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Steven Suchar

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Re: It's Time To Congratulat RINNA RANI, the 180th POTW!!
3/19/2009 2:05:30 PM
Hi Queen Rinna!

My Greeting Begins With Music :)

You Supply Light To Our Lives...

((youtube id="omn_BQv-V8g"))((/youtube))
Rinna Rani

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Re: It's Time To Congratulat RINNA RANI, the 180th POTW!!
3/19/2009 2:15:46 PM
Oh My Gosh.... Too much too much.....

Kathleen Van Beekom and Thomas Richmond..... How dare both of you make this so awesome????  Hahahahahha......

Firstly, I want to thank both of you for a wonderful job done on a weekly basis on the POTW.  You make sure you always bring joy to many people's heart.

I am sorry for not being around so often but truly its been a long way since the 92nd POTW.  Full of memories.....

Thank you once again and GOD BLESS!

Love, Rinna
Rinna Rani

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Re: It's Time To Congratulat RINNA RANI, the 180th POTW!!
3/19/2009 2:18:31 PM
Hi Joe D,
Oh my gosh.... again my dear friend, I am always after you.... the trend never ends ;)

Thank you Joe for voting for me.  I appreciate your gesture so much and its so awesome to see you back in Adland.  You have been missed so much but this honor dragged you back didn't it ;)

Anyways, whatever it is, I am glad to see you here.  Awww, this is good enough appreciation.  I cannot ask for more.

My 179th King ;)  Thank you for passing the crown and know that I miss your froggy dance.

Lots of love,
Rinna Rani

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Re: It's Time To Congratulat RINNA RANI, the 180th POTW!!
3/19/2009 2:21:22 PM
Hi JP,
CONGRATULATIONS for being the NOTW of the week.  You deserve the win.

Awwww JP, its good to see you here.  I love the congratulatory message.  I know you are busy so I am glad you come by to make this special for me.

Take care and have a great week!

Love, Rinna
Rinna Rani

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Re: It's Time To Congratulat RINNA RANI, the 180th POTW!!
3/19/2009 2:51:29 PM
Hi Beverly,
Oh sweety, I am so so sorry I passed you on went straight to JP.  My bad, forgive me ;)

Wow, its been a long time Beverly but you know what?  I am glad to see you here.  Your visits make me smile and that is such a beautiful graphic.

You said I am everyone's shining star?  Actually you guys are the biggest shining star there ever is in Adland.  So pat yourself in the back and keep up the community service ;)

Have a blessed week!

Love, Rinna