Good morning Perfect,
What a great message! I am reading throug it as I can. I believe!!!!
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From Perfect and Immortal: note
Date: 3/6/2008
As this weeks book is about the powers of the Subconscious Mind, I thought it would be appropriate to discuss the Mind in all spheres of activity. Many people speak of the "Conscious" and "Subconscious" Minds as if they are completely separate entities. In fact they are all integral aspects of the same Mind, and in turn of Universal Mind in which we "live and move and have our Being". What therefore is generally referred to as the "Conscious Mind" and the "Subconscious Mind" are in fact spheres of activity of the One Mind, and ultimately in turn of Universal Mind. At the "highest" level of life, creation and reality there is only Universal Mind, the Mind of Source, The First Cause, "God" within which all creation and therefore all Life - and all in creation is Life - was created in the beginning, and exists eternally. It should be mentioned that, in absolute terms, there was never really a true "beginning" and neither will there be an "end". Both of these human constructs imply "time" which does not really exist, being "experienced" only within the physical Universe and even then being subject to other factors, the same factors which, in the near future, might exert their influence so that what we call "time", along with its twin "space" no longer exist, or more specifically exert their influence. When we first came into Being as individuated human beings originating from our Higher Self - in addition to the physical body we incarnated complete with two subsets of Universal Mind that we know as "Conscious" and "Subconscious" - both required in order to function in the physical Universe as a complete sentient Being. Our Subconscious Mind is who we truly "are" as an individuated, incarnate Being, and also as an an aspect of Higher Self, our true Self and complete Mind - Subconscious Mind being at least 90%, and I believe much more, possibly 99% or more of our total Earthly Mind. The Subconscious Mind also exists in the realms of the collective Mind. In other words it is only the Conscious Mind that perceives everyone and everything as being "separate". The Subconscious Mind, existing beyond the influences of "time" and "space", knows that there is only One, which in turn is part of absolute Oneness, both with all other Subconscious Minds and ultimately of Universal Mind. For example - dreams, Astral and other forms of Projection take place exclusively within Subconscious Mind. When people speak of "Astral Projection" it is erroneous - there is in fact no external projection at all - it is an illusion. Astral, like Out of Body Experiences generally as well as dreams is actually a "projection" within our own Subconscious Mind,which is also the realms of the collective Subconscious Mind. We therefore share the experience with all other Subconscious Minds that are on the same Vibratory Focus within the Energy of the Universe that are generally known in esoteric and occult terms as "Astral Projection" - a somewhat erroneous term even though the experience seems to be, and is very real from the perspective of the experiencer. The Astral Planes are the shared realms of Mind of people of the same vibration after "passing on". In other words it is a shared created experience shared by all those sharing it. Our true "home" is the Mental, Spiritual planes where we reside as a pure Energy experience beyond all Earthly concept of "form". The physical Universe, including is both temporal and transient, the Astral Planes also being transient in nature. It is our Subconscious Mind that manages every aspect of our physical body, maintaining all vital bodily functions, for example breathing, digestion and assimilation of food, flow of the blood and beating of the heart, functioning of organs and much more that most people take for granted. When we were "conceived", it was the Subconscious Mind that built our body, cell by cell, in accordance with the genetic "blueprint" provided in our DNA as passed on to us by both parents. After we are born into the physical world the Subconscious Mind maintains total dominion over every aspect of our physical body, but only in accordance with the "wishes" of the Conscious Mind. This is why we can, and many people do make themselves ill - the Subconscious Mind is simply following orders in accordance with the thought processes of the Conscious Mind. If for example a person sees someone sneeze, assumes they have a "cold" ane expects to "catch the germs" themselves, the Subconscious Mind will duly oblige. Having three children of school age they sometimes in the winter inevitably catch "bugs" at school and start coughing and sneezing. I never "catch" these diseases because I refuse to acknowledge their existence, affirming instead only my reality of perfect health. Anyone can do this with the right presence of Mind. The good news is the Subconscious Mind can also be impressed to heal absolutely any physical or mental ailment without limitation. The Subconscious Mind originally built our body to the blueprint of perfection that Source, First Cause, God only holds an image of for each of us, but with our DNA making us unique. This is what is meant by the Biblical truth that we are "made in the image of God". The "image" does not mean we look like God, it rather means we are made in the true Spiritual Image of God, Source, in terms of Energy and Consciousness of Whom we are a channel of experience and expression, and through which Source thus