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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: Is Sarah Palin a happy Grandmother?
3/13/2009 5:58:07 AM
Hello Amanda,

Thank you for giving time to reply here. It is always nice to discuss with people having values and arguments. You are absolutely right about Sarah Palin and her position as wife and mother of five. I have never criticized her for her family life and her full time work. To be mother of five and politician is not easy. She does a heroic work.
You state "I feel that the media has tried to dig up dirt on Sarah ever since it was announced she would be John McCain's running mate". When I say that mass media runs the elections I mean they control who the winner will be and that is the point I wanted out. I have stated "Obama was selected to be elected". Who could make his "fair fight to win"? Yes, only the mass media.

Who gave us the facts on Bristol Palin. The mass media did that too. September 2, 2008, Bristol was pregnant in her 5th pregnant month, but only 17 years old. It is as you say "
They couldn't find anything on Sarah that was truly 'shocking' so they have nitpicked about every thing including her husband, their children to discredit her". I agree with you.
The American elections had only two positive things for me.
1. The percentage of Americans who voted increased.
2. First time in USA history a non Christian and no white person was elected. This could never happen in UK or France and absolutely not in Germany or in Russia.

He took over a country in  threshold of a collapsing economy and a dishonored USA in the eyes of the rest of the world. Even the classical allied USA friends were skeptical.

Remember me and remember my name.
If the Jews sent Jesus (the way to truth) to the cross, USA, the alter ego of Jesus, will make Obama Barack (the blessed one) a global martyr. Global, yes because USA Foreign Office rules the world. Like Jesus knew his destiny so do Obama. 

Amanda, I know that you have the feeling of why I made this post.

Beware from mass media.
The mass media does same thing here in Greece. In three months from now we will have EU-parliament elections. They are trying to bring back our ex-Prime Minister in a high position without election to EU-council. If this happens then Good Bye Macedonia Heart of Hellenism. They are "selling" the name Macedonia, a beloved Greek province for Jews. George Soros the financier of Bush Administration, now financier of Obama administration owns already the Whole FYROM (Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia). George Bush tried to enter FYROM in NATO but failed. He could not give up so he tried the other way. To make UN take over the problem. While you people tried to support Sarah Palin against the under the belt hits, we here tried to defend our right of Macedonia and Hellenism.

Amanda, I have also to boys 24 and 30 years old unmarried, and as far as I know they don't have any children. Like you we gave them guidance of good traditional values. They have their longtime relationships and they are responsible adults now.

You also state "
But mistakes and bad judgments happen to us all and sometimes we get caught by these things, we learn to forgive others or our self (important to forgive ones self so you can move on), pick ourselves up and start again". This is our world and we have to take the day as it comes not as we want it.

Of course I don't blame Bristol, or any young girl with same problems, neither their parents for accepting something they may dislike. Mother nature decided that a life had to come. I accept abortion only under life threatening conditions and I am against forced uncontrolled childbirth (rape, incest, cloning and artificial life [female-female is also possible]). Make a google search and you will see what kind of programs the Jewish conspirator and opportunist George Soros supports. 

Kindly regards,
ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Robert De Merode

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Re: Is Sarah Palin a happy Grandmother?
3/13/2009 6:33:37 AM

Hello Georgios,

It truly is hard to figure what your position is. Hard to know therefore what to say or not to say! How to please or how to temper! Whatever… I thought this little video I made a month back in Paris of their pro-life march might interest some, not all, I agree but that is what politics are all about. Some agree, some don’t, but the better politicians are those that cope with opposition, and are not self-centered or self-ambitious.

Friendly yours,



((youtube id="Mk8bRRhGq94"))((/youtube))

Helen Elias

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Re: Is Sarah Palin a happy Grandmother?
3/13/2009 9:10:38 AM

Hi Georgios

The "Celebrity Gossip Forum" you mentioned is not one I would go to a second time knowingly.  I don't trust anything a website says that swears and is crude.  Also I did not see where it said, "That is unless of course the assailant wasn't white."  I could have missed it because I did not stay on the site for more than a minute.


