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Re: It's Time to Congratulate JOE DOWNING, the 179th POTW!!
3/11/2009 9:07:50 PM

         Congratulations Joe!         

I know you but I don't, but from what I can tell,

     You're A O K!  You're Big Smile speaks

      of a Big Heart, and apparently people

think that's true!   Conratulations also on

Home School Success!  A Worthy Endeavor,

I feel proud of anyone who has the mind,

heart, and determination to do this for the

sake of their kids.  They are surely blessed

also for their parent's time and effort toward

them!  Well keep on keepin on Joe; surely

such a great guy has more still to do in life!

                                      Another Adland friend,  Kim



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Re: It's Time to Congratulate JOE DOWNING, the 179th POTW!!
3/11/2009 10:22:32 PM
Hi Kathleen and Thomas,

This is a special crazy, hugie guy, we have this week.  Oh Joe, I am so glad you are King this week.  The huger will be a squeezing.  lol  :-)

Hi Joe, (Mr. Hugs)

Love your smile and your kindness to everyone, also love your wit.  I always think of you when it comes to hugs.  I really got to know you when you had video on hugs. Neat one.

 Congratulations as #179 Potw. 

Have a great week

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Re: It's Time to Congratulate JOE DOWNING, the 179th POTW!!
3/11/2009 10:27:06 PM

I am back. Of course I would come back top see what Joe is doing here. Seems that he must be very busy!

To my Dark and Brown Chocolate friends and active nomnators (I love chocolate!) I want to share some milky Chocolate. We have lots of that here lately.

Beryl and Pauline
Congratulations Ladies
You both are pearls in ALP
Keep up the good work


Sounds and beauties from Turkey
(My roots are from Nothern Turkey)

Click above - nice music

Kindly Regards,
ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Re: It's Time to Congratulate JOE DOWNING, the 179th POTW!!
3/11/2009 11:09:36 PM
A fabulous nomination, keep Up the good work Kathleen and Thomas!!!

Congratulations Beryl and Pauline on being nominators of the week.

and JOE ... well ... you so deserve this award ... if it wasn't for you and then you enlisting Thomas I would not be as involved in Adland as what I am ... and met such a wonderful group of people as I have ...

Because of you and Thomas I realized that Adland actually is a community with people and personalities and idiosyncracies ... it's just that writing is the means of communitcation as opposed to speaking.

I'm never quite sure how you manage to do all that you do, as well as what you do with such a happy smiley face ... I'd just like you to know that you've made a difference in my life and from what I read you make a difference in a lot of other people's lives as well!

Leanne Did you know it IS possible to feel great whenever you choose to? I'd love to share my secret resource with you
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Re: It's Time to Congratulate JOE DOWNING, the 179th POTW!!
3/12/2009 12:49:25 AM



Well, you guys certainly know how to have fun don't you?  I love a good party especially with good friends and FUN!!!!

Please accept my apologies for not being here when it all began.  I didn't even know I was nominated.  Kathleen, please forgive me for not being here for the past two weeks AND not even nominating.  I will make it up!!!  I have been working around the clock on some very important projects here at work and just could not find he quality time it takes to participate here in Adland. 

I am so grateful to all of you for thinking so highly of me EVEN when I'm not around.  LOL!!!   Seriously, it is a true honor to have friends like you.  I am blessed and highly favored.

Now, I will return as I can.  It will be sporadic and quick, but I will be back.  So check back often, leave as many hugs as you want... all will be returned.  If you smile, I'll smile back.  Tell some jokes, post some cool pics, share a story.  Just be the wonderful YOUs that you are.  I will cherish it all!!!

Tremendously BIG hugs,


***ADLAND BULLETIN BOARD*** What is Xtreme X2O? ###Get some X2O and Jerky RADICAL for the TRUTH! Laus Deo! ** HUG DEPARTMENT: Always OPE

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