement.

With that said...lets move on to the debate:-



Re: VOTE - BFA April 2009

As many would have found difficult to vote, I too found, but I voted. This is the main reason, I suggested that this voting pattern must be avoided or conducted in such a manner, that every nominated forum must individually be graded by everyone in, and not just a few....and the three judges.



I agree with Rajaram, part of the judging is about graphics, what if the person's computer cannot handle posting graphics? Everyone doesn't use the same computer system.

Also, it was mentioned to me before during one or more of the times I came close to winning, that my loss was partially due to myself and visitors not staying on the topic. Peoples' conversations usually do branch away from the original topic, trains of thought go to other ideas. Is that really something to lose judging points about? These are forums within a networking community, networking is not a term of absolute focus because it must contain numerous unknown entities, people. Are forums losing points because there are PEOPLE in them having conversations that veer off the topic such as a music group? Which reminds us of other music groups, or eras in time, or memories, or whatever? Are we to stay precisely on the topic of the group featured in the first post only? I'm using my Whammy music forum as an example here in mentioning that subject. That's why I told my forum visitors to stop nominating Whammy because I'd rather have it veer off to other related conversations and not conform to a strict adherence to stay on the first post topic.


Thanks Kathleen for agreeing with me. I really appreciate your lovely response and the way you pointed out other points for the BFA Team and CEO to think about. Except the attractiveness in using Graphics, from somewhere, other sources, to attract people to ADLANDPRO.COM, I don't think that should make some difference, when used and when not used...THOUGH BEAUTY IS REALLY TO BE APPRECIATED, WHEN BROUGHT IN.... But...... Anyhow, there are some other politics playing, unknown to me and many others, that play a big part here, I feel so, that we are quite either unaware of or simply few neglect that to happen that way......since many of our brothers and sisters seem to be quite about it........ For example, when Mr/Ms .....XXXXX is appreciated otherwise in many forums, when the question of voting xxxxxx get only few votes or no vote at all....How and why are the questions, everyone has to think? If given chance for me and may be many others too, we will vote for all our friends, nominated, grading them with Marks, if necessary....but that is not the case right now......


I'm going to say one more thing, probably not a popular statement...

What's the point of adding points to the top 3 vote-getters from a potentially invalid vote-count from an electronic ballot?

The foundation of that vote is already questionable, so giving people more points for already having a high number of votes may only be an incentive for some to find any way possible to initially inflate their own vote count, not by cheating, of course!  But possibly by requesting new members just to come in and vote for their forum, when those new members have not had time to visit around all the nominated forums yet. 

$200 is high stakes for a non-verifiable voting system.  Winning is not always about the best, sometimes it's about who wants the prize the most.  People are people, not perfect competitors


What do you say about the following:
Voting: The regular electronic vote  VS 'Write in Votes' with conditions.

Judging:  suggest alternative process.

Criteria: Debate the issue at hand besides giving suggestions!

At the end of your post please submit in your 'write in vote' after stating your concerns and why you think you would vote as you do...this will then give us a count on opinions that will help us to decide.

Thank you and really looking forward to reading all that you have to say.

Oh and one last request...posts that seem to be rude and disturbing the atmosphere of decency and respect for all will be DELETED...! please keep them 'kool' kind' n 'kal-q-lated' LOL KKK ;-)  some english here:-)

smile Pictures, Images and Photos Ok you got what we mean't lets get on with this debate !!!

Your BFA Team


Flag of Luka Babic

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Re: Debate, Debate, Debate !! Your input requested please :-)
4/14/2009 1:11:45 AM

Hello BFA Team,

My suggestion would be only related to the nominating and voting system.

I think this  model used with POTW works out greatly.


And about the judges ... cann`t comment that.

Best wishes,




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Re: Debate, Debate, Debate !! Your input requested please :-)
4/14/2009 1:19:21 AM
Thank you Luka for being the first to respond !! your opinion has been noted.

Appreciate your support.

The BFA Team :-)
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Re: Debate, Debate, Debate !! Your input requested please :-)
4/14/2009 1:52:12 AM
Dear Rajaram,
I am going to attempt to answer your concern here as I understand it.

Anyhow, there are some other politics playing, unknown to me and many others, that play a big part here, I feel so, that we are quite either unaware of or simply few neglect that to happen that way......since many of our brothers and sisters seem to be quite about it...

From the example that followed this passage, I know what you mean, as I see it this is because there are a number of forums some more popular than the others and there are only X number of voters that vote when they come to the voting panel and they see many of  the forums they visit regularly their vote goes to the one that they think they like the best from those nominated. It is their privilege and prerogative to excise their vote as they seem fit. So as many would go to friends forums and post there, when compared to another friends forum it might score more over the other. You too I see posting more in Jill's forum regularly and I am sure when you come to the poll you will cast your vote for Jill's forum even though you have been posting in a few other forums over time. Nothing wrong with that...that is exactly what every voter does here....comes to the poll...hard choice most of the time...but chooses the best  he/she thinks from the list and votes.....some come to vote at the insistance of a friend to vote a certain way, it happens all the time.

To Kathleen,

about the criteria of : Visual

As I understand it Kathleen, this world is all about being VISUAL !! where are our black n white movies ??? Wonder why Eastman Color came in !  Look at our TV shows, our mags n newspapers, ads galore one outdoing the other all the time!! Its all about being able to grab someones attention and keep it there for a while! Not to talk of the different color hair some sport just to get attention LOL

So likewise in a forum visual appeal is of equal importance as the other criteria are I should think so. Its not always about graphics....being innovative in your presentation of your topic, attracting visitors to your forum by the way you do that is sure a plus point and deserves credit ..hence the points!!

Will be back to give my views on other issues at hand.



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Re: Debate, Debate, Debate !! Your input requested please :-)
4/14/2009 2:56:44 AM
Hello BFA Team,

I'm assuming that my posting here will come as a surprise to many but I do have a point to raise.

There is nothing wrong with the current system aside from one point that I've had issues with in the past.

As you so rightly stated in your reply to Rajram, members in many cases vote for the forum of their friends or the forums they frequent most often which is totally legitimate and proper.

The same can apply to the judging. A judge as unbiased as he/she might try to be will in many cases give more credit to friends or forums they frequent then others that might be just as worthy.

So, I believe the solution would be to get external judges from outside the community. That would create a feeling of totally unbiased judging even though that too is not perfect but definitely better then with judges within the community. This is not an easy task but doable.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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