expands. Therefore all we need to do to heal ourself and maintain perfect health is to impress the Subconscious Mind to maintain that image of perfection - this is what true healing is all about - impressing the Subconscious Mind to rebuild the body in accordance with the blueprint of perfection provided by, and held by Universal Mind. Of course Faith and Belief are are required, both of which we have discussed before and will doubtlessly discuss again in the future. In addition, Subconscious Mind is a sphere of activity of Universal Mind to Whom Subconscious Mind is intimately connected and a Divine aspect of. In the case of healing, Subconscious Mind acts directly upon the physical body, also calling upon the resources of Universal Mind if necessary. In the case of manifestation using what is known as "The Law of Attraction", Subconscious Mind goes directly to Universal Mind,thus directing the creative forces of Universal Mind with ourself as the point of focus in the physical world, thereby bringing about a manifestation into experiential reality within the physical world. Again, true Faith and Belief are fundamental to this process. So what then of the Conscious Mind? The Conscious Mind is a small aspect, subset and sphere of activity of Subconscious Mind, just as Subconscious Mind is in turn of Universal Mind. Subconscious Mind never, ever makes decisions, argues, pro-actively performs actions or anything else. Subconscious Mind instead "takes its orders" from Conscious Mind except for the basic bodily functions "ordered" by Universal Mind at the time of incarnation, since Conscious Mind was not sufficiently developed at that point to direct this initial constructive process. Subconscious Mind responds to one fundamental - thought. Whatever we think about persistently Subconscious Mind will thus accept and bring into our temporal experience, either directly in the case of the physical body, or through the creative power of Universal Mind in the case of everything else. It should be mentioned that we each, as an infinite aspect of Universal Mind share the same infinite Creative characteristics of Universal Mind - we truly are unlimited, or rather limited only by our capacity of thought supported by Faith and Belief. This is why Jesus spoke so often about "Faith" and "Belief" - they are so very crucial, but yet so misunderstood, especially by orthodox religion. Alas - most people have no control over their own thought processes through the Conscious Mind, often choosing to focus on the evidence provided by their own physical eyes, often focusing on negative things, always "thinking the worst", and thereby inevitably attracting more of the same - such is current "human nature", always ready to "believe the worst", always complaining when "the worst" manifests. With Faith in our Divine nature, and Belief in the creative processes, absolutely anything is possible, limited only by our Imagination, Belief and Faith in the process, supported by Unconditional Love and Gratitude. If only these thought processes could be reversed, then their would truly be nothing people cannot be, do or have, and there would be no unhappiness and disease in the world. The coming years will present a golden opportunity to bring this about, and thus the "Kingdom of Heaven on Earth". This is another reason I wrote my book, showing the way forward: So the Conscious Mind is "boss", Subconscious Mind faithfully carrying out all orders from the "boss" without question. Although the action of Subconscious Mind is always in the direction of Life and survival, the reason It maintains all vital bodily functions, Subconscious Mind will still bring about illness or even "death" "on request". Many a person has believed they are going to "die", often in specific situations, and it has come to pass. A few years ago I heard of someone who became convinced that, at age 24 he was going to die in a car crash, and within a year he did.He believed it was destiny or some other external "forces", but in fact it was his own superstition and thought processes which his Subconscious Mind carried out to the letter and immutable precision. As far as the Subconscious Mind is concerned, if the "boss" with its freewill wishes to "die", then so be it. Subconscious Mind makes no judgements, simply rather following "orders" from Conscious Mind, conveyed by thought processes. Our ancient ancestors made full use of these Principles. However, as humans have become more "civilised", more materialistic and more controlled by relations, friends and socio-economic pressures, the Conscious Mind has become programmed and often stuck in a flow of negative and often destructive, including self-destructive thought processes. So what does this mean in practical terms? It means quite simply this - everyone must learn to take and maintain control over your own Conscious Mind, and to steer and guide in in the direction of joy, health, abundance, service to others and above all growth and therefore evolution. Your newsletter subscriber opportunity this week, edited, modified and formatted by myself and designed to enhance your ease of understanding, use and enjoyment will also show you how to make the most of The Power of Your Subconscious Mind with profoundly positive consequences. One of the most powerful, if not the most powerful book on this important subject ever written. For the bigger picture, especially in the context of growth and evolution, my book will show you the way, as it has for countless people already, who's life it has changed: Until next week. free electricity
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