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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: Is Sarah Palin a happy Grandmother?
3/13/2009 8:39:39 PM
HI Jim!

You are a strange person. Thank you for the FEMA clip. I am in a community and I have all this information from there. The admin is a person with wide knowledge on the subject and he has lots of information from "inside". I have cross checked lots of the information he gives me to not make a "potatoe". He seems to know what he is doing. He is American. Most of the countries have underground bases often unkown to the majority. The JFK clip I knew from before but the other one about Matrial law is from that community. I have subscribed to some Yahoo producers who provide me all new stuff. Here is something you should know.

DUMP - Deep Underground Military Bases - USA

Click above

I have such stuff from many countries. I believe the Stockholm Sweden complex is the best organized.

Sarah Palin, is just a doll in this game. She don't know anything about the DUMBs and what kind of technology is used there, neither she knows about the purpose.

Russian UFO or Tarielka (EKIP)- Story of its creation

This is an interview with one of the designers of the EKIP aircraft (or Tarielka) - Edward Isaev, for one of the Russian news channels in 2002. This video is freely available for download from the aircraft designer's web site:

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Jill Bachman

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Re: Is Sarah Palin a happy Grandmother?
3/13/2009 11:16:43 PM

Hi Georgios,

I tell love to live on the edge all right!  How you can start a thread about Sara Palin's daughter and end up with up with the Russian Tarielka, (and stay out of trouble in between) I dunno!

Talk about an information packed forum covering almost every subject on earth!  Good stuff!!!   All I can tell you is I want a RED TARIELKA so you can see me coming!   lol   :-)

It is so wonderful to see so much truth unfolding now and everyone is starting to wake up to to the truth.  I think we are very close to some block buster announcements on the main media very soon.  They cannot ignore it much longer.

Bless you,  Jill

Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: Is Sarah Palin a happy Grandmother?
3/14/2009 6:24:37 AM
Hello Jill!

You are so right about the subject. Well. I consider the Sarah Palin matter ended in this forum. I wanted a discussion on values and not to blame a mother or her daughter for unexpected happenings.

The new living standards in USA and in many countries are different from the religious ones.

Some years back somebody told me "don't PRS" (Politics-Religion-Sex) with Americans. Those subjects are sensitive to them. Why sensitive? Because all new modernizations inspire us to be different from what is considered to be normal.

Well after that I learned one thing about Americans. Most of the Americans have no real norms and standards. They claim to be deep religious by dictating Bible like a poem but live like pagans celebrating Yule, carnivals, equinoxes and solstices and many other events. They have no ideology and they are fanatic followers of their parties which are divided in two major groups exchanging roles every eight years. Their family life is the most radical in the world where men and women decide one day to marry and next to divorce but their life norms are based on the most conservative ideals.

Our traditional sex life depended on religious canons and standards regulated by political decisions.
Kings > Arch priests > Regulations.

Lately many people broke out from the system and they search for new Messiahs and new forms of life style often based on personal ideas and not on scientific research. I mean the New Age followers.

My conclusions:

Setting traditional values is not easy in a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural country like USA. Sarah Palin seems to be traditional and conservative Christian in her life style against her daughter who is young, she follows the stream and have different dreams and goals and acts like radical futurists.

Religion failed. Politics failed. Our unwritten laws and values are in disorder and change every day. We don't know where this will lead to.

The media kills and destroys all good and make people modern slaves and that is what the rulers of the world want us to be. To do that they use all possibilities and they don't care if somebody is heart or not. As long as their work is done everything is OK for them.

According to Jim the
RED TARIELKA is not considered for Americans. He still lives in the sixties and the American Dream to cross communism. Today a tarielka is like an old T-Ford in the Russian air aviation and YOU know that very well knowing what is happening close to your place at Mt Shasta and here at Mt Olympus.

