Oh how I Love these topics you come up with Thomas; always inspiring!
And hi Roger! I think of you...
This word brings to mind a word God gave me once that I never forget....
"The will of God and the will of man are 2 separate things."
With the thought in mind of the difficulty of "Surrender," I think we often make God's will our will; we reason in our mind how God's will does fit our own desires, wants, and needs. (Now here we have to remember that we do have an interior struggle that goes on constantly between the mortal nature and the spirit of God or the nature of God in us), and if we are "willing" to admit it, what we are actually doing here is choosing our own mind and wants and beliefs about our life over Gods, and we often do that because we associate God's will with....self sacrifice, which in turn causes our mind to automatically think we will be required to "give up" things in order to surrender to God's will.
The revelation to see and discover though is that God is actually more on our side than our our mind is often! In other words, while we, in our efforts, are seeking to provide for the wants and needs of the mortal man, God is always looking after the needs and even desires of the our heart/soul/spirit. It's logical or atleast acceptable if we will admit it, that we humans do often put our more immediate needs and wants that relate to our senses above the more intangible, long term gains of our spirit/soul.
So while we have a hard time with Surrender, what we are actually having a hard time with is laying aside our more immediate sensory or worldly wants and needs so that the more invisible and eternal desires and needs of our spirit or heart can proceed, if we have a heart that is alive to God and led by him.
So here is our Encouragement...it is in the "knowledge" that God has made clear in his word...which is, if we hold back or deny often the more sensory and demanding wants and needs of the mortal part which is oriented by the natural senses of this physical world, and Surrender to interior senses of heart which is where God speaks to us via our conscience, we are actually allowing ourselves to move toward not only God's will in us, but the will of our deeper heart/spirit which if connected to God, has our more core or spiritual and eternal interests in mind.
Further Encouragment is here...if we know the reality of God's Truth/Word...which is...when we grow and prosper interiorally in heart/spirit, and or achieve successes and victories interiorally, what is interior automatically manifests in our physical or exterior life. So then "Surrender" to God is actually surrender to our Greater wants and needs in life, since God's motive toward us is all about us having "Life" in heart/spirit so that in turn we will have "Life" even in this mortality.
For the sake of what lies behind "Surrender"