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Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Got an Answer??
2/21/2009 5:28:05 PM

Hello my good friends.

What wonderful support we find here.

It amazes me that with such different backgrounds and approaches to our faith we can share His word with such grace and understanding.

The help that I have received here is beyond price. We all suffer challenges within our faith and this was a time that I felt that my surrender was not enough.

I have now had time to address this problem with Him and find some peace.


Kim Stilwell

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Re: Got an Answer??
2/21/2009 6:27:18 PM

Yes I so agree Roger, that anyone who gets to know people here will find many good hearted real people who do have heart; it's a nice thing. And yes, there is a noticable quality of Respect here, consideration for other feelings and views, and I do also appreciate and respect that.

Glad to hear you have a new peace; I do believe that we do face many challenges in this life, both interior and exterior, and they are not meant to destroy us but actually to make us grow in some way, and we can often see that after the fact.  This goes along with the idea that even if we die daily, interiorally we gain "life" in the process...and there is Life in a seasoned heart.    Glad to hear,   Kim

Thomas Richmond

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Re: Got an Answer??
2/21/2009 9:38:24 PM
Roger, i am impressed with what you found in God to take on such peace, now you know how to overcome what is not as easy to achieve from anyone who believes in the The Gospels, it took me atleast a good 6 months of teachings before i got it , i wanted it anyway , went through baptism to show my good faith and i found my peace, others takes longer and there are some who don't take as long, isn't God wonderful by what he does for each individual, sooner or later he makes it happen if you just follow through.
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Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Got an Answer??
2/22/2009 4:22:11 AM


Great new photo.

Thank you for your words. As usual you hit the spot.


Thomas Richmond

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Re: Got an Answer??
2/22/2009 11:19:35 AM
Thank you Roger, i was tagged with that photo from a brother over at Facebook, taken sometime last year. I love to hit the right spot in people Roger and even more so with friends :) God_bless you my friend. Keep the faith! :)
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