What of that angry young man?
What of that angry young man?
What part of his anger was aimed at injustice?
What proportion of his anger was mere frustration?
What of that anger was a product of his experiences?
What of that angry young man?
Did his anger change the world?
If it did, was it for the better?
What anger was released, what retained?
What of that angry young man?
When did anger subside into acceptance?
No noticeable point, just a merge, a metamorphosis.
True, still there, still simmering but no longer boiling.
What of that angry young man?
Did parental responsibility calm that once strong emotion?
Or did that anger rise again, same emotion, different reasons?
Where now that anger aimed at the world?
What of that angry young man?
Fulfilled by love given, by love returned.
A partner, children, new friends, children’s friends.
Testing and changing and controlling.
What of that angry young man?
What anger remains?
Surfacing now in his later years, no longer young.
The patience of yesterday changing to intolerance.
What of that angry young man?
Now railing at the injustice of his spouse’s assumptions.
Angry at the world again.
A world that cheated him of his youth and influence.
What of that angry young man?
Angry at every youthful motorist.
Angry at technology.
Angry at change.
What of that angry young man?
He lies there, angry at his nurses, his carer.
Angry at his paltry pension.
Angry with his god.
What of that angry young man?
Brought to this.
Time to think.
Why was I so angry?
What of this angry young man?
He hears that he is loved.
He begins to believe.
He finds a peace?
What of this angry young man?
Is he his fathers’ son?
Angry with his father’s nurses’
Angry that he has been left.
What of this angry young man?
Mother, wife, children.
Testing, changing, controlling.
What will happen to this angry young man?
How soon can he find peace?
© Roger L Macdivitt 2010