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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: Is Sarah Palin a happy Grandmother?
3/13/2009 9:58:26 AM
Hi Robert!

Pro-life demonstrations have been arranged in most of the metropolitan and bigger cities in western world. Paris is famous for its demonstations.

The picture below is from San Francisco
January 26, 2009

Following is with copyrights reserved

Catholic pro-lifers naturally turn to Saint Michael, the prince of the heavenly host, in our struggle against the principalities and powers of the culture of death. Pope Leo XIII composed a magnificent prayer to Saint Michael and ordered it to be recited after the celebration of the Mass. Pope Pius XI asked the faithful to pray it for the restoration of religious freedom in Russia, and it was popularly tied to the Fatima prayer intention of the conversion of Russia whose "errors" were spreading throughout the world. Since the Soviet Union was the first country to legalize abortion, we can rightly see in the modern abortion industry an extension of the "errors" of atheistic communism.

Although no longer obligatory, since 1965, an increasing number of parishes and individuals are going back to praying to Saint Michael after Mass. Pope John Paul II himself urged the faithful in 1994 " recite it to obtain help in the battle against the forces of darkness and against the spirit of this world."

Human Life International is convinced that invoking Saint Michael's protection is necessary in the Church's victory over the satanic attacks against innocent human life that characterize our modern world. Please join us in reciting the Saint Michael Prayer with the intention of respect for human life from conception to natural death and the conversion of abortionists. We are distributing free prayer cards which can be ordered in English, Spanish, French, Italian or Portuguese. (Click here)

We also ask you to sign our petition to re-establish the universal practice of saying the Saint Michael Prayer after Mass. (Click here) It would be most appropriate for the Holy Father to ask Catholics everywhere to unite in a powerful prayer to cast out the greatest evil of our times, the slaughter of almost two billion innocent children whose blood cries out to heaven.

Saint Michael, guardian and defender of the Church of Jesus Christ, Pray for us!

Yours in Christ,

Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer
President, Human Life International

Here is a Latin prayer to St Michale

Sanctus Míchael Archángelus
Prínceps gloriosíssime caeléstis milítiae, sancte Míchael Archángele, defénde nos in proelio advérsus príncipes et potestátes, advérsus mundi rectóres tenebrárum harum, contra spirituália nequítiae in caeléstibus. Veni in auxílium hóminum, quos Deus ad imáginem similitúdinis suae fecit, et a tyránnide diáboli emit prétio magno. Te custódem et patrónum sancta venerátur Ecclésia; tibi trádidit Dóminus ánimas redemptórum in supérna
felicitáte locándas. Deprecáre Deum pacis, ut cónterat Sátanam sub pédibus nostris, ne ultra váleat captívos tenére hómines et Ecclésiae nocére. Offer nostras preces in conspéctu Altíssimi, ut cito antícipent nos misericórdiae Dómini, et apprehéndas dracónem, serpéntem antíquum, qui est diábolus et sátanas et ligátum mittas in abýssum, ut non sedúcat ámplius gentes.
For English version click here.

Kindly Regards
ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: Is Sarah Palin a happy Grandmother?
3/13/2009 2:29:29 PM
Hello Helen,

Of course you cannot be at the "Celebrity Gossip Forum" knowingly because it would be against your values and life standards. I am sure your TV set don't give you better choices.

The main page doesn't wait for you to come in. They brought in new celebrities and new articles. If you think I am lying (your good friends use to tell me that) click here (direct link) to eye-witness and be a trustful Thomas.

Obama had the honesty not to use family arguments against Sarah Palin… He said again and again that "family life has not to be used in politics".

And for you lady and all the blind ones who easlily condemn what I am doing I have more awful pictures that I counsciously did not bring in here to not insult your values. READ HERE TO GET MY MESSAGE and the reason I made this post.
Good manners from home???

Dignity, faith and values was what the republicans tried to teach us. They failed because they did not believe in waht they said.

Happy week end
ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook

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