Happy Week ENd
ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Jim Allen

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Re: Is Sarah Palin a happy Grandmother?
3/14/2009 8:59:55 AM

Well Geo,

Once again, you have vocalized your distaste and hate for all things American.  You base your assumptions off old Cold War videos and propaganda.  That is old news.  Do you really think for one minute if such craft were developed that a country like Russia would not use them for their march to world dominance?  All the conspiracy theories, backed up by grainy, old, black and white footage as your proof is laughable. 

I do know you have taken this attack on a teenage mother, and sitting governor to such an extreme here that you have lost any direction to this forum.  The most apparent thing that has come from this conversation thus far, is you HATE America and its citizens. 

You overlook the fact, that many of us know about the facilities at NORAD, OakRidge, DC, Fort Knox and other such facilities.

We also know that "Fall Out Shelters" exist and are wondrous constructions.  But, not ominous as you would have folks believe. 

As a lower level government wonk, you, seem to have some kind of serious complex or inferiority disorder.  How else can we explain the degradation of the original topic to this BS level! 

We all know of the existence of things like the EKIP a Russian Hovercraft, that I read about 40 years ago in Scientific America or some similar publication.

You do know that Zeus and Apollo were just pagan explanations of the unknown, by a fearful and uneducated society, that explained its own infidelities as visitations from the Gods, so their pregnancies were accepted. 

Read the story of Hercules again if you disbelieve this concept.  As we know Hera was a pagan high priestess and claimed Zeus impregnated her as a result of rape.  When in fact it was part of fertility and harvest pagan rite, related to crop growth.  Just a wild party and she spread her legs willingly.  Dedicated to a false god, where the Ouzo broke down the resistance of young girls while crones like Hera looked on.

"Setting traditional values is not easy in a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural country like USA. Sarah Palin seems to be traditional and conservative Christian in her life style against her daughter who is young, she follows the stream and have different dreams and goals and acts like radical futurists." 

Geo, our founding fathers and the constructors of our constitution, recognized that a godless society is doomed to fail and the trampling of those documents, is what is occurring, rapidly.  However, the sleeping masses are waking up and the outcome will be completely different than you try to foretell.

Young girls have fallen prey to young and old men after their virtuous wiles all through out history.  You are making far reaching assumptions here to cast disparagement on Sarah Palin, her daughter and American society as a whole.  You have really sunk to a new low, even for you, Geo.  Jealously does not become you.

You tend to make assumptions about me that are consistently wrong.  We are acquainted but you have no real knowledge of what my roots and core beliefs are.

"According to Jim the RED TARIELKA is not considered for Americans. He still lives in the sixties and the American Dream to cross communism."  IE: Star-destroyer on Moscow!!!

CGI is wonderful isn't it!

Never heard of a Red Tarielka till today and I am sure your knowledge is based off a recent search and not retained knowledge.  Posing as an Authoritative voice once again when you have no real originality, when relating to this topic.  It just provides fodder for your desire to gain viewers.  Which is why I will not be replying in this thread in the future. 

Have a grand weekend,


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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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Lydia Fokina

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Re: Is Sarah Palin a happy Grandmother?
3/14/2009 2:57:52 PM

Dear friends, Geo and Jim!

I did try to understand what about are You talking here, unsuccesfully :(

And my association with this thread - the song of Vladimir Visotsky

"The letter from the house for the madman"

There are both about a policy, and about UFOs (тарелки) too.
It is a comic song.
I hope, that you will have enough sense of humour to not take offence at me
Sincerely, yours girlfriend, Lydia

((youtube id="fo26xfscd00"))((/youtube))

Дорогая передача, во субботу, чуть не плача,
Вся Канатчикова дача к телевизору рвалась,
Вместо чтоб поесть, помыться, уколоться и забыться,
Вся безумная больница у экрана собралась.

Говорил ломая руки краснобай и баламут
Про бессилие науки перед тайною Бермуд,
Все мозги разбил на части, все извилины заплел,
И канатчиковы власти колют нам второй укол.

