Happy birthday Alain, nice to see one more Aries between us!
Revenir à ses moutons ‹досл.: to Return to our rams; sense: to Come back to former conversation›.
To Return to our rams
Happens, during reading of the report the lecturer makes lyrical digression from a theme or in the heat of dispute discussing people depart aside from a discussed subject. Often enough in such cases speak: «we Will return to our rams», and again pass to the basic theme which is thus not so necessarily connected with rams. Such saying whence undertook? This expression — a tracing-paper from French revenons à nos moutons, used already more than half-thousand years. These words are taken from a farce "Lawyer Pierre Patlen" in whom the rich clothier in court accuses the shepherd of theft of sheep, however on a session course constantly forgets about it and switches attention to the lawyer which has run into debt to it for cloth. The judge interrupts angry speeches of the clothier by a phrase «we Will return to our rams», the winged which has become subsequently.
Wainting more proverbs about seeps and rams, Lydia