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Rinna Rani

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Re: It's Time To Congratulat RINNA RANI, the 180th POTW!!
3/19/2009 5:14:32 PM
Hi Dimi sweety.....
Oh gosh, the celebration with you never ends ;)

Thank you for being here sweety.  Wow, you know how I enjoy your company and the way you party... Can you be anymore fun and loving????

Love ya lots and thanks for being you here.  You are just awesome angel.

Love, Rinna
Rinna Rani

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Re: It's Time To Congratulat RINNA RANI, the 180th POTW!!
3/19/2009 5:19:30 PM
Hhahaha Chris you are so funnneeeeee.....

I will add a Ooooooooooooooooooo to it....

thanks sweety.

Nick Sym

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Re: It's Time To Congratulat RINNA RANI, the 180th POTW!!
3/19/2009 6:28:36 PM

Hi Thomas and Kathleen

Dearest Sister Rinna

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: It's Time To Congratulat RINNA RANI, the 180th POTW!!
3/19/2009 6:35:45 PM
Hi Rinna, Sorry about not replacing the current info with the bio you sent us, I've had computer problems this week and Thomas is really busy over at BizzyBlogs. Right now the laptop I'm using isn't great with copy & paste or graphics, not good for much except typing! So it will also be a few days before I post a new thread at Whammy. I'll contact Thomas to see if he can edit the first post here with your other info soon. How do I find time for...? Everything I do is what I WANT to do, whether it's being online or offline, so there's nothing I'm trying to find extra time FOR because all my filled time is filled with doing things I really enjoy, the stuff other people think may be too much, is because I like doing too much!
Rick Smith

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Re: It's Time To Congratulat RINNA RANI, the 180th POTW!!
3/19/2009 8:01:40 PM


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