All in the Nature of Man
Some have greatness thrust upon them
So it has famously been said
Some have little chance of advancement
Stagnation is their lot instead
For some life offers a menu of choices
They see chance while others despair
The great inventors brought us changes
The thrifty in turn brought repairs
The artist creates stimulation
Sometimes beauty, sometimes shock sometimes both
They may paint, carve, sculpt or make music
Their labours bring with them spiritual growth
Then there are the patient in society
Their calmness masking their own hidden talents
They contribute little to life’s every-day facets
But when called upon they show they have brilliance
The entrapraneur only sees profit
And is often short of valuable time
If a project fails to generate wealth
It is shunned like the proceeds of crime
The humble frequently are unnoticed
Their talents often highly disguised
Care and compassion are intuitive
And life’s losers and failure’s are revived
The pen can never name all traites
Even over a lifetime of trying
But let us celebrate all that we notice
Our God-given greatness no sense in denying