Hey there Tom,
Sorry for the delay getting back here.
Now you asked me the question, is line dancing like following the leader..
No exactly.. We form a straight line side by side in several rows depending on how many people are on the floor at once.
You do not need a partner and this is why I liked line dancing as my ex did not like dancing nor does James which I do.. The line of dancers all do the same steps, there is opportunity in many of the choregraphed dances to be individual and do extra turns and twirls while still keeping in beat with the music and steps.
The lines usually turn a quarter turn to the left (more often than to the right) after each completion of the dance to start again. There are some dances that do a 3 quarter turn or even a half turn but mostly when I danced they were a quarter turn..
Dancing is a line with a lot of people has to have some order.
To learn the dances there are classes whereby a leader stands at the front and if two or more also know the dance they will place themselves on the ends of the line and or at the back so when we are turning while learning we still have some one to follow because it is easy to learn the dance facing one direction, but once you change the 'wall' of quarter turn and looking toward another direction this is where many of us comes unstuck and forget what we are doing next when learning a new dance..
There is a lot of laughter and fun times at class and I always enjoyed the 'hoedowns' and travelling to different towns and cities to the venues as I made many great friends and was great for socializing.