Уважаемый редактор, может лучше про реактор,
Про любимый лунный трактор, ведь нельзя же, год подряд
То тарелками пугают, дескать, подлые, летают,
То у вас собаки лают, то руины говорят.

Мы кое в чем поднаторели, мы тарелки бьем весь год,
Мы на них уже собаку съели, если повар нам не врет,
А медикаментов груды - мы в унитаз, кто не дурак,
Вот это жизнь - и вдруг Бермуды, вот те раз, нельзя же так.

Мы не сделали скандала, нам вождя недоставало,
Настоящих буйных мало, вот и нету вожаков,
Но на происки и вредни сети есть у нас и бредни,
И не испортят нам обедни злые происки врагов.

Это их худые черти мутят воду во пруду,
Это все придумал Черчилль в восемнадцатом году,
Мы про взрывы, про пожары сочиняли ноту ТАСС,
Но тут примчались санитары и зафиксировали нас.

Тех, кто был особо боек, прикрутили к спинкам коек,
Бился в пене параноик, как ведьмак на шабаше:
"Развяжите полотенце, иноверы, изуверцы,
Нам бермуторно на сердце и бермутно на душе!"

Сорок душ посменно воют, раскалились добела,
Во как сильно беспокоят треугольные дела,
Все почти с ума свихнулись, даже кто безумен был,
И тогда главврач Маргулис телевизор запретил.

Вон он змей, в окне маячит, за спиною штепсель прячет,
Подал знак кому-то, значит: фельдшер, вырви провода.
И что ж, нам осталось уколоться, и упасть на дно колодца,
И там пропасть на дне колодца, как в Бермудах навсегда.

Ну а завтра спросят дети, навещая нас с утра:
"Папы, что сказали эти кандидаты в доктора?"
Мы откроем нашим чадам правду, им не все равно,
Мы скажем: "Удивительное рядом, но оно запрещено!"

Вон дантист-надомник Рудик, у него приемник "Грюндиг",
Он его ночами крутит, ловит контру ФРГ.
Он там был купцом по шмуткам и подвинулся рассудком,
Ну а к нам попал в волненьи жутком,
С расстревоженным желудком,
И с номерочком на ноге.

Он прибежал взволнован крайне и сообщеньем нас потряс
Будто наш научный лайнер в треугольнике погряз,
Сгинул, топливо истратив, весь распался на куски,
И двух безумных наших братьев подобрали рыбаки.

Те, кто выжил в катаклизме, пребывают в пессимизме,
Их вчера в стеклянной призме к нам в больницу привезли,
И один из них, механик, рассказал, сбежав от нянек,
Что Бермудский многогранник - незакрытый пуп Земли.

"Что там было, как ты спасся?" - каждый лез и приставал,
Но механик только трясся и чинарики стрелял,
Он то плакал, то смеялся, то щетинился как ёж,
Он, гад, над нами издевался, ну сумасшедший, что возьмешь?

Взвился бывший алкоголик, матерщинник и крамольник,
Говорит, надо выпить треугольник, на троих его даешь,
Разошелся, так и сыпет, треугольник будет выпит,
Будь он параллелепипед, будь он круг, едрена вошь!

Больно бьют по нашим душам голоса за тыщи миль,
Мы зря Америку не глушим, ой, зря не давим Израиль,
Всей своей враждебной сутью подрывают и вредят,
Кормят, поят нас бермутью про таинственный квадрат.

Лектора из передачи, те, кто так или иначе
Говорят про неудачи и нервируют народ,
Нас берите, обреченных, треугольник вас, ученых,
Превратит в умалишенных, ну а нас - наоборот.

Пусть безумная идея, не рубайте сгоряча,
Вызывайте нас скорее через гада главврача,
С уваженьем, дата, подпись, отвечайте нам, а то
Если вы не отзоветесь, мы напишем в "Спортлото"!


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