Hi Branka,
Last week Luka was POTW and NOTW! That only happened once before and I asked that person politely if she'd like to give away her NOTW ad and she did. I also suggested that to Luka twice by message, but he was so excited to win last week I didnt press him a third time about the NOTW ad! I hope he doesnt come in and apologize, he's too careful about other people sometimes. It's too bad his computer broke but maybe he needed a rest from all the replying to his fans. A day or 2 away makes us wonder why we put so much of our minds into this and then sometimes we're slow to come back, but I think he will rush back and happily plow into it as usual!
My computer broke during the first week I was running this election at the end of January. Also had a problem 2 weeks ago. They always break when we're busiest or starting something new and important, why is that?!
I read your post at the AOV, young people do have a lot of goodness and sometimes more sense than older adults! About math... I have a 17-yr old son who's a math wiz, in 11th grade this year and graduating high school next year. He wanted to be an architect but also wants to join the military, he's much more serious about starting his life than Jayson is, and more outgoing with having lots of friends in real life but not online much. So depending what Luka needs help with in math, my other son is very good at algebra and I don't know what higher forms of math, he never asks for help with homework but does a lot and has had high grades every year without any help from us.
