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Jill Bachman

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Re: My Poetry.... Roger Macdivitt
3/10/2009 5:35:17 AM

Hi Roger,

Well, all I can say is......this little corner of your world is absolutely FABULOUS!!!

Maybe I should add (just for humor) is it because you are surrounded by so many femaile admirers???!!!   hehehe

I know, I know..........I am relentless.  I thrive on humor and I can't help myself.  :-)

Bless you for your continued inspiration and WE ALL LOVE your beautiful work!

Hugs,  Jill

Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: My Poetry.... Roger Macdivitt
3/10/2009 3:27:12 PM


I think that it must be my natural environment.

I have a wife, two daughters and three granddaughters. All girls!


I prefer to surround myself with beauty, it inspires me.

It is one of life's mysteries to me.

Why on earth does a beautiful, gentle feminine woman even look at some half-shaven, oafish, clumsy great guy?

Not for me to understand.

Am I serious? I wonder?


Myrna Ferguson

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Re: My Poetry.... Roger Macdivitt
3/10/2009 11:11:57 PM
Hi Roger,

You are too much fun, you sure do give me some good laughs.  With your poems and you humor and wit.  I love it keep it coming.

I too am glad you started your own forum for your poems, I think everyone should have there own forum to celebrate their talents.  I haven't found my talent yet.

Here is you favorite flower.

Judy Smith

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Re: My Poetry.... Roger Macdivitt
3/11/2009 7:27:52 AM

Hi Roger,

Thanks for coming to get me - from now until after Easter, I am just booked solid and away alot and thus the notifications are off a lot so I don't get overwhelmed.

I am with Myrna,  You just amaze me with your talents.  You are funny, quick witted and your appreciation of nature and beauty all shine through the lines of your poetry.  Keep it coming my friend!! I love youre creativity!

Hugs and blessings,


Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: My Poetry.... Roger Macdivitt
3/11/2009 7:52:43 AM


Another wonderful Iris, how beautiful.

Myrna, your talents probably lay with your ability to make others feel comfortable, at home and cared for. That is something that not everyone has and you have a lot.

