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Peter Fogel

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Re: Some of me Poetry,
3/26/2009 3:15:51 PM

Hi Amanda,

I'm so happy you decided to start this thread. I've read a few of your spontaneous poems and knew I'd enjoy reading more of your work.

Thanks for sharing your personal feelings with us cos that's what it is. Your innermost thoughts and feelings.

I'm looking forward to reading more of your work.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: Some of me Poetry,
3/26/2009 3:19:11 PM

Christchurch, South Island, New Zealand

The Meanest Parent in the World

I had the meanest mother and father in the world.
While other kids got a chocolate biscuit for breakfast,
I had to have cereal, porridge, eggs or toast.
When other kids had lemonade and fish & chips or
crisps for lunch,
I had to walk home from school
I had to eat a square meal.
And walk back to school again
And by golly the same rules applied
when I started work!

My elder sister and two brothers had
the same mean parents as I did.
They insisted on knowing where I was at all times.
Who my friends were and what we were doing.
If I said I would be home in an hour,
I was home in an hour, or else!
I'm nearly ashamed to admit it,
but we were actually smacked!
Can you imagine someone smacking children
just because of disobedience?
Now you begin to see how mean they really were?
The worst is yet to come.

I had to be in bed by nine each night.
On Saturday, I couldn't have a long
sleep -in like my friends.
My parents actually had the nerve to make me work.
I had to wash dishes, make beds,
learn to cook, clean the bath, basin and toilet,
  vacuum clean the carpets,
I had to mow the lawns after my brothers
had left home and got married!
Weed the garden, and all sorts of cruel things.
Before I could go play out with my girlfriend
I believe they lay awake at night thinking
up mean things for me to do.

On Sunday, they had the nerve to make me go to church,
Be a member of the church choir
while my friends joined something more fun sounding.
They always demanded I tell the whole truth
and nothing but the truth,
even if it killed me - and it nearly did.
By the time I was a teenager,
my life became even more unbearable.
They embarrassed me no end by making
my friends come to the door to get me.
I forgot to mention, my old-fashioned parents
refused to let me date until I was 17 ....
and then only for a school dance.
They insisted on meeting my boyfriends
after I turned 17, and inviting them for dinner

My parents were complete failures as parents.
None of us have ever been in big trouble.
None of us have ever been a vandal or a lay-about.
My three eldest half brothers all served our country
during the war - two becoming prisoner-of-war for a time
My sister has been running her thoroughbred
horse business for years
getting up early to exercise and feed them!
Both of my brothers have been successful
business partners for years.
And who do we have to blame for
the terrible way we turned out?
You're right - our mean parents.
Look at all the things we missed.
We never got to wave banners in a protest march,
take part in a riot, or spit at the police,
or any usual things
a normal youngster's are expected to do.

They actually forced me to grow into a God-fearing,
educated, honest adult.
Now I am trying to raise my two children the same way.
I'm proud to be a mean mother too.
Because you see, I thank God for giving
me the meanest parents in the world.

Amanda Martin-Shaver ©
14 April 2001

I Have Learned

Some things I have learned in my adult years
is that man does not know everything he declares
I have been a people pleaser most of my life
This has been impossible as I walked, the road was wide
I tried to please all, but got shot down, both sides

For years I did not believe in my own judgement
I was taught adults knew more than I
So I followed man's wisdom, much to my peril
What else could I do, I was still a child in their eyes
I know now I should have stood more firm, but I was too timid

I am not a robot programmed to follow as I am told
I have a good brain to work out what is good for me
I can think for myself, I can stand firm and bold
I will accept the consequences without being told
This is nobody else's business, but my own.

I am not giving up on man altogether
I just will not follow advice without thinking first
I learned I can not listen to man and God
Man can be wrong even when they think they are right
It is Jesus I am following and asking for advice

You see Jesus knows me inside and out
I have nothing to hide from Him, or Him to find out
My heart and life is His, I gave it freely
There are people who think they know what is good for me
They have not believed me, when I said differently

So do not judge me just because you do not understand
I can not tell you everything that has happened
If you not agree with me it is because you were not there
Nor did you have to walk a mile or two in my shoes
So you can not possibly know what I should do

I will listen to Jesus because He will never put me wrong
He loves me unconditionally and His love is strong
He knows what is best for me even if I cannot see
the whole picture that He has planned for me
I can not go wrong with Jesus on my side

He is the Rock and the Corner stone
A shoulder to lean on and a hand to hold
When I fall down He will lift me up
I can keep going because I know He is there
And He knows the plans He has prepared

Amanda Martin-Shaver
25 April 2000

Nick Sym

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Re: Some of me Poetry,
3/26/2009 8:19:09 PM
Hi Dearest Amanda

Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works
Re: Some of me Poetry,
3/27/2009 5:54:36 AM
Hello Amanda,

WOW! I'm impressed...You really write very well, I enjoyed reading your poetry and l'm looking forward to read more.  Thank you for sharing it with us.

God Bless,

God Bless Everyone
Bogdan Fiedur

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Re: Some of me Poetry,
3/27/2009 9:14:26 AM
Hello Amanda,

I'm not an expert in poetry but I definitely paid attention to your poem.
Adland is Our Land

I have to say this is great to see somebody writing poem about business network.
It just shows it is part of our lives.

Thank you for this.

Bogdan Fiedur


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