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Dennis Clairmont

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Re: It's That Time Again...! Nominations For The Feature Of The Week!
11/8/2005 3:24:39 PM
Hi John I've never nominated before now.I've voted many times and all were good choices by you kind people. For my first nomination i nominate Mr.Bo Tipton He might look grouchy but is a great member of the community.You'll see Bo everywhere posting on everything.Bo will help anyone that asks for help.Bo deserves his day in the sun.
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Shelly Hargis

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Re: It's That Time Again...! Nominations For The Feature Of The Week!
11/8/2005 5:31:02 PM
Hi John. I See Bo Has Been Nominated so That was One of My Ideas. I dont believe that these two Guys Have been Nominated Yet But I would Like to Nominate Jim White and Bob Needham. They are Both Great Guys and Friends to so Many and They both Have Kind Hearts. Thanks John. :) Your Friend, Shelly Hargis
Sarka Ksandrova

827 Posts
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Re: It's That Time Again...! Nominations For The Feature Of The Week!
11/8/2005 8:32:28 PM
Oh, my dear friend. Again so hart Questions? David. G Smith, Lisa Lomas, Anna Maria Paudern, La nell??? There are too meny nice, interresting, helpfool peoples. Thanks to all and Thank you John with Katty to make so much for us. Have a nice day, Sarka ____________________________________________
Re: It's That Time Again...! Nominations For The Feature Of The Week!
11/9/2005 4:37:29 PM
Hello John. As most of my 'bestest' friends have already been nominated or have already been POTW I think that really the delightful 'MsBeverly' should be considered. She is so hard working & re-searches everything she posts. Her forums are always full of really usefull information. I can think of no better person to get the honour of the acolade of POTW. You Rock Bev. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: It's That Time Again...! Nominations For The Feature Of The Week!
11/9/2005 4:43:12 PM
Hi John, Guess I should have done a bit more research myself there. MsBeverly was the 'Original' POTW Well, then Craftie Linda is my next nomination for the honour, She makes us augh, & she does a lot for the members of our community in ways that often go unoticed by most. Craftie, Stand up & take a bow, Your security friend in Las Vegas.

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