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Kathy Hamilton

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National Gas out Day
9/2/2005 1:32:04 AM
Hello Friends, this is a message from Jerry Rosenbaum are friend here at adland, Kathy September 17th National Gas Out Day! It is URGENT that we spread the word as fast as possible! There is only one way to get the big gas companies to understand how un-happy we are with the current gas prices and situation! Gas is at over $3.00+ per gallon and in parts of the country it is over $5.00+ per gallon! This may just get way worse and not better. The government is NOT DOING anything about this and WE MUST let our opinion be known! CLICK HERE to see the latest prices from Some Cities! Gas sales are over $4.6 BILLION Dollars per day! If we all do a small part and not buy gas for even that one day we can effect the oil companies by showing them a LOSS in income! We must band together and have a ONE DAY GAS OUT... This means that on a certain day we ALL Agree to not buy any gas. If we can get enough people together to do the same thing we can let the gas companies know how MAD WE ARE... The gas companies track sales on a minute to minute basis and if enough us do not buy gas they will see a HUGE DROP IN SALES... Hitting them in their pockets is the ONLY WAY to let them know!! CLICK HERE to tell a friend about the National Gas Out Day CLICK HERE to PRINT out a Flyer and post it at work and etc. The date we have for the National Gas Out is: September the 17th of 2005 this is a Saturday and not a regular work day! We know how much we all depend on gas this is why we are doing it on a Saturday so that more people will just not buy gas since they are not on the way to work.
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Re: National Gas out Day
9/2/2005 1:41:14 AM
Thanks for posting this Kathy---I do think it's important for all the people. Jerry
Paul Davey

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Re: National Gas out Day
9/2/2005 1:44:52 AM
Hi Kathy, pure greed, it's not just the gas companies it's the owners of gas forecourts. If I remember a few years ago here in the UK, when they the government wanted to put extra on the price of gas (petrol)people took to the streets well motorways (freeways)and blocked all lanes by driving real slow in thier trucks cars and tractors, basicaly bringing the UK's roads to a stand still. To Ya Paul
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Re: National Gas out Day
9/2/2005 3:17:03 AM
Hello Kathy! Thanks for getting this information out to community. I have some more info on the boycott at my site: JOHN
Donna Lira

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Gas out Day
9/2/2005 3:54:36 AM
Hi Kathy, Just on the TV this evening, on Bill O'Reilly, No Spin Zone, they were announcing that everyone should not buy gas on Sundays. So the word is out Nationwide already. Thanks for the post. Regards, Donna aka texgirl

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