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Kim Stilwell

273 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Re: SUNDAY SHOWCASE_Featuring Kim Stilwell 03/15/09
6/14/2009 11:13:10 PM
I hear you Tom. We can't always find the means in ourself; it's the "anointing" that breaks the yoke, and brings the Refreshing. And whether the worldly business was thriving or not, your "Life" is in, and can only be truly found in Christ. Once you have tasted the "Life" in Christ, nothing else can ever truly satisfy you. And it doesn't matter if the carnal man is weary or weak or down, because you know the flesh profits nothing! It may just be my brother that in these times, in which we know the stage has been set for the return of the one you call Rabbi, that God himself is bringing down the kingdoms of man! While earthly eyes see and believe that what we are witnessing is an economic recession, the Spirit of God is telling us that Yeshua is walking among the churches, upon this earth, "He" is responsible for the shaking we are seeing, which shaking is what will purify the church and bring together the armies of the nations to the valley of Meggido... I say it by the Spirit of God; He is walking among us today, and bringing with him a blessing or a cursing, so that when he does walk by, be prepared to receive what he brings, because to those who say to themselves, "I am comfortable in this world as I am," he will pass them by! Remember the virgins and the oil lamps, and that while the bride groom is preparing a place, the bride is to be busy, not busy preparing for worldly security, but preparing for the sudden announcement that the bridegroom has come! And we know that earthly ears do not, and will not, hear the Trumpet that, just like the voice of the Shepherd, is heard on a different wavelength than earthly ears hear on... And who will hear? But those wise ones who have their lamps full of oil. And the oil is God's Spirit, and he is coming, not only for a spotless church, which these very times that are upon us, are designed to accomplish, but also for a church, a bride, that is full of the anointing, the oil, the power of the Spirit of the Lord... Which, walk ye in, as he who holds the universe in his hands has called you to, yes... He has called you with a Holy calling, as you know, to come out, and be separate, and to show forth the praises, not of men!...but of him who has called you out of darkness, into his marvelous light... And today my brother, as we see the beginning of sorrows coming upon the earth, "perceive" in your heart what the scoffers continue to deny, who say that all things continue as they have, that all that we witness now are prophetic events... How dim are the eyes of Laodecia, who are at ease in Zion, and have been lulled to sleep by lying spirits who promise economic recovery while the Koran sits in the White House! The real latter rain is only now upon us, and we have not seen the likes of it before! Don't be dismayed, because the Refreshing you are sensing a need of, is coming! And "this" time is the time for all the promises God has ever promised you were to come! Remember his promises to you? Some from way back. He has not forgotten, and much has been reserved for the very times that are upon us. Have no doubt or fear, but God "will" and is right now, empowering his true church, who is scatterred like the seeds of the sands all over this globe, a few here and a few there, so that at any time he might call, and they stand, in them he has a great and mighty army! Oh Tom, I tell you, God is walking among us, and is going to visit all his churches, and he already has begun. What he is saying to us today is not to prepare for economic recovery, but for the coming of the King! It's time for the manifestation of the sons of God!...Which we know the whole creation groans and waits for. It's time to wake up, and to come up, into the heavenly places where we have been called to, and it is God who will bring the Refreshing that will bring the empowering to walk as we are supposed to, as the sons of God, and not as mere men, in this late day when the evil of radical Islam has already infiltrated the nations as it prepares for the greatest woes the world has ever known. Don't be dismayed, there is true revival spreading in the land, and the One who is bringing it is bringing the very Refreshing you feel a need for, to those who will receive it when it comes, and not choose to be at ease in Zion in such a great time as is approaching